Explore projects
Games / harlowe
zlib LicenseUpdated -
zilf / zilf
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA set of tools for working with the ZIL interactive fiction language, including a compiler, assembler, disassembler, and game library.
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Games / trosnoth
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterRepo for the Trosnoth network game. This project is maintained by Joshua D. Bartlett.
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pypy.org website sources
This repo is archived. Please use https://github.com/pypy/pypy.org
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This is a small package containing a Sphinx theme named "Cloud", along with some related Sphinx extensions. See the documentation for an example of this theme, and more details - https://cloud-sptheme.readthedocs.io/
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Sublima Joint è un programma di raccordo (joint appunto) tra il cloud Sublima e l'hardware collegato al PC Client. Nasce per collegare e dialogare con i registratori fiscali, con le stampanti ed i terminalini e/o lettori di codici a barre avanzati.
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"extra" documentation and data for pypy. This contains talks, sprint info, papers and the pypy.org website source.
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PyPy / benchmarks
Othercomposition of various benchmark suites used for http://speed.pypy.org
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Nokia / mercurial-server
GNU General Public License v2.0 or latermercurial-server gives your developers remote read/write access to centralized Mercurial repositories using SSH public key authentication; it provides convenient and fine-grained key management and access control.
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Tryton Community / community / website
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Content of the tryton.community website
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mercurial / TortoiseHg / thg-build-deps / Iniparse
MIT No Attributionhttps://bitbucket.org/sborho/iniparse/ (hgsubversion import of http://iniparse.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/)
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doc-utils / rst2html5
MIT No AttributionGenerates (X)HTML5 documents from standalone reStructuredText sources
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Omnifarious / The StreamModule System
GNU Library General Public License v2 onlyA framework for asynchronous communication that's inspired by Solaris' STREAMS device driver and Unix pipes.