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+	python py/make_figures.py SAVE
+	rm -f tmp/table.tex
+	cd input && rm -f *.aux *.fdb_latexmk *.fls *.log *.bak* *.bbl *.blg *.out *Notes.bib
+	rm -rf tmp
+cleanall: clean cleantmp
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+	cd input && formattex *.tex -i -v
+	black -l 82 py
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+# Source of a great article
+- The pdf file is produced with the command `make`.
+- The Latex code can be formatted with the command `make format`.
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/input/article.tex b/2022strat_turb_toro/input/article.tex
new file mode 100644
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+  aps,
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+    abbreviations
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+\newcommand{\epsKKKK}{{\varepsilon_{\!\scriptscriptstyle K 4}}}
+\newcommand{\epsA}{{\varepsilon_{\!\scriptscriptstyle A}}}
+\newcommand{\mean}[1]{\langle #1 \rangle}
+\newcommand{\epsP}{\varepsilon_{\!\scriptscriptstyle P}}
+\newcommand{\epsm}{\varepsilon_{\!\scriptscriptstyle m}}
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+  \patchAmsMathEnvironmentForLineno{#1*}}%
+\title{A great title}
+\author{Pierre Augier}
+\author{Vincent Reneuve}
+\author{Jason Reneuve}
+\affiliation{Laboratoire des Ecoulements G\'eophysiques et Industriels, Universit\'e
+Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble-INP, F-38000 Grenoble, France}
+% Print the title
+\section{Numerical setup}
+The numerical simulations presented in this article are performed using the
+pseudospectral solver \mintinline{python}{ns3d.strat} from the FluidSim Python package
+\cite{fluiddyn,fluidfft,fluidsim}. Using this solver, we integrate the
+three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations under the Boussinesq approximation:
+\p_t\vv + (\vv \cdot \bnabla)\vv = b\boldsymbol{e}_z - \frac{1}{\rho_0}\bnabla p +
+\nu_2\nabla^2\vv + \nu_4\nabla^4\vv + \ff,\label{ns} \\
+\p_t{b} + (\vv \cdot \bnabla)b = -N^2v_z + \kappa_2\nabla^2{b} +
+where $\vv$ is the velocity, $p$ the pressure, $b=-g\delta\rho/\rho_0$, with $\rho_0$
+the mean density and $\delta\rho$ the departure from the stable linear density
+stratification. For all simulations, the second-order viscosity is set to the value for
+water in usual temperature and pressure conditions, $\nu_2=10^{-6}$\,m$^2$/s.
+For some simulations, a fourth-order hyperviscosity term is added. The fourth-order
+viscosity $\nu_4$ is left as a free parameter and adapted to the resolution of
+simulations in order to ensure that dissipative scales are well resolved. Similarly,
+the equation of motion \eqref{buoy} for the buoyancy field $b$ presents both second and
+fourth order diffusive terms, with corresponding diffusion coefficients $\kappa_2$ and
+$\kappa_4$. We can then build two different Prandtl numbers
+$\text{Pr}_i=\nu_i/\kappa_i$ for $i=2,4$. In all simulations, both those Prandtl
+numbers are set to unity, such that $\kappa_2=\nu_2$ and $\kappa_4=\nu_4$. The use of
+both normal and hyperviscosity is an important tool for the comparison with
+experiments. More specifically, we use the measure of the turbulent kinetic
+dissipations $\epsKK$ and $\epsKKKK$ based on both viscosities, and the ratio
+$\epsKK/\epsK$ where $\epsK=\epsKK+\epsKKKK$, as an indicator of how close the
+simulations we perform are to proper DNS of the Boussinesq equations with only water
+viscosity. For a set of physical parameters, the needed hyperviscosity decreases when
+the resolution is increased and the ratio $\epsKK/\epsK$ grows towards unity.
+For all simulations we take $N=0.6$\,rad/s and $\nu_2=10^{-6}$\,m$^2$/s. The remaining
+free parameters are the resolution $n_x\times n_y\times n_z$, the reduced forcing
+frequency $F=\omega_f/N$ and amplitude $a$, and the hyperviscosity $\nu_4$ which is
+adapted to the other parameters so that the dissipative scales are well-resolved. The
+simulations were performed on a local cluster at LEGI for resolutions up to
+$480\times480\times80$, and on the national CINES cluster Occigen for resolutions up to
+$2304\times2304\times384$. Parameters and dimensionless numbers for each simulations
+are summarized in table~\ref{table_simul}. The turbulent nondimensional numbers are
+computed from the statistically stationary flows as $F_h = \epsK / ({U_h}^2 N)$, $\R_2
+= \epsK / (\nu_2 N^2)$ and $\R_4 = \epsK{U_h}^2 / (\nu_4 N ^ 4)$, where $\epsK$ is the
+mean kinetic energy dissipation and $U_h$ the rms horizontal velocity. The results
+presented in this article are obtained from periods of the simulation when a steady
+state has been approximately reached. Because the time scales of the flows studied here
+are very long, finding such steady-state period can be very difficult and
+computationally costly. In order to reach an approximately steady state in a reasonable
+time, we start all the simulations at a reduced resolution $240\times240\times40$, and
+increase the resolution step by step only when a sufficiently stationary state has been
+reached. When such a state is observed, specific outputs are turned on and the
+simulation is ran further for 10 to 20 minutes of equation time in order to produce
+substantial data to analyze, before increasing the resolution again if needed.
+%% Method: simulations 1 couple (N, R_i)
+% \input{../tmp/table_N?_Ri?.tex}
+\todo{Include product kmax * Taylor microscale}
+% \centerline{
+% \includegraphics[width=0.48\textwidth]{%
+% ../tmp/fig_E_vs_time_N?_Ri?}
+% \includegraphics[width=0.48\textwidth]{%
+% ../tmp/fig_means_versus_kmaxeta_N?_Ri?}
+% }
+\caption{(a) Energy versus time for simulations at different resolutions for $N=$ and
+$Ri=$. (b) Averaged quantities versus $\kmax\eta$ for the same simulations.
+\begin{figure}% [H]
+% \centerline{
+% \includegraphics[width=0.48\textwidth]{%
+% ../tmp/fig_E_vs_kh_N?_Ri?}
+% \includegraphics[width=0.48\textwidth]{%
+% ../tmp/fig_E_vs_kz_N?_Ri?}
+% }
+\caption{Horizontal (a) and vertical (b) spectra for simulations at different
+resolutions for $N=$ and $Ri=$. \label{fig:method-N?-Ri?-spectra}}
+%% Method: resolution and hyperdiffusivity for the better simulations for each couple (N, R_i)
+\caption{. \label{fig:method-resolution-hyperdiffusivity}}
+% \input{../tmp/table_better_simuls.tex}
+\subsection{Large and small scale isotropy coefficients}
+%% Large scale isotropy
+\caption{Large scale isotropy coefficients. \label{fig:large-scale-isotropy}}
+%% Small scale isotropy
+\caption{Small scale isotropy coefficients. \label{fig:small-scale-isotropy}}
+%% Isotropy coefficient: summary
+\caption{Large and small scale isotropy coefficients.
+\subsection{Aspect ratio of integral scales}
+\subsection{Mixing coefficient}
+\subsection{Spatial spectra and spectral energy budget}
+\section{Conclusions and perspectives}
+We performed numerical simulations of a stratified turbulent flow, using a forcing
+This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
+under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant
+No. 647018-WATU). It was also partially supported by the Simons Foundation
+through the Simons collaboration on wave turbulence. Part of this work was
+performed using resources provided by \href{https://www.cines.fr/}{CINES} under
+GENCI allocation number A0080107567.
+%\appendix\section{A great appendix}
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+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/input/biblio.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+%% Theses
+  title={Numerical study of 2D stratified turbulence forced by internal gravity waves},
+  author={Linares, Miguel Calpe},
+  year={2020},
+  school={Universit{\'e} Grenoble Alpes [2020-....]}
+%% Articles
+doi = {10.5334/jors.237},
+year = {2019},
+publisher = {Ubiquity Press,  Ltd.},
+volume = {7},
+author = {Pierre Augier and Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan and Cyrille Bonamy},
+title = {{FluidDyn}: A Python Open-Source Framework for Research and Teaching in Fluid Dynamics
+    by Simulations,  Experiments and Data Processing},
+journal = {Journal of Open Research Software}
+doi = {10.5334/jors.238},
+year = {2019},
+publisher = {Ubiquity Press,  Ltd.},
+volume = {7},
+author = {Ashwin Vishnu Mohanan and Cyrille Bonamy and Pierre Augier},
+title = {{FluidFFT}: Common {API} (C$++$ and Python)
+    for Fast Fourier Transform {HPC} Libraries},
+journal = {Journal of Open Research Software}
+doi = {10.5334/jors.239},
+year = {2019},
+publisher = {Ubiquity Press,  Ltd.},
+volume = {7},
+author = {Mohanan, Ashwin Vishnu and Bonamy, Cyrille and Linares, Miguel
+    Calpe and Augier, Pierre},
+title = {{FluidSim}: {Modular}, {Object}-{Oriented} {Python} {Package} for
+    {High}-{Performance} {CFD} {Simulations}},
+journal = {Journal of Open Research Software}
+  title = {Generation of weakly nonlinear turbulence of internal gravity waves in the Coriolis facility},
+  author = {Savaro, Cl\'ement and Campagne, Antoine and Linares, Miguel Calpe and Augier, Pierre and Sommeria, Jo\"el and Valran, Thomas and Viboud, Samuel and Mordant, Nicolas},
+  journal = {Phys. Rev. Fluids},
+  volume = {5},
+  issue = {7},
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+  numpages = {22},
+  year = {2020},
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+  publisher = {American Physical Society},
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+  url = {https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.073801}
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+  title = {A penalization method to take into account obstacles in incompressible viscous flows},
+  journal = {Numerische Mathematik}
+  title={Internal waves in the ocean},
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+  journal={Annual review of fluid mechanics},
+  volume={11},
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+  title={Toward regional characterizations of the oceanic internal wavefield},
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+  journal={Reviews of geophysics},
+  volume={49},
+  number={4},
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+  publisher={Wiley Online Library}
+  title={Stratified turbulence forced in rotational and divergent modes},
+  author={Lindborg, Erik and Brethouwer, Geert},
+  journal={J. Fluid Mech.},
+  volume={586},
+  pages={83--108},
+  year={2007},
+  publisher={Cambridge University Press}
+  title={Stratified turbulence: A possible interpretation of some geophysical turbulence measurements},
+  author={Riley, James J and Lindborg, Erik},
+  journal={Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences},
+  volume={65},
+  number={7},
+  pages={2416--2424},
+  year={2008}
+  title={The energy cascade in a strongly stratified fluid},
+  author={Lindborg, Erik},
+  journal={J. Fluid Mech.},
+  volume={550},
+  pages={207--242},
+  year={2006},
+  publisher={Cambridge University Press}
+  title={The effects of stable stratification on the decay of initially isotropic homogeneous turbulence},
+  author={de Bruyn Kops, Stephen M and Riley, James J},
+  journal={J. Fluid Mech.},
+  volume={860},
+  pages={787--821},
+  year={2019},
+  publisher={Cambridge University Press}
+title={Scaling analysis and simulation of strongly stratified turbulent flows},
+journal={J. Fluid Mech.},
+publisher={Cambridge University Press},
+author={BRETHOUWER, G. and BILLANT, P.
+and LINDBORG, E. and CHOMAZ, J.-M.},
+  title={Stratified turbulence generated by internal gravity waves},
+  author={Waite, Michael L and Bartello, Peter},
+  journal={J. Fluid Mech.},
+  volume={546},
+  pages={313--339},
+  year={2006},
+  publisher={Cambridge University Press}
+  title={Numerical study of 2D stratified turbulence forced by internal gravity waves},
+  author={Linares, Miguel Calpe},
+  year={2020},
+  school={Universit{\'e} Grenoble Alpes [2020-....]}
+  title={Parametric instability and wave turbulence driven by tidal excitation of internal waves},
+  author={Le Reun, Thomas and Favier, Benjamin and Le Bars, Michael},
+  journal={J. Fluid Mech.},
+  volume={840},
+  pages={498--529},
+  year={2018},
+  publisher={Cambridge University Press}
+  title={Robust identification of dynamically distinct regions in stratified turbulence},
+  author={Portwood, Gavin D and de Bruyn Kops, Stephen M and Taylor, John Ryan and Salehipour, H and Caulfield, CP},
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+  volume={807},
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+  publisher={Cambridge University Press}
+  doi = {10.1103/physrevfluids.5.114802},
+  url = {https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevfluids.5.114802},
+  year = {2020},
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+  publisher = {American Physical Society ({APS})},
+  volume = {5},
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+  author = {Andrea Maffioli and Alexandre Delache and Fabien S. Godeferd},
+  title = {Signature and energetics of internal gravity waves in stratified turbulence},
+  journal = {Physical Review Fluids}
+  title={Contribution à l'analyse de la turbulence associée à des vitesses moyennes},
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+  journal={Pub. Sci. Tech. du Ministère de l'Air (France) (345)},
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+  title={Approach of axisymmetric turbulence to isotropy},
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+  title={Fluid motions in the presence of strong stable stratification},
+  author={Riley, James J and Lelong, Marie-Pascale},
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+  year={2000}
+  title={Turbulence and vortex structures in rotating and stratified flows},
+  author={Cambon, Claude},
+  journal={European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids},
+  volume={20},
+  number={4},
+  pages={489--510},
+  year={2001}
+  title={Kinetic equations and stationary energy spectra of weakly nonlinear internal gravity waves},
+  author={Caillol, Ph and Zeitlin, V},
+  journal={Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans},
+  volume={32},
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+  year={2000}
+  title={Generation of slow large scales in forced rotating stratified turbulence},
+  author={Smith, Leslie M and Waleffe, Fabian},
+  journal={J. Fluid Mech.},
+  volume={451},
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+  year={2002}
+  title={Stratified turbulence forced with columnar dipoles: numerical study},
+  author={Augier, Pierre and Billant, Paul and Chomaz, Jean-Marc},
+  journal={J. Fluid Mech.},
+  volume={769},
+  pages={403--443},
+  year={2015}
+  }
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/input/intro.tex b/2022strat_turb_toro/input/intro.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9pbnB1dC9pbnRyby50ZXg=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/input/intro.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/make_figures.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/make_figures.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9tYWtlX2ZpZ3VyZXMucHk=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/make_figures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from runpy import run_path
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import has_to_be_made, has_to_save, here
+def make_fig(name, source=None):
+    if source is None:
+        source = f"save_{name}.py"
+    if has_to_be_made(f"fig_{name}", source):
+        # interesting: transonic/inspect bug without str(...)!
+        # https://foss.heptapod.net/fluiddyn/transonic/-/merge_requests/104
+        run_path(str(here / source))
+make_fig("methods_N40_Ri20", "save_fig_methods.py")
+if not has_to_save:
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_epsK2overepsK_vs_FhR.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_epsK2overepsK_vs_FhR.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9zYXZlX2Vwc0syb3ZlcmVwc0tfdnNfRmhSLnB5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_epsK2overepsK_vs_FhR.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import save_fig, plot
+from util_dataframe import df
+ax = plot(
+    df,
+    "Fh",
+    "R2",
+    c=df["epsK2/epsK"],
+    logy=True,
+    vmin=0,
+    vmax=1,
+    s=35,
+ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathcal{R} = Re {F_h}^2$")
+fig = ax.figure
+fig.text(0.85, 0.07, r"$\varepsilon_{K2} / \varepsilon_K$", fontsize=12)
+save_fig(fig, "fig_epsK2overepsK_vs_FhR.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_fig_methods.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_fig_methods.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9zYXZlX2ZpZ19tZXRob2RzLnB5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_fig_methods.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import save_fig, get_paths_couple, get_customized_dataframe
+N = 40
+Rb = 20
+paths = get_paths_couple(N, Rb)
+print([p.name for p in paths])
+df = get_customized_dataframe(paths)
+fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharex=True)
+ax0, ax1 = axes
+k_max_eta = df["k_max*eta"]
+    k_max_eta,
+    df["epsK2/epsK"],
+    "s:",
+    label=r"$\varepsilon_{K2} / (\varepsilon_{K2} + \varepsilon_{K4})$",
+    rf"$N = {N}$, "
+    + r"$\mathcal{R}_i"
+    + rf" = {Rb}$, $Re = {int(df.Re.max())}$ ($F_h = {df.Fh.mean():.2f}$, "
+    r"$\mathcal{R}_2 = " + rf"{df.R2.mean():.1f}$)"
+ax0.set_ylim([0, 1])
+ax0.set_ylabel(r"$\varepsilon_{K2} / (\varepsilon_{K2} + \varepsilon_{K4})$")
+ax1.set_xlabel("$k_{max} \eta$")
+    k_max_eta,
+    df["Gamma"],
+    "o:",
+    label=r"$\Gamma = \varepsilon_A / \varepsilon_K$",
+ax1.plot(k_max_eta, df["I_velocity"], "s:", label=r"$I_{velo}$")
+ax1.plot(k_max_eta, df["I_dissipation"], "^:", label=r"$I_{diss}$")
+save_fig(fig, f"fig_methods_N{N}_Ri{Rb}.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_coef_vs_FhR.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_coef_vs_FhR.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9zYXZlX2lzb3Ryb3B5X2NvZWZfdnNfRmhSLnB5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_coef_vs_FhR.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import save_fig, plot
+from util_dataframe import df
+ax = plot(
+    df,
+    "Fh",
+    "R2",
+    c=df["I_velocity"],
+    logy=True,
+    vmin=0.2,
+    vmax=0.8,
+    s=50 * df["I_dissipation"],
+ax.set_ylabel("$\mathcal{R} = Re {F_h}^2$")
+fig = ax.figure
+fig.text(0.84, 0.07, r"$I_\mathit{velocity}$", fontsize=12)
+ax_legend = fig.add_axes([0.17, 0.76, 0.2, 0.16])
+isotropy_diss = np.array([0.1, 0.5, 0.9])
+heights = np.array([0.2, 0.5, 0.8])
+ax_legend.scatter([0.15, 0.15, 0.15], heights, s=50 * isotropy_diss)
+ax_legend.set_xlim([0, 1])
+ax_legend.set_ylim([0, 1])
+for h, i in zip(heights, isotropy_diss):
+    ax_legend.text(0.28, h - 0.06, r"$I_\mathit{diss} = " + f"{i}$")
+save_fig(fig, "fig_isotropy_coef_vs_FhR.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_diss_vs_Fh.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_diss_vs_Fh.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9zYXZlX2lzb3Ryb3B5X2Rpc3NfdnNfRmgucHk=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_diss_vs_Fh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import save_fig, plot
+from util_dataframe import df
+ax = plot(
+    df, "Fh", "I_dissipation", c=np.log10(df["R2"]), vmin=0.5, vmax=2, logy=True
+# xs = np.linspace(1e-2, 1e-1, 4)
+# ax.plot(xs, 8e0 * xs**1)
+# ax.text(0.03, 0.4, "${F_h}^1$")
+# ax.plot(xs, 8e1 * xs**2)
+# ax.text(0.07, 0.2, "$F_h^{2}$")
+fig = ax.figure
+fig.text(0.84, 0.07, r"$\log_{10}(\mathcal{R})$", fontsize=12)
+save_fig(fig, "fig_isotropy_diss_vs_Fh.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_diss_vs_R.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_diss_vs_R.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9zYXZlX2lzb3Ryb3B5X2Rpc3NfdnNfUi5weQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_diss_vs_R.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import save_fig, plot
+from util_dataframe import df
+ax = plot(df, "R2", "I_dissipation", c=np.log10(df["Fh"]), vmin=-2, vmax=-1, logy=True)
+fig = ax.figure
+fig.text(0.84, 0.07, r"$\log_{10}(F_h)$", fontsize=12)
+save_fig(fig, "fig_isotropy_diss_vs_R.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_velo_vs_Fh.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_velo_vs_Fh.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9zYXZlX2lzb3Ryb3B5X3ZlbG9fdnNfRmgucHk=
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_velo_vs_Fh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import save_fig, plot
+from util_dataframe import df
+ax = plot(
+    df, "Fh", "I_velocity", c=np.log10(df["R2"]), vmin=0.5, vmax=2, logy=True
+xs = np.linspace(1e-2, 1e-1, 4)
+ax.plot(xs, 8e0 * xs**1)
+ax.text(0.03, 0.4, "${F_h}^1$")
+# ax.plot(xs, 8e1 * xs**2)
+# ax.text(0.07, 0.2, "$F_h^{2}$")
+fig = ax.figure
+fig.text(0.84, 0.07, r"$\log_{10}(\mathcal{R})$", fontsize=12)
+save_fig(fig, "fig_isotropy_velo_vs_Fh.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_velo_vs_R.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_velo_vs_R.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9zYXZlX2lzb3Ryb3B5X3ZlbG9fdnNfUi5weQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_isotropy_velo_vs_R.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import save_fig, plot
+from util_dataframe import df
+ax = plot(
+    df, "R2", "I_velocity", c=np.log10(df["Fh"]), vmin=-2, vmax=-1, logy=True
+fig = ax.figure
+fig.text(0.84, 0.07, r"$\log_{10}(F_h)$", fontsize=12)
+save_fig(fig, "fig_isotropy_velo_vs_R.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_kmaxeta_vs_FhR.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_kmaxeta_vs_FhR.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9zYXZlX2ttYXhldGFfdnNfRmhSLnB5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_kmaxeta_vs_FhR.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import save_fig, plot
+from util_dataframe import df
+ax = plot(
+    df,
+    "Fh",
+    "R2",
+    c=df["k_max*eta"],
+    logy=True,
+    vmin=0.2,
+    vmax=1.2,
+    s=35,
+ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathcal{R} = Re {F_h}^2$")
+fig = ax.figure
+fig.text(0.85, 0.07, r"$k_{max} \eta$", fontsize=12)
+save_fig(fig, "fig_kmaxeta_vs_FhR.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_mixing_coef_vs_Fh.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_mixing_coef_vs_Fh.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9zYXZlX21peGluZ19jb2VmX3ZzX0ZoLnB5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_mixing_coef_vs_Fh.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import save_fig, plot
+from util_dataframe import df
+ax = plot(
+    df,
+    "Fh",
+    "Gamma",
+    c=np.log10(df["R2"]),
+    logy=True,
+    vmin=0.3,
+    vmax=2,
+    s=35,
+# ax.set_xlim(right=1)
+# ax.set_ylim(top=1e3)
+ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Gamma=\epsilon_A / \epsilon_K$")
+xs = np.linspace(1.5e-1, 5e-1, 4)
+ax.plot(xs, 5e-2 * xs**-1)
+ax.text(0.16, 0.12, "${F_h}^{-1}$")
+xs = np.linspace(6e-1, 4, 4)
+ax.plot(xs, 5e-2 * xs**-2)
+ax.text(1.2, 0.05, "${F_h}^{-2}$")
+fig = ax.figure
+fig.text(0.85, 0.07, r"$\mathcal{R}$", fontsize=12)
+save_fig(fig, "fig_mixing_coef_vs_Fh.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_mixing_coef_vs_FhR.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_mixing_coef_vs_FhR.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS9zYXZlX21peGluZ19jb2VmX3ZzX0ZoUi5weQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/save_mixing_coef_vs_FhR.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from util import save_fig, plot
+from util_dataframe import df
+ax = plot(
+    df,
+    "Fh",
+    "R2",
+    c=df["Gamma"],
+    logy=True,
+    vmin=0.2,
+    vmax=0.6,
+    s=35,
+ax.set_ylabel(r"$\mathcal{R} = Re {F_h}^2$")
+fig = ax.figure
+fig.text(0.85, 0.07, r"$\Gamma=\frac{\epsilon_A}{\epsilon_K}$", fontsize=12)
+save_fig(fig, "fig_mixing_coef_vs_FhR.png")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    plt.show()
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/util.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/util.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS91dGlsLnB5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import os
+from itertools import product
+import sys
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from fluiddyn.util import has_to_be_made as _has_to_be_made
+from fluidsim.util import times_start_last_from_path, get_dataframe_from_paths
+path_base = os.environ["STRAT_TURB_TORO2022"]
+paths_all = sorted(Path(path_base).glob("simul_folders/ns3d*"))
+here = Path(__file__).absolute().parent
+tmp_dir = here.parent / "tmp"
+def has_to_be_made(name, sources: list):
+    if not isinstance(name, str):
+        names = name
+        return any(has_to_be_made(name, sources) for name in names)
+    if isinstance(sources, str):
+        sources = [sources]
+    sources.append("util.py")
+    if not name.endswith(".png"):
+        name += ".png"
+    return _has_to_be_made(tmp_dir / name, sources, source_dir=here)
+height = 3.7
+plt.rc("figure", figsize=(1.33 * height, height))
+def get_paths_couple(N, Rb, reverse=False):
+    str_N = f"_N{N}_"
+    str_Rb = f"_Rb{Rb:.3g}_"
+    str_Rb2 = f"_Rb{Rb}_"
+    paths_couple = [
+        p
+        for p in paths_all
+        if str_N in p.name and (str_Rb in p.name or str_Rb2 in p.name)
+    ]
+    paths_couple.sort(key=lambda p: int(p.name.split("x")[1]), reverse=reverse)
+    return paths_couple
+def get_path_finer_resol(N, Rb):
+    paths_couple = get_paths_couple(N, Rb, reverse=True)
+    for path in paths_couple:
+        t_start, t_last = times_start_last_from_path(path)
+        if t_last > t_start + 1:
+            return path
+def lprod(a, b):
+    return list(product(a, b))
+couples320 = set(
+    lprod([10, 20, 40], [5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160])
+    + lprod([30], [10, 20, 40])
+    + lprod([6.5], [100, 200])
+    + lprod([4], [250, 500])
+    + lprod([3], [450, 900])
+    + lprod([2], [1000, 2000])
+    + lprod([0.66], [9000, 18000])
+    + [(14.5, 20), (5.2, 150), (2.9, 475), (1.12, 3200), (0.25, 64000)]
+couples320.add((80, 10))
+couples320.add((120, 10))
+couples320.remove((40, 160))
+# Small Rb
+couples320.update(lprod([20], [1, 2]))
+couples320.update(lprod([40], [1, 2]))
+couples320.update(lprod([80], [0.5, 1]))
+has_to_save = "SAVE" in sys.argv
+def save_fig(fig, name):
+    if has_to_save:
+        fig.savefig(tmp_dir / name)
+def customize(result, sim):
+    result["Rb"] = float(sim.params.short_name_type_run.split("_Rb")[-1])
+    result["nx"] = sim.params.oper.nx
+    result["nz"] = sim.params.oper.nz
+def get_customized_dataframe(paths):
+    df = get_dataframe_from_paths(
+        paths, tmin="t_start+2", use_cache=1, customize=customize
+    )
+    df["Re"] = df.Rb * df.N**2
+    columns_old = df.columns.tolist()
+    # fmt: off
+    first_columns = [
+        "N", "Rb", "Re", "nx", "nz", "Fh", "R2", "k_max*eta", "epsK2/epsK", "Gamma",
+        "lx1", "lx2", "lz1", "lz2", "I_velocity", "I_dissipation"]
+    # fmt: on
+    columns = first_columns.copy()
+    for key in columns_old:
+        if key not in columns:
+            columns.append(key)
+    df = df[columns]
+    return df
+def plot(
+    df,
+    x,
+    y,
+    logx=True,
+    logy=False,
+    c=None,
+    vmin=None,
+    vmax=None,
+    s=None,
+    ax = df.plot.scatter(
+        x=x,
+        y=y,
+        logx=logx,
+        logy=logy,
+        c=c,
+        edgecolors="k",
+        vmin=vmin,
+        vmax=vmax,
+        s=s,
+    )
+    pc = ax.collections[0]
+    pc.set_cmap("inferno")
+    if c is not None:
+        plt.colorbar(pc, ax=ax)
+    return ax
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/py/util_dataframe.py b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/util_dataframe.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9weS91dGlsX2RhdGFmcmFtZS5weQ==
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/py/util_dataframe.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from util import couples320, get_path_finer_resol, get_customized_dataframe
+paths = []
+for N, Rb in sorted(couples320):
+    paths.append(get_path_finer_resol(N, Rb))
+print(f"Using {len(paths)} simulations")
+df = get_customized_dataframe(paths)
diff --git a/2022strat_turb_toro/requirements.txt b/2022strat_turb_toro/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_MjAyMnN0cmF0X3R1cmJfdG9yby9yZXF1aXJlbWVudHMudHh0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022strat_turb_toro/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff --git a/reply_Zwart2020/requirements.txt b/reply_Zwart2020/requirements.txt
index 5cfc2a4b634dfbb8c967647729af91f2b303eeff_cmVwbHlfWndhcnQyMDIwL3JlcXVpcmVtZW50cy50eHQ=..d171aa676d9a046ff4c0888354db8560921b011a_cmVwbHlfWndhcnQyMDIwL3JlcXVpcmVtZW50cy50eHQ= 100644
--- a/reply_Zwart2020/requirements.txt
+++ b/reply_Zwart2020/requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@