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  • Leon Arnott's avatar
    Fixed several post-release bugs. · 94a33b89e02b
    Leon Arnott authored
     * Fixed a bug where, when a transition finished, if the browser experienced lag due to a large number of other elements being present, the transitioning element's visibility could become hidden briefly before Harlowe removed the transition CSS from it.
     * Fixed a bug where (set:), (put:), (move:) and (unpack:) would produce objects with invalid TwineScript_Print() methods outside of Debug Mode, thus polluting the browser console with errors.
     * Fixed a bug where Debug Mode's Enchantments panels' headers were being drawn incorrectly.
     * Greatly improved the performance of Debug Mode's panels, reducing lag caused by a large number of entries being added to a panel at once.
    Closes #201.