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  • Leon Arnott's avatar
    Fixed (source:) not producing an error when given custom macro commands. · ce60520ec347
    Leon Arnott authored
     * Tweaked some more documentation articles.
     * Fixed the CSS for (button:) links.
     * Updated with a 3.2.0 introduction.
     * Found myself forced to make the childrenProbablyInline() check in transitionIn() and transitionOut() occur in a timeout, so that section expression execution could be performed, and thus changers like (box:) could provide the <tw-transition-container> with the correct display property. Also decided, to ensure .enchantment-button works correctly, that childrenProbablyInline() should actually call upon getComputedStyle() when appraising hard-to-judge elements, instead of just using the .style.display property.