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  • Leon Arnott's avatar
    Added hidden hook markup and the macros (hidden:), and (show:). · b132150f7b5c
    Leon Arnott authored
    I spent years feeling rueful about adding this, as I'd felt it directly competes with the (replace:) macros' idiom. Lately, though, I've seen the merit in it, as a way of keeping revealed text inside the flow of the prose it is revealed inside, when said text is vital to the readability of the passage.
    I currently feel like this doesn't provide much way of expressing structure and relationship between hidden hooks and visible ones - no semantic way to convey that they form a list with only a single one visible, for instance, or that one builds upon the last, as with <<becomes>> and <<gains>> in Twine 1. But, future macros providing semantically clearer means of showing hidden hooks ((show-next:), (reveal-next:) or somesuch) can always be added.