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  • Leon Arnott's avatar
    HookSets no longer have a "section" property. · cf8600032bc9
    Leon Arnott authored
    This enables the "when stored, can work across passages" test for revision macros to finally pass. In practice, it means that the section used for HookSets' hook selection is determined by the consumer macro. As a result, Section.selectHook() is gone, and (somewhat frustratingly) HookSet.forEach() now takes a section as its first param, breaking symmetry with Array#forEach.
    While implementing this, HookSets' targets and newTargets were changed to no longer be stored as strings - only HookSet, jQuery collections and arrays thereof are used now.
    Also, as a necessity of these changes, HookSets no longer have a length, and can no longer be spread with "...". (But, neither of these had much point ever since they became unstorable).