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  • Leon Arnott's avatar
    Fixed yet more bugs. · 3facc58b0f7f
    Leon Arnott authored
     * Fixed a bug where giving a blank string as the Cancel button's label to (prompt:) or (confirm:) wouldn't cause the Cancel button to disappear.
     * Fixed a bug where (link-rerun:) behaved like (link-repeat:) when it was enchanted by (enchant:).
     * Fixed a bug where error messages would sometimes refer to temp variables named "all" as "all values of the temporary variables". The same applies to "any", "start", and "end".
     * Fixed a bug where hidden hooks and (hidden:) would suppress the effects of (hook:).
     * Fixed a bug where ...array-type (spread array-type) parameters to custom macros would unwittingly "flatten" the passed-in arrays, joining them all together.
    Closes #222.