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  • Leon Arnott's avatar
    Added (link-storylet:). Also, link changers now accept an optional changer as... · 86ae1865d162
    Leon Arnott authored
    Added (link-storylet:). Also, link changers now accept an optional changer as their second argument, which is used to style the link and not the hook.
    After normalising the behaviour of the (link:) family of changers and other changers combined with them, I'd been stressing out about how to make (link:) links alterable with changers. This solution, the most direct one available, is a little uncomfortable to me because of how much further it differs from the command links' behaviour (as in, (link-goto:)). However, since those already have significant syntactic differences due to being commands rather than changers, I wonder if this divergence of usage might also assist in understanding how unalike they are.
    I don't feel very optimistic about (link-storylet:)'s behaviour when no storylet matches the given condition - just printing nothing - and might rework its arguments to make it easier to control what exactly it prints in any situation.