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  • Georges Racinet's avatar
    heptapod PAAS runner: variable expansion for dependency proxy · 144109379aa8
    Georges Racinet authored
    Not doing it means that image specifications such as `$BASE_IMAGE/project`
    are all considered to come from Docker Hub, whereas this is typically
    a pattern used not to harcode the local registry name (encouraged in
    GitLab CI/CD doc beside being common sense).
    The expansion is recursive (we don't expect it to reach Python recursion
    limits), which is different from the unsupported nested syntax. There
    are know projects in the wild using a cascade of variables for image
    definition, HGitaly being our prime example of that.
    We're actually performing the expansion only to decide whethere
    prefixing should occur or not, the end result is still based on
    the incoming pattern. This has the advantage of being less sensitive
    to potential divergences with GitLab Runner's interpolation.