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  • Georges Racinet's avatar
    CI: new data bootstrapped image · b1a87f120855
    Georges Racinet authored
    The idea is that the initialization that occurs so far
    in all our CI jobs is lengthy and resource intensive: it accounts
    to about 5 minutes per job.
    For true installations, it makes sense to perform these steps with
    an initial configuration that's already as intended. But for our
    tests, the result is always the same for a given base image.
    Because the affected directories are volumes, we need to copy the
    result elsewhere on the filesystem, so that they aren't discarded
    In turn, the wrapper script used in the bootstrapped image restores
    them to the volumes and performs a much simpler startup sequence.
    The base image to use is entirely passed as an ARG, but it will
    typically be called by CI, perhaps with a hash-based tag.