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  • Lin Jen-Shin's avatar
    Merge branch 'master' into new-issue-by-email · b7a570c87745
    Lin Jen-Shin authored
    * master: (1246 commits)
      Update CHANGELOG
      Update tests to make it work with Turbolinks approach
      Use Turbolink instead of ajax
      Reinitialize checkboxes to toggle event bindings
      Turn off handlers before binding events
      Removed console.log Uses outerWidth instead of width
      Revert "Added API endpoint for Sidekiq Metrics"
      Added API endpoint for Sidekiq Metrics
      Added CHANGELOG entry for allocations Gem/name fix
      Filter out classes without names in the sampler
      Update the allocations Gem to 1.0.5
      Put all sidebar icons in fixed width container
      Instrument private/protected methods
      Fix Ci::Build#artifacts_expire_in= when assigning invalid duration
      Fix grammar and syntax
      Update CI API docs
      UI and copywriting improvements
      Factorize members mails into a new Emails::Members module
      Factorize access request routes into a new :access_requestable route concern
      Factorize #request_access and #approve_access_request  into a new AccessRequestActions controller concern