# HG changeset patch # User Gabriel Mazetto <gabriel@gitlab.com> # Date 1623708166 -7200 # Tue Jun 15 00:02:46 2021 +0200 # Node ID 224ffc46af509d7a8fd67319b6a859a28e15cd1b # Parent aa0f09214720162a8ee71852e5add9c5ab668e33 Rewrite test expectations to use new `expect_logged_:something` diff --git a/spec/chef/package/libraries/omnibus_helper_spec.rb b/spec/chef/package/libraries/omnibus_helper_spec.rb --- a/spec/chef/package/libraries/omnibus_helper_spec.rb +++ b/spec/chef/package/libraries/omnibus_helper_spec.rb @@ -151,8 +151,9 @@ it 'detects deprecated OS correctly' do allow_any_instance_of(Ohai::System).to receive(:data).and_return({ "platform" => "raspbian", "platform_version" => "8.0" }) - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:deprecation).with(/Your OS, raspbian-8.0, will be deprecated soon/) OmnibusHelper.is_deprecated_os? + + expect_logged_deprecation(/Your OS, raspbian-8.0, will be deprecated soon/) end it 'does not detects valid OS as deprecated' do @@ -178,10 +179,9 @@ end it 'detects deprecated config correctly' do - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:deprecation) - .with(/Specifying Praefect storage nodes as an array is deprecated/) + subject.is_deprecated_praefect_config? - subject.is_deprecated_praefect_config? + expect_logged_deprecation(/Specifying Praefect storage nodes as an array is deprecated/) end end @@ -260,9 +260,10 @@ it 'attempts to remove the file' do expect(FileUtils).to receive(:rm_f).with('/etc/gitlab/initial_root_password') - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:note).with('Found old initial root password file at /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password and deleted it.') described_class.cleanup_root_password_file + + expect_logged_note('Found old initial root password file at /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password and deleted it.') end end @@ -273,9 +274,10 @@ it 'does not attempt to remove the file' do expect(FileUtils).not_to receive(:rm_f).with('/etc/gitlab/initial_root_password') - expect(LoggingHelper).not_to receive(:note).with('Found old initial root password file at /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password and deleted it.') described_class.cleanup_root_password_file + + expect_logged_note('Found old initial root password file at /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password and deleted it.') end end end @@ -320,9 +322,9 @@ NOTE: Because these credentials might be present in your log files in plain text, it is highly recommended to reset the password following https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/security/reset_user_password.html#reset-your-root-password. EOS - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:note).with(msg) + described_class.new(converge_config.node).print_root_account_details - described_class.new(converge_config.node).print_root_account_details + expect_logged_note(msg) end end @@ -346,9 +348,9 @@ NOTE: Because these credentials might be present in your log files in plain text, it is highly recommended to reset the password following https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/security/reset_user_password.html#reset-your-root-password. EOS - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:note).with(msg) + described_class.new(converge_config.node).print_root_account_details - described_class.new(converge_config.node).print_root_account_details + expect_logged_note(msg) end end @@ -366,11 +368,11 @@ it 'writes initial root password to /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password' do subject = described_class.new(converge_config.node) - expect(subject).to receive(:write_root_password) - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:note).with(%r{Password stored to /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password}) subject.print_root_account_details + + expect_logged_note(%r{Password stored to /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password}) end end @@ -386,9 +388,10 @@ subject = described_class.new(chef_run.node) expect(subject).to receive(:write_root_password) - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:note).with(%r{Password stored to /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password}) subject.print_root_account_details + + expect_logged_note(%r{Password stored to /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password}) end end @@ -451,9 +454,9 @@ allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).and_call_original allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('LC_ALL').and_return('en_SG ISO-8859-1') - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:warning).with("Environment variable LC_ALL specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") + described_class.check_locale - described_class.check_locale + expect_logged_warning("Environment variable LC_ALL specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") end end @@ -466,9 +469,9 @@ it 'raises warning when LC_CTYPE is non-UTF-8' do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('LC_CTYPE').and_return('en_SG ISO-8859-1') - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:warning).with("Environment variable LC_CTYPE specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") + described_class.check_locale - described_class.check_locale + expect_logged_warning("Environment variable LC_CTYPE specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") end end @@ -482,9 +485,9 @@ it 'raises warning when LC_COLLATE is non-UTF-8' do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('LC_COLLATE').and_return('en_SG ISO-8859-1') - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:warning).with("Environment variable LC_COLLATE specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") + described_class.check_locale - described_class.check_locale + expect_logged_warning("Environment variable LC_COLLATE specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") end end @@ -503,9 +506,9 @@ it 'raises warning when LANG is non-UTF-8' do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('LANG').and_return('en_SG ISO-8859-1') - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:warning).with("Environment variable LANG specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") + described_class.check_locale - described_class.check_locale + expect_logged_warning("Environment variable LANG specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") end end @@ -518,9 +521,9 @@ it 'raises warning when LANG is non-UTF-8' do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('LANG').and_return('en_SG ISO-8859-1') - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:warning).with("Environment variable LANG specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") + described_class.check_locale - described_class.check_locale + expect_logged_warning("Environment variable LANG specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") end end @@ -531,9 +534,9 @@ end it 'does not raise a warning even if LANG is not UTF-8' do - expect(LoggingHelper).not_to receive(:warning).with("Environment variable LANG specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") + described_class.check_locale - described_class.check_locale + expect_logged_warning("Environment variable LANG specifies a non-UTF-8 locale. GitLab requires UTF-8 encoding to function properly. Please check your locale settings.") end end end diff --git a/spec/chef/recipes/database_migrations_spec.rb b/spec/chef/recipes/database_migrations_spec.rb --- a/spec/chef/recipes/database_migrations_spec.rb +++ b/spec/chef/recipes/database_migrations_spec.rb @@ -41,9 +41,10 @@ expect(migration_block).to notify('ruby_block[check remote PG version]').to(:run) expect(chef_run.ruby_block('check remote PG version').should_skip?(:run)).to be_falsey - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:warning).with(/Support for PostgreSQL 11 has been removed/) chef_run.ruby_block('check remote PG version').block.call + + expect_logged_warning(/Support for PostgreSQL 11 has been removed/) end end diff --git a/spec/chef/recipes/letsencrypt_spec.rb b/spec/chef/recipes/letsencrypt_spec.rb --- a/spec/chef/recipes/letsencrypt_spec.rb +++ b/spec/chef/recipes/letsencrypt_spec.rb @@ -156,8 +156,9 @@ end it 'warns that we do not setup automatic renewal' do - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:warning).with(/does not setup/) chef_run.ruby_block('display_le_message').block.call + + expect_logged_warning(/does not setup/) end end end diff --git a/spec/libraries/deprecations_spec.rb b/spec/libraries/deprecations_spec.rb --- a/spec/libraries/deprecations_spec.rb +++ b/spec/libraries/deprecations_spec.rb @@ -207,16 +207,16 @@ config = { 'monitoring' => { 'test' => 'test-value' } } config['prometheus'] = Gitlab::Deprecations::NodeAttribute.new(config['monitoring'], "config['prometheus']", "config['monitoring']") - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:deprecation).with(/Accessing config\['prometheus'\] is deprecated/) expect(config['prometheus']['test']).to eq('test-value') + expect_logged_deprecation(/Accessing config\['prometheus'\] is deprecated/) end it 'Logs deprecations for passed variables and proxies to new Proc if provided' do config = { 'monitoring' => { 'test' => 'test-value' } } config['prometheus'] = Gitlab::Deprecations::NodeAttribute.new(proc { config['monitoring'] }, "config['prometheus']", "config['monitoring']") - expect(LoggingHelper).to receive(:deprecation).with(/Accessing config\['prometheus'\] is deprecated/) expect(config['prometheus']['test']).to eq('test-value') + expect_logged_deprecation(/Accessing config\['prometheus'\] is deprecated/) end end end