# HG changeset patch
# User Evan Read <eread@gitlab.com>
# Date 1684890402 -36000
#      Wed May 24 11:06:42 2023 +1000
# Node ID 47f906bf324603fc33bc6d1175a4ad77b8013ef4
# Parent  80d604f212adcfa4fcf9e3030cd77b90f8ac452d
Update project to use Ruby 3.2.2-based Docker images

Make minor documentation updates to test the jobs

diff --git a/.markdownlint.yml b/.markdownlint.yml
--- a/.markdownlint.yml
+++ b/.markdownlint.yml
@@ -149,3 +149,4 @@
   code_blocks: false
+  html_elements: false
diff --git a/doc/build/team_member_docs.md b/doc/build/team_member_docs.md
--- a/doc/build/team_member_docs.md
+++ b/doc/build/team_member_docs.md
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@
 | Filename                            | Environment variable                 | Description |
 | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ----------- |
-| VERSION                              | GITLAB_VERSION                       | Controls the Git reference of the GitLab Rails application. By default, points to the `master` branch of the GitLab-FOSS repository. If you want to use the GitLab repository, set the environment variable `ee` to true. |
-| GITALY_SERVER_VERSION                | GITALY_SERVER_VERSION                | Git reference of the [Gitaly](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly) repository. |
-| GITLAB_PAGES_VERSION                 | GITLAB_PAGES_VERSION                 | Git reference of the [GitLab Pages](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages) repository.|
-| GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION                 | GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION                 | Git reference of the [GitLab Shell](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-shell) repository.|
-| GITLAB_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEXER_VERSION | GITLAB_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEXER_VERSION | Git reference of the [GitLab Elasticsearch Indexer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer) repository. Used only in EE builds.|
-| GITLAB_KAS_VERSION                   | GITLAB_KAS_VERSION                   | Git reference of the [GitLab Kubernetes Agent Server](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/gitlab-agent) repository.|
+| `VERSION`                              | `GITLAB_VERSION`                       | Controls the Git reference of the GitLab Rails application. By default, points to the `master` branch of the GitLab-FOSS repository. If you want to use the GitLab repository, set the environment variable `ee` to true. |
+| `GITALY_SERVER_VERSION`                | `GITALY_SERVER_VERSION`                | Git reference of the [Gitaly](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly) repository. |
+| `GITLAB_PAGES_VERSION`                 | `GITLAB_PAGES_VERSION`                 | Git reference of the [GitLab Pages](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages) repository.|
+| `GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION`                 | `GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION`                 | Git reference of the [GitLab Shell](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-shell) repository.|
+| `GITLAB_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEXER_VERSION` | `GITLAB_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEXER_VERSION` | Git reference of the [GitLab Elasticsearch Indexer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer) repository. Used only in EE builds.|
+| `GITLAB_KAS_VERSION`                   | `GITLAB_KAS_VERSION`                   | Git reference of the [GitLab Kubernetes Agent Server](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/gitlab-agent) repository.|
 If you are running the `e2e:package-and-test` job from a GitLab MR, the `GITLAB_VERSION`
 environment variable is set to the commit SHA corresponding to the pipeline.
@@ -107,13 +107,13 @@
 | Environment variable                          | Description |
 | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
-| ALTERNATIVE_PRIVATE_TOKEN                     | An access token used if needing to pull from private repositories. |
-| GITLAB_ALTERNATIVE_REPO                       | Git repository location for the GitLab Rails application. |
-| GITLAB_SHELL_ALTERNATIVE_REPO                 | Git repository location for [GitLab Shell](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-shell). |
-| GITLAB_PAGES_ALTERNATIVE_REPO                 | Git repository location for [GitLab Pages](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages). |
-| GITALY_SERVER_ALTERNATIVE_REPO                | Git repository location for [Gitaly](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly). |
-| GITLAB_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEXER_ALTERNATIVE_REPO | Git repository location for [GitLab Elasticsearch Indexer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer). |
-| GITLAB_KAS_ALTERNATIVE_REPO                   | Git repository location for [GitLab Kubernetes Agent Server](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/gitlab-agent). |
+| `ALTERNATIVE_PRIVATE_TOKEN`                     | An access token used if needing to pull from private repositories. |
+| `GITLAB_ALTERNATIVE_REPO`                       | Git repository location for the GitLab Rails application. |
+| `GITLAB_SHELL_ALTERNATIVE_REPO`                 | Git repository location for [GitLab Shell](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-shell). |
+| `GITLAB_PAGES_ALTERNATIVE_REPO`                 | Git repository location for [GitLab Pages](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-pages). |
+| `GITALY_SERVER_ALTERNATIVE_REPO`                | Git repository location for [Gitaly](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly). |
+| `GITLAB_ELASTICSEARCH_INDEXER_ALTERNATIVE_REPO` | Git repository location for [GitLab Elasticsearch Indexer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer). |
+| `GITLAB_KAS_ALTERNATIVE_REPO`                   | Git repository location for [GitLab Kubernetes Agent Server](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cluster-integration/gitlab-agent). |
 ## Build packages for other operating systems
diff --git a/doc/development/ci-variables.md b/doc/development/ci-variables.md
--- a/doc/development/ci-variables.md
+++ b/doc/development/ci-variables.md
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 | Environment Variable                          | Description |
 | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
-| AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY                         | Account secret to read/write the build package to a S3 location. |
-| AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID                             | Account ID to read/write the build package to a S3 location. |
+| `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`                         | Account secret to read/write the build package to a S3 location. |
+| `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`                             | Account ID to read/write the build package to a S3 location. |
@@ -28,45 +28,45 @@
 | Environment Variable                          | Description |
 | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
-| AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS                              | Maximum number of times an S3 command should retry. |
-| USE_S3_CACHE                                  | Set to any value and Omnibus will cache fetched software sources in an s3 bucket. [Upstream documentation](https://www.rubydoc.info/github/chef/omnibus/Omnibus%2FConfig:use_s3_caching). |
-| CACHE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID                       | Account ID to read/write from the s3 bucket containing the s3 software fetch cache. |
-| CACHE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY                   | Account secret to read/write from the s3 bucket containing the s3 software fetch cache. |
-| CACHE_AWS_BUCKET                              | S3 bucket name for the software fetch cache. |
-| CACHE_AWS_S3_REGION                           | S3 bucket region to write/read the software fetch cache. |
-| CACHE_AWS_S3_ENDPOINT                         | The HTTP or HTTPS endpoint to send requests to, when using s3 compatible service. |
-| CACHE_S3_ACCELERATE                           | Setting any value enables the s3 software fetch cache to pull using s3 accelerate. |
-| SECRET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY                  | Account secret to read the gpg private package signing key from a secure s3 bucket. |
-| SECRET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID                      | Account ID to read the gpg private package signing key from a secure s3 bucket. |
-| GPG_PASSPHRASE                                | The passphrase needed to use the gpg private package signing key.        |
-| CE_MAX_PACKAGE_SIZE_MB                        | The max package size in MB allowed for CE packages before we alert the team and investigate. |
-| EE_MAX_PACKAGE_SIZE_MB                        | The max package size in MB allowed for EE packages before we alert the team and investigate. |
-| DEV_GITLAB_SSH_KEY                            | SSH private key for an account able to read repositories from `dev.gitlab.org`. Used for SSH Git fetch. |
-| BUILDER_IMAGE_REGISTRY                        | Registry to pull the CI Job images from. |
-| BUILD_LOG_LEVEL                               | Omnibus build log level. |
-| ALTERNATIVE_SOURCES                           | Switch to the custom sources listed in `https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/blob/master/.custom_sources.yml` Defaults to `true`. |
-| OMNIBUS_GEM_SOURCE                            | Non-default remote URI to clone the omnibus gem from. |
-| QA_BUILD_TARGET                               | Build specified QA image. See this [MR](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/91250) for details. Defaults to `qa`. |
-| GITLAB_ASSETS_TAG                             | Tag of the assets image built by the `build-assets-image` job in the `gitlab-org/gitlab` pipelines. Defaults to `$GITLAB_REF_SLUG` or the `gitlab-rails` version. |
-| BUILD_ON_ALL_OS                               | Build all OS images without using manual trigger if set to `true`. |
+| `AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS`                              | Maximum number of times an S3 command should retry. |
+| `USE_S3_CACHE`                                  | Set to any value and Omnibus will cache fetched software sources in an s3 bucket. [Upstream documentation](https://www.rubydoc.info/github/chef/omnibus/Omnibus%2FConfig:use_s3_caching). |
+| `CACHE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`                       | Account ID to read/write from the s3 bucket containing the s3 software fetch cache. |
+| `CACHE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`                   | Account secret to read/write from the s3 bucket containing the s3 software fetch cache. |
+| `CACHE_AWS_BUCKET`                              | S3 bucket name for the software fetch cache. |
+| `CACHE_AWS_S3_REGION`                           | S3 bucket region to write/read the software fetch cache. |
+| `CACHE_AWS_S3_ENDPOINT`                         | The HTTP or HTTPS endpoint to send requests to, when using s3 compatible service. |
+| `CACHE_S3_ACCELERATE`                           | Setting any value enables the s3 software fetch cache to pull using s3 accelerate. |
+| `SECRET_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`                  | Account secret to read the gpg private package signing key from a secure s3 bucket. |
+| `SECRET_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`                      | Account ID to read the gpg private package signing key from a secure s3 bucket. |
+| `GPG_PASSPHRASE`                                | The passphrase needed to use the gpg private package signing key.        |
+| `CE_MAX_PACKAGE_SIZE_MB`                        | The max package size in MB allowed for CE packages before we alert the team and investigate. |
+| `EE_MAX_PACKAGE_SIZE_MB`                        | The max package size in MB allowed for EE packages before we alert the team and investigate. |
+| `DEV_GITLAB_SSH_KEY`                            | SSH private key for an account able to read repositories from `dev.gitlab.org`. Used for SSH Git fetch. |
+| `BUILDER_IMAGE_REGISTRY`                        | Registry to pull the CI Job images from. |
+| `BUILD_LOG_LEVEL`                               | Omnibus build log level. |
+| `ALTERNATIVE_SOURCES`                           | Switch to the custom sources listed in `https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/blob/master/.custom_sources.yml` Defaults to `true`. |
+| `OMNIBUS_GEM_SOURCE`                            | Non-default remote URI to clone the omnibus gem from. |
+| `QA_BUILD_TARGET`                               | Build specified QA image. See this [MR](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/91250) for details. Defaults to `qa`. |
+| `GITLAB_ASSETS_TAG`                             | Tag of the assets image built by the `build-assets-image` job in the `gitlab-org/gitlab` pipelines. Defaults to `$GITLAB_REF_SLUG` or the `gitlab-rails` version. |
+| `BUILD_ON_ALL_OS`                               | Build all OS images without using manual trigger if set to `true`. |
 ## Test variables
 | Environment Variable                                         | Description                                                                         |
 | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| RAT_REFERENCE_ARCHITECTURE                                   | Reference architecture template used in pipeline triggered by RAT job.              |
-| RAT_FIPS_REFERENCE_ARCHITECTURE                              | Reference architecture template used in pipeline triggered by RAT:FIPS job.         |
-| RAT_PACKAGE_URL                                              | URL to fetch regular package - for RAT pipeline triggered by RAT job.               |
-| RAT_FIPS_PACKAGE_URL                                         | URL to fetch FIPS package - for RAT pipeline triggered by RAT job.                  |
-| RAT_TRIGGER_TOKEN                                            | Trigger token for the RAT pipeline.                                                 |
-| RAT_PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN                                     | Project access token for triggering a RAT pipeline.                                 |
-| OMNIBUS_GITLAB_MIRROR_PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN                   | Project access token for building a test package.                                   |
-| CI_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL                                         | Webhook URL for Slack failure notifications.                                        |
-| DANGER_GITLAB_API_TOKEN                                      | GitLab API token for dangerbot to post comments to MRs.                             |
-| DEPS_GITLAB_TOKEN                                            | Token used by [dependencies.io](https://www.dependencies.io/gitlab/) to create MRs. |
-| DEPS_TOKEN                                                   | Token used by CI to auth to [dependencies.io](https://www.dependencies.io/gitlab/). |
-| DOCS_API_TOKEN                                               | Token used by CI to trigger a review-app build of the docs site.                    |
-| MANUAL_QA_TEST                                               | Variable used to decide if the `qa-test` job should be played automatically or not. |
+| `RAT_REFERENCE_ARCHITECTURE`                                   | Reference architecture template used in pipeline triggered by RAT job.              |
+| `RAT_FIPS_REFERENCE_ARCHITECTURE`                              | Reference architecture template used in pipeline triggered by RAT:FIPS job.         |
+| `RAT_PACKAGE_URL`                                              | URL to fetch regular package - for RAT pipeline triggered by RAT job.               |
+| `RAT_FIPS_PACKAGE_URL`                                         | URL to fetch FIPS package - for RAT pipeline triggered by RAT job.                  |
+| `RAT_TRIGGER_TOKEN`                                            | Trigger token for the RAT pipeline.                                                 |
+| `RAT_PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN`                                     | Project access token for triggering a RAT pipeline.                                 |
+| `OMNIBUS_GITLAB_MIRROR_PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN`                   | Project access token for building a test package.                                   |
+| `CI_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL`                                         | Webhook URL for Slack failure notifications.                                        |
+| `DANGER_GITLAB_API_TOKEN`                                      | GitLab API token for dangerbot to post comments to MRs.                             |
+| `DEPS_GITLAB_TOKEN`                                            | Token used by [dependencies.io](https://www.dependencies.io/gitlab/) to create MRs. |
+| `DEPS_TOKEN`                                                   | Token used by CI to auth to [dependencies.io](https://www.dependencies.io/gitlab/). |
+| `DOCS_API_TOKEN`                                               | Token used by CI to trigger a review-app build of the docs site.                    |
+| `MANUAL_QA_TEST`                                               | Variable used to decide if the `qa-test` job should be played automatically or not. |
 ## Release variables
@@ -76,20 +76,20 @@
 | Environment Variable                          | Description |
 | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
-| STAGING_REPO                                  | Repository at `packages.gitlab.com` where releases are uploaded prior to final release. |
-| PACKAGECLOUD_USER                             | Packagecloud username for pushing packages to `packages.gitlab.com`. |
-| PACKAGECLOUD_TOKEN                            | API access token for pushing packages to `packages.gitlab.com`. |
-| LICENSE_S3_BUCKET                             | Bucket for storing release license information published on the public page at `https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/omnibus-gitlab/licenses.html`. |
-| LICENSE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY                 | Account secret to read/write from the S3 bucket containing license information. |
-| LICENSE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID                     | Account ID to read/write from the S3 bucket containing license information. |
-| GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT                           | Used to read/write metrics in Google Object Storage. |
-| DOCKERHUB_USERNAME                            | Username used when pushing the Omnibus GitLab image to Docker Hub. |
-| DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD                            | Password used when pushing the Omnibus GitLab image to Docker Hub. |
-| AWS_ULTIMATE_LICENSE_FILE                     | GitLab Ultimate license to use the Ultimate AWS AMIs. |
-| AWS_PREMIUM_LICENSE_FILE                      | GitLab Premium license to use the Ultimate AWS AMIs. |
-| AWS_AMI_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY                     | Account secret for read/write access to publish the AWS AMIs. |
-| AWS_AMI_ACCESS_KEY_ID                         | Account ID for read/write access to publish the AWS AMIs. |
-| AWS_MARKETPLACE_ARN                           | AWS ARN to allow AWS Marketplace access our official AMIs. |
+| `STAGING_REPO`                                  | Repository at `packages.gitlab.com` where releases are uploaded prior to final release. |
+| `PACKAGECLOUD_USER`                             | Packagecloud username for pushing packages to `packages.gitlab.com`. |
+| `PACKAGECLOUD_TOKEN`                            | API access token for pushing packages to `packages.gitlab.com`. |
+| `LICENSE_S3_BUCKET`                             | Bucket for storing release license information published on the public page at `https://gitlab-org.gitlab.io/omnibus-gitlab/licenses.html`. |
+| `LICENSE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`                 | Account secret to read/write from the S3 bucket containing license information. |
+| `LICENSE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`                     | Account ID to read/write from the S3 bucket containing license information. |
+| `GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT`                           | Used to read/write metrics in Google Object Storage. |
+| `DOCKERHUB_USERNAME`                            | Username used when pushing the Omnibus GitLab image to Docker Hub. |
+| `DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD`                            | Password used when pushing the Omnibus GitLab image to Docker Hub. |
+| `AWS_ULTIMATE_LICENSE_FILE`                     | GitLab Ultimate license to use the Ultimate AWS AMIs. |
+| `AWS_PREMIUM_LICENSE_FILE`                      | GitLab Premium license to use the Ultimate AWS AMIs. |
+| `AWS_AMI_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`                     | Account secret for read/write access to publish the AWS AMIs. |
+| `AWS_AMI_ACCESS_KEY_ID`                         | Account ID for read/write access to publish the AWS AMIs. |
+| `AWS_MARKETPLACE_ARN`                           | AWS ARN to allow AWS Marketplace access our official AMIs. |
@@ -97,34 +97,34 @@
 | Environment Variable                          | Description |
 | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
-| RELEASE_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT                    | Deployment name used for [`gitlab.com` deployer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/deploy/gitlab-com-deployer.md) trigger if current ref is a stable tag. |
-| PATCH_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT                      | Deployment name used for the [`gitlab.com` deployer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/deploy/gitlab-com-deployer.md) trigger if current ref is a release candidate tag. |
-| AUTO_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT                       | Deployment name used for the [`gitlab.com` deployer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/deploy/gitlab-com-deployer.md) trigger if current ref is an auto-deploy tag. |
-| DEPLOYER_TRIGGER_PROJECT                      | GitLab project ID for the repository used for the [`gitlab.com` deployer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/deploy/gitlab-com-deployer.md). |
-| DEPLOYER_TRIGGER_TOKEN                        | Trigger token for the various [`gitlab.com` deployer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/deploy/gitlab-com-deployer.md) environments. |
-| RELEASE_BUCKET                                | S3 bucket where release packages are pushed. |
-| BUILDS_BUCKET                                 | S3 bucket where regular branch packages are pushed. |
-| RELEASE_BUCKET_REGION                         | S3 bucket region. |
-| RELEASE_BUCKET_S3_ENDPOINT                    | Specify S3 endpoint. Especially useful when S3 compatible storage service is adopted. |
-| GITLAB_BUNDLE_GEMFILE                         | Set Gemfile path required by `gitlab-rails` bundle. Default is `Gemfile`. |
-| GITLAB_COM_PKGS_RELEASE_BUCKET                | GCS bucket where release packages are pushed. |
-| GITLAB_COM_PKGS_BUILDS_BUCKET                 | GCS bucket where regular branch packages are pushed. |
-| GITLAB_COM_PKGS_SA_FILE                       | Service account key used for pushing release packages for SaaS deployments, it must have write access to the pkgs bucket. |
+| `RELEASE_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT`                    | Deployment name used for [`gitlab.com` deployer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/deploy/gitlab-com-deployer.md) trigger if current ref is a stable tag. |
+| `PATCH_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT`                      | Deployment name used for the [`gitlab.com` deployer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/deploy/gitlab-com-deployer.md) trigger if current ref is a release candidate tag. |
+| `AUTO_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT`                       | Deployment name used for the [`gitlab.com` deployer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/deploy/gitlab-com-deployer.md) trigger if current ref is an auto-deploy tag. |
+| `DEPLOYER_TRIGGER_PROJECT`                      | GitLab project ID for the repository used for the [`gitlab.com` deployer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/deploy/gitlab-com-deployer.md). |
+| `DEPLOYER_TRIGGER_TOKEN`                        | Trigger token for the various [`gitlab.com` deployer](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/release/docs/blob/master/general/deploy/gitlab-com-deployer.md) environments. |
+| `RELEASE_BUCKET`                                | S3 bucket where release packages are pushed. |
+| `BUILDS_BUCKET`                                 | S3 bucket where regular branch packages are pushed. |
+| `RELEASE_BUCKET_REGION`                         | S3 bucket region. |
+| `RELEASE_BUCKET_S3_ENDPOINT`                    | Specify S3 endpoint. Especially useful when S3 compatible storage service is adopted. |
+| `GITLAB_BUNDLE_GEMFILE`                         | Set Gemfile path required by `gitlab-rails` bundle. Default is `Gemfile`. |
+| `GITLAB_COM_PKGS_RELEASE_BUCKET`                | GCS bucket where release packages are pushed. |
+| `GITLAB_COM_PKGS_BUILDS_BUCKET`                 | GCS bucket where regular branch packages are pushed. |
+| `GITLAB_COM_PKGS_SA_FILE`                       | Service account key used for pushing release packages for SaaS deployments, it must have write access to the pkgs bucket. |
 ## Unknown/outdated variables
 | Environment Variable                          | Description |
 | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
-| VERSION_TOKEN                                 | |
-| TAKEOFF_TRIGGER_TOKEN                         | |
-| TAKEOFF_TRIGGER_PROJECT                       | |
-| RELEASE_TRIGGER_TOKEN                         | |
-| GITLAB_DEV                                    | |
-| GET_SOURCES_ATTEMPTS                          | A GitLab Runner variable used to control how many times runner tries to fetch the Git repository. |
-| FOG_REGION                                    | |
-| FOG_PROVIDER                                  | |
-| FOG_DIRECTORY                                 | |
-| AWS_RELEASE_TRIGGER_TOKEN                     | Used for releases older than 13.10. |
-| ASSETS_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY                  | |
-| ASSETS_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID                      | |
-| AMI_LICENSE_FILE                              | |
+| `VERSION_TOKEN`                                 | |
+| `TAKEOFF_TRIGGER_TOKEN`                         | |
+| `TAKEOFF_TRIGGER_PROJECT`                       | |
+| `RELEASE_TRIGGER_TOKEN`                         | |
+| `GITLAB_DEV`                                    | |
+| `GET_SOURCES_ATTEMPTS`                          | A GitLab Runner variable used to control how many times runner tries to fetch the Git repository. |
+| `FOG_REGION`                                    | |
+| `FOG_PROVIDER`                                  | |
+| `FOG_DIRECTORY`                                 | |
+| `AWS_RELEASE_TRIGGER_TOKEN`                     | Used for releases older than 13.10. |
+| `ASSETS_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`                  | |
+| `ASSETS_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`                      | |
+| `AMI_LICENSE_FILE`                              | |
diff --git a/doc/development/gitlab-ctl-commands.md b/doc/development/gitlab-ctl-commands.md
--- a/doc/development/gitlab-ctl-commands.md
+++ b/doc/development/gitlab-ctl-commands.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 There are two main functions you will use to add commands (<https://github.com/chef/omnibus-ctl>):
-## add_command_under_category(string, string, string, int, ruby_block)
+## `add_command_under_category(string, string, string, int, ruby_block)`
 This method will add a new command to your `gitlab-ctl` under a category, useful for grouping similar commands together logically in help output.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 1. Arity. Always set to `2`, due to [a bug in `omnibus-ctl`](https://github.com/chef/omnibus-ctl#add_command_under_categorystring-string-string-int-ruby_block).
 1. Ruby block. Ruby code to be executed when your command is run (arguments to that command will be passed into the block).
-## add_command(string, string, int, ruby_block)
+## `add_command(string, string, int, ruby_block)`
 This method will add a new command to your `gitlab-ctl` without a category. It will be displayed above all categories when the help command is called.
diff --git a/doc/release/index.md b/doc/release/index.md
--- a/doc/release/index.md
+++ b/doc/release/index.md
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 1. All remotes of the project will be synced.
 1. The versions of components will be read from GitLab CE/EE repository
-  (eg. VERSION, GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION) and written to the Omnibus GitLab repository.
+  (eg. `VERSION`, `GITLAB_SHELL_VERSION`) and written to the Omnibus GitLab repository.
 1. A specific Git tag will be created and synced to Omnibus GitLab repositories.
 When the Omnibus GitLab repository on <https://dev.gitlab.org/> gets updated, GitLab CI
diff --git a/doc/settings/nginx.md b/doc/settings/nginx.md
--- a/doc/settings/nginx.md
+++ b/doc/settings/nginx.md
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@
 Then run `sudo service nginx reload`.
-## Enabling/Disabling nginx_status
+## Enabling/Disabling `nginx_status`
 By default you will have an NGINX health-check endpoint configured at `` to monitor your NGINX server status.
diff --git a/gitlab-ci-config/gitlab-com.yml b/gitlab-ci-config/gitlab-com.yml
--- a/gitlab-ci-config/gitlab-com.yml
+++ b/gitlab-ci-config/gitlab-com.yml
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
 # Perform documentation linting on Markdown files
 docs-lint markdown:
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/lint-markdown:alpine-3.17-vale-2.24.0-markdownlint-0.33.0-markdownlint2-0.6.0
+  image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/lint-markdown:alpine-3.17-vale-2.25.2-markdownlint-0.34.0-markdownlint2-0.7.1
   stage: check
   cache: {}
   needs: []
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
 # Perform link checks on published HTML files
 docs-lint links:
-  image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/lint-html:alpine-3.17-ruby-3.2.1-f53af000
+  image: registry.gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-docs/lint-html:alpine-3.17-ruby-3.2.2-b8f266e8
   stage: check
   cache: {}
   needs: []