# HG changeset patch # User DJ Mountney <dj@gitlab.com> # Date 1649993941 0 # Fri Apr 15 03:39:01 2022 +0000 # Node ID 64b541f87b9ff196753e1840c3c41748743a4588 # Parent 0dc91dc8a9547542d486ca9904170f9618bb5f29 Only enable Go related license checks for gitlab-pages The gitlab-pages upstream recently introduced dangerbot. The gems are not in the production group, but the build process never actually runs bundler because gitlab-pages is written in pure Go. This caused license-finder to fail repeatedly attempting to check the licenses for the dangerbot gem when it was not actually part of the build at all. This configures license-finder to only check licenses for Go dependencies when building gitlab-pages. Related https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/production/-/issues/6841 diff --git a/config/software/gitlab-pages.rb b/config/software/gitlab-pages.rb --- a/config/software/gitlab-pages.rb +++ b/config/software/gitlab-pages.rb @@ -36,6 +36,6 @@ make 'gitlab-pages', env: env move 'gitlab-pages', "#{install_dir}/embedded/bin/gitlab-pages" - command "license_finder report --decisions-file=#{Omnibus::Config.project_root}/support/dependency_decisions.yml --format=json --columns name version licenses texts notice --save=license.json" + command "license_finder report --enabled-package-managers godep gomodules dep --decisions-file=#{Omnibus::Config.project_root}/support/dependency_decisions.yml --format=json --columns name version licenses texts notice --save=license.json" copy "license.json", "#{install_dir}/licenses/gitlab-pages.json" end