diff --git a/doc/build/team_member_docs.md b/doc/build/team_member_docs.md
index 29b6bf85c37a836aad3888be386105a9f740c964_ZG9jL2J1aWxkL3RlYW1fbWVtYmVyX2RvY3MubWQ=..e2e2c3af068ac149c27f2412e2c8c3a71ff6ce41_ZG9jL2J1aWxkL3RlYW1fbWVtYmVyX2RvY3MubWQ= 100644
--- a/doc/build/team_member_docs.md
+++ b/doc/build/team_member_docs.md
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 Check the following table for more information:
-| Filename                            | Environment variable                 | Description |
+| File name                             | Environment variable                 | Description |
 | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ----------- |
 | `VERSION`                              | `GITLAB_VERSION`                       | Controls the Git reference of the GitLab Rails application. By default, points to the `master` branch of the GitLab-FOSS repository. If you want to use the GitLab repository, set the environment variable `ee` to true. |
 | `GITALY_SERVER_VERSION`                | `GITALY_SERVER_VERSION`                | Git reference of the [Gitaly](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly) repository. |
diff --git a/doc/development/new-services.md b/doc/development/new-services.md
index 29b6bf85c37a836aad3888be386105a9f740c964_ZG9jL2RldmVsb3BtZW50L25ldy1zZXJ2aWNlcy5tZA==..e2e2c3af068ac149c27f2412e2c8c3a71ff6ce41_ZG9jL2RldmVsb3BtZW50L25ldy1zZXJ2aWNlcy5tZA== 100644
--- a/doc/development/new-services.md
+++ b/doc/development/new-services.md
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 Near the end of the recipe you will want to make a call to the runit service definition
 to define your recipe. In order for this work you will need to have created
-a run file in the cookbooks `templates/default` directory. These filenames start
+a run file in the cookbooks `templates/default` directory. These file names start
 with `sv-` followed by the service name, followed by the runit action name.
 A service typically needs a `run`, `log-run`, and `log-config`.
diff --git a/doc/settings/database.md b/doc/settings/database.md
index 29b6bf85c37a836aad3888be386105a9f740c964_ZG9jL3NldHRpbmdzL2RhdGFiYXNlLm1k..e2e2c3af068ac149c27f2412e2c8c3a71ff6ce41_ZG9jL3NldHRpbmdzL2RhdGFiYXNlLm1k 100644
--- a/doc/settings/database.md
+++ b/doc/settings/database.md
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@
    1. The CA file should be owned by the database user, and its permissions should be `0400`
-   Don't use the filenames `server.crt` or `server.key` for these files. These
-   filenames are reserved for the internal use of `omnibus-gitlab`.
+   Don't use the file names `server.crt` or `server.key` for these files. These
+   file names are reserved for the internal use of `omnibus-gitlab`.
 1. Ensure the following is set in `gitlab.rb`: