stages: - check - prepare - tests - post-test - update-cache - package - image - scan-dependencies - staging_upload - package-and-image-release - qa-release - validate - metrics - slow_jobs - raspbian-release - aws-marketplace-release - notification_fail - trigger-package - trigger-docker - trigger-ha-validate - trigger-qa - verify include: - local: '/gitlab-ci-config/workflow-rules.yml' - local: '/gitlab-ci-config/dev-gitlab-org.yml' - local: '/gitlab-ci-config/gitlab-com.yml' rules: - if: '$CI_SERVER_HOST == ""' default: tags: - gitlab-org variables: # BUILDER_IMAGE_REGISTRY is set to # `` in the project # settings of omnibus-gitlab mirror in so that builds there # will use images from that registry and not depend on BUILDER_IMAGE_REGISTRY: "" # To be used for images that exist only on DEV_BUILDER_IMAGE_REGISTRY: '' PUBLIC_BUILDER_IMAGE_REGISTRY: "" BUILDER_IMAGE_REVISION: "5.5.0" # The registry to pull the assets image from ASSET_REGISTRY: "${CI_REGISTRY}" ASSET_SYNC_EXISTING_REMOTE_FILES: "keep" ASSET_SYNC_GZIP_COMPRESSION: "true" ASSET_PATH: "assets-${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}" COMPILE_ASSETS: "false" RUBY_IMAGE: "ruby:3.0" BUNDLE_PATH__SYSTEM: "false" # Format of the auto-deploy tag for auto-deploy builds. # AUTO_DEPLOY_TAG_REGEX: '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\+[^ ]{7,}\.[^ ]{7,}$' # Default environment for auto-deploy AUTO_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT: 'pre' OMNIBUS_GITLAB_MIRROR_ID: "14588374" DOCS_GITLAB_REPO_SUFFIX: "omnibus" CACHE_KEY_SUFFIX: '-v3' CACHE_EDITION: "CE" ISSUE_BOT_LABELS_EXTRA: "group::distribution" BUNDLER_VERSION: "2.5.5" # NOTE: When `NEXT_RUBY_VERSION` is updated, flip # `USE_NEXT_RUBY_VERSION_IN_*` variables to false to avoid surprises. NEXT_RUBY_VERSION: "3.1.4" GET_GEO_TAG: "0.7.3" CANONICAL_PROJECT_PATH: 'gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab' SECURITY_PROJECT_PATH: 'gitlab-org/security/omnibus-gitlab' DEV_PROJECT_PATH: 'gitlab/omnibus-gitlab' QA_PROJECT_PATH: 'gitlab-org/build/omnibus-gitlab-mirror' ARM64_RUNNER_TAG: 'arm64' PACKAGE_PROMOTION_RUNNER_TAG: 'promotion' .distribution-amd64-tags: - distribution-runner - amd64 .distribution-arm64-tags: - distribution-runner - ${ARM64_RUNNER_TAG} .distribution-armhf-tags: - distribution-runner - armhf ### For services that need a docker daemon .docker_job: &docker_job image: "${BUILDER_IMAGE_REGISTRY}/distribution_ci_tools:${BUILDER_IMAGE_REVISION}" variables: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2 DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 services: - name: docker:23.0.5-dind alias: localhost tags: - gitlab-org-docker .gems-cache: cache: key: "gems-cache-${BUILDER_IMAGE_REVISION}${CACHE_KEY_SUFFIX}" paths: - gems policy: pull .gems-cache-os-dependent: cache: key: "gems-cache-${CI_JOB_IMAGE}${CACHE_KEY_SUFFIX}" paths: - gems .build-package: &build-package - bundle exec rake cache:populate - bundle exec rake cache:restore - bundle exec rake build:project - bundle exec rake build:package:sync - bundle exec rake cache:bundle - bundle exec rake build:component_shas before_script: - echo "PIPELINE_TYPE detected as ${PIPELINE_TYPE}" # Exit early if building on an OS for which we don't provide the specified # package edition (CE/EE). For child pipelines from # TRIGGERED_(CE|EE)_PIPELINE, we don't want exit early, but try to build # everything. - if [[ "${CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE}" != "parent_pipeline" ]]; then export CE_ONLY=(Raspberry); export EE_ONLY=(SLES RAT); for job in "${CE_ONLY[@]}"; do if [[ "${CI_JOB_NAME}" =~ ${job} ]]; then if ./support/; then echo "EE build found. ${CI_JOB_NAME} is run only on CE builds"; exit 0 ; fi; fi; done; for job in "${EE_ONLY[@]}"; do if [[ "${CI_JOB_NAME}" =~ ${job} ]]; then if ! ./support/; then echo "CE build found. ${CI_JOB_NAME} is run only on EE builds"; exit 0 ; fi; fi; done fi - echo $NIGHTLY - mkdir -p ~/.ssh - mkdir -p ~/.aws - mkdir -p cache - if [ -n "$DEV_GITLAB_SSH_KEY" ]; then echo "$DEV_GITLAB_SSH_KEY" > ~/.ssh/id_rsa; cp support/known_hosts ~/.ssh/known_hosts; chmod -R 0600 ~/.ssh/; fi - bash scripts/ci/ - if [ -n "$NIGHTLY" ]; then export STAGING_REPO=nightly-builds; export FIPS_STAGING_REPO=nightly-fips-builds; fi fetch-assets: extends: .docker_job stage: prepare timeout: 1 hour before_script: [] script: - export VERSION=${GITLAB_ASSETS_TAG-${GITLAB_REF_SLUG-$(ruby -I. -e 'require "lib/gitlab/version"; puts"gitlab-rails").print')}} - support/fetch_assets "${VERSION}" artifacts: paths: - ${ASSET_PATH} rules: - if: '$COMPILE_ASSETS == "true"' when: never # NOTE (rspeicher): Checking `$AUTO_DEPLOY_COMPILE_ASSETS` as a feature flag # See - if: '$AUTO_DEPLOY_COMPILE_ASSETS && $PIPELINE_TYPE =~ /AUTO_DEPLOY_BUILD_PIPELINE$/' when: never # Run on all pipelines including a package build (except auto-deploy tag # covered above) - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE =~ /_BUILD_PIPELINE$/' - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE =~ /TRIGGERED_(CE|EE)_PIPELINE/' - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE == "TRIGGER_CACHE_UPDATE_PIPELINE"' - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE == "DURATION_PLOTTER_PIPELINE"' generate-facts: extends: .gems-cache stage: prepare image: "${BUILDER_IMAGE_REGISTRY}/distribution_ci_tools:${BUILDER_IMAGE_REVISION}" script: - mkdir -p build_facts - bundle exec omnibus manifest gitlab -l nothing > build_facts/version-manifest.json - bundle exec rake build:generate_facts artifacts: paths: - build_facts reports: dotenv: build_facts/env_vars rules: - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE =~ /_BUILD_PIPELINE$/' - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE == "TRIGGER_CACHE_UPDATE_PIPELINE"' - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE =~ /_TEST_PIPELINE$/' - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE == "GITLAB_MR_PIPELINE"' - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE =~ /TRIGGERED_(CE|EE)_PIPELINE/' - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE == "DEPS_IO_VERSION_BUMP_PIPELINE"' - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE == "DEPENDENCY_SCANNING_PIPELINE"' - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE == "FORK_MR_PIPELINE"' - when: never needs: [] .notify: before_script: - apk add --no-cache curl image: "alpine" stage: notification_fail notify:slack-fail:scheduled-master: extends: - .notify script: - ./support/ "#qa-master" "☠️ Scheduled omnibus-build against master failed! ☠️ See $CI_PIPELINE_URL (triggered from $TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_JOB)" rules: - if: '$TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_JOB == null || $TOP_UPSTREAM_SOURCE_REF != "master"' when: never - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE == "TRIGGERED_EE_PIPELINE"' when: on_failure issue-bot: stage: notification_fail image: script: /issue-bot rules: - if: '$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME != $CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH' when: never - if: '$PIPELINE_TYPE == "PROTECTED_TEST_PIPELINE"' when: on_failure