--- stage: Systems group: Distribution info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # Configuring Redis DETAILS: **Tier:** Free, Premium, Ultimate **Offering:** Self-managed ## Using an alternate local Redis instance Linux package installations include Redis by default. To direct the GitLab application to your own *locally* running Redis instance: 1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`: ```ruby # Disable the bundled Redis redis['enable'] = false # Redis via TCP gitlab_rails['redis_host'] = '' gitlab_rails['redis_port'] = 6379 # OR Redis via Unix domain sockets gitlab_rails['redis_socket'] = '/tmp/redis.sock' # defaults to /var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket # Password to Authenticate to alternate local Redis if required gitlab_rails['redis_password'] = '<redis_password>' ``` 1. Reconfigure GitLab for the changes to take effect: ```shell sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure ``` ## Making the bundled Redis reachable via TCP Use the following settings if you want to make the Redis instance managed by the Linux package reachable via TCP: 1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`: ```ruby redis['port'] = 6379 redis['bind'] = '' redis['password'] = 'redis-password-goes-here' ``` 1. Save the file and reconfigure GitLab for the changes to take effect: ```shell sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure ``` ## Setting up a Redis-only server using the Linux package If you'd like to set up Redis in a separate server than the GitLab application, you can use the [bundled Redis from a Linux package installation](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/redis/standalone.html). ## Running with multiple Redis instances See <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/redis/replication_and_failover.html#running-multiple-redis-clusters>. ## Redis Sentinel See <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/redis/replication_and_failover.html>. ## Using Redis in a failover setup See <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/redis/replication_and_failover.html>. ## Using Google Cloud Memorystore Google Cloud Memorystore [does not support the Redis `CLIENT` command](https://cloud.google.com/memorystore/docs/redis/product-constraints#blocked_redis_commands). By default, Sidekiq will attempt to set the `CLIENT` for debugging purposes. This can be disabled via the following configuration setting: ```ruby gitlab_rails['redis_enable_client'] = false ``` ## Increasing the number of Redis connections beyond the default By default Redis will only accept 10,000 client connections. If you need more that 10,000 connections set the `maxclients` attribute to suit your needs. Be advised that adjusting the `maxclients` attribute means that you will also need to take into account your systems settings for `fs.file-max` (for example `sysctl -w fs.file-max=20000`) ```ruby redis['maxclients'] = 20000 ``` ## Tuning the TCP stack for Redis The following settings are to enable a more performant Redis server instance. `tcp_timeout` is a value set in seconds that the Redis server waits before terminating an idle TCP connection. The `tcp_keepalive` is a tunable setting in seconds to TCP ACKs to clients in absence of communication. ```ruby redis['tcp_timeout'] = "60" redis['tcp_keepalive'] = "300" ``` ## Announce IP from hostname Currently the only way to enable hostnames in Redis is by setting `redis['announce_ip']`. However, this would need to be set uniquely per Redis instance. `announce_ip_from_hostname` is a boolean that allows us to turn this on or off. It fetches the hostname dynamically, inferring the hostname from `hostname -f` command. ```ruby redis['announce_ip_from_hostname'] = true ``` ## Setting the Redis Cache instance as an LRU Using multiple Redis instances allows you to configure Redis as a [Least Recently Used cache](https://redis.io/docs/latest/operate/rs/databases/memory-performance/eviction-policy/). Note you should only do this for the Redis cache, rate-limiting, and repository cache instances; the Redis queues, shared state instances, and tracechunks instances should never be configured as an LRU, since they contain data (e.g. Sidekiq jobs) that is expected to be persistent. To cap memory usage at 32GB, you can use: ```ruby redis['maxmemory'] = "32gb" redis['maxmemory_policy'] = "allkeys-lru" redis['maxmemory_samples'] = 5 ``` ## Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) You can configure Redis to run behind SSL. ### Running Redis server behind SSL 1. To run Redis server behind SSL, you can use the following settings in `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`. See the TLS/SSL section of [`redis.conf.erb`](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/omnibus-gitlab/-/blob/master/files/gitlab-cookbooks/redis/templates/default/redis.conf.erb) to learn about the possible values: ```ruby redis['tls_port'] redis['tls_cert_file'] redis['tls_key_file'] ``` 1. After specifying the required values, reconfigure GitLab for the changes to take effect: ```shell sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure ``` NOTE: Some `redis-cli` binaries are not built with support for directly connecting to a Redis server over TLS. If your `redis-cli` doesn't support the `--tls` flag, you will have to use something like [`stunnel`](https://redis.io/blog/stunnel-secure-redis-ssl/) to connect to the Redis server using `redis-cli` for any debugging purposes. ### Make GitLab client connect to Redis server over SSL To activate GitLab client support for SSL: 1. Add the following line to `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`: ```ruby gitlab_rails['redis_ssl'] = true ``` 1. Reconfigure GitLab for the changes to take effect: ```shell sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure ``` ## SSL certificates If you're using custom SSL certificates for Redis, be sure to add them to the [trusted certificates](../settings/ssl/index.md#install-custom-public-certificates). ## Renamed commands By default, the `KEYS` command is disabled as a security measure. If you'd like to obfuscate or disable this command, or other commands, edit the `redis['rename_commands']` setting in `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` to look like: ```ruby redis['rename_commands'] = { 'KEYS': '', 'OTHER_COMMAND': 'VALUE' } ``` - `OTHER_COMMAND` is the command you want to modify - `VALUE` should be one of: 1. A new command name. 1. `''`, which completely disables the command. To disable this functionality: 1. Set `redis['rename_commands'] = {}` in your `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` file 1. Run `sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure` ## Lazy freeing Redis 4 introduced [lazy freeing](http://antirez.com/news/93). This can improve performance when freeing large values. This setting defaults to `false`. To enable it, you can use: ```ruby redis['lazyfree_lazy_eviction'] = true redis['lazyfree_lazy_expire'] = true redis['lazyfree_lazy_server_del'] = true redis['replica_lazy_flush'] = true ``` ## Threaded I/O Redis 6 introduced threaded I/O. This allow writes to scale across multiple cores. This setting is disabled by default. To enable it, you can use: ```ruby redis['io_threads'] = 4 redis['io_threads_do_reads'] = true ``` ### Client Timeouts By default, the [Ruby client for Redis](https://github.com/redis-rb/redis-client?tab=readme-ov-file#configuration) uses a 1-second default for the connect, read, and write timeouts. You may need to tune these values to account for local network latency. For example, if you see `Connection timed out - user specified timeout` errors, you may need to raise `connect_timeout`: ```ruby gitlab_rails['redis_connect_timeout'] = 3 gitlab_rails['redis_read_timeout'] = 1 gitlab_rails['redis_write_timeout'] = 1 ``` ## Provide sensitive configuration to Redis clients without plain text storage For more information, see the example in [configuration documentation](../settings/configuration.md#provide-redis-password-to-redis-server-and-client-components). ## Troubleshooting ### `x509: certificate signed by unknown authority` This error message suggests that the SSL certificates have not been properly added to the list of trusted certificates for the server. To check whether this is an issue: 1. Check Workhorse logs in `/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse/current`. 1. If you see messages that look like: ```plaintext 2018-11-14_05:52:16.71123 time="2018-11-14T05:52:16Z" level=info msg="redis: dialing" address="redis-server:6379" scheme=rediss 2018-11-14_05:52:16.74397 time="2018-11-14T05:52:16Z" level=error msg="unknown error" error="keywatcher: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" ``` The first line should show `rediss` as the scheme with the address of the Redis server. The second line indicates the certificate is not properly trusted on this server. See the [previous section](#ssl-certificates). 1. Verify that the SSL certificate is working via [these troubleshooting steps](../settings/ssl/ssl_troubleshooting.md#custom-certificates-missing-or-skipped). ### NOAUTH Authentication required A Redis server may require a password sent via an `AUTH` message before commands are accepted. A `NOAUTH Authentication required` error message suggests the client is not sending a password. GitLab logs may help troubleshoot this error: 1. Check Workhorse logs in `/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse/current`. 1. If you see messages that look like: ```plaintext 2018-11-14_06:18:43.81636 time="2018-11-14T06:18:43Z" level=info msg="redis: dialing" address="redis-server:6379" scheme=rediss 2018-11-14_06:18:43.86929 time="2018-11-14T06:18:43Z" level=error msg="unknown error" error="keywatcher: pubsub receive: NOAUTH Authentication required." ``` 1. Check that the Redis client password specified in `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` is correct: ```ruby gitlab_rails['redis_password'] = 'your-password-here' ``` 1. If you are using the Linux package-provided Redis server, check that the server has the same password: ```ruby redis['password'] = 'your-password-here' ``` ### Redis connection reset (ECONNRESET) If you see `Redis::ConnectionError: Connection lost (ECONNRESET)` in the GitLab Rails logs (`/var/log/gitlab-rails/production.log`), this might indicate that the server is expecting SSL but the client is not configured to use it. 1. Check that the server is actually listening to the port via SSL. For example: ```shell /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/openssl s_client -connect redis-server:6379 ``` 1. Check `/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/etc/resque.yml`. You should see something like: ```yaml production: url: rediss://:mypassword@redis-server:6379/ ``` 1. If `redis://` is present instead of `rediss://`, the `redis_ssl` parameter may not have been configured properly, or the reconfigure step may not have been run. ### Connecting to Redis via the CLI When connecting to Redis for troubleshooting you can use: - Redis via Unix domain sockets: ```shell sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/redis-cli -s /var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket ``` - Redis via TCP: ```shell sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/redis-cli -h -p 6379 ``` - Password to authenticate to Redis if required: ```shell sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/redis-cli -h -p 6379 -a <password> ```