# HG changeset patch
# User Georges Racinet <georges.racinet@octobus.net>
# Date 1604239170 -3600
#      Sun Nov 01 14:59:30 2020 +0100
# Node ID 362aa38ad3039f3393eb8ae0a0c06eb4f10affb5
# Parent  4bfffd69ef9ac6b1c777d435e0ef6b72800ee5dc
README: update tests guide

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -35,16 +35,20 @@
 ### Launching the tests
-We have unit tests with `py.test`, they'd be typically run in a virtualenv:
+We have unit and integration tests with `pytest`, they'd be typically
+run in a virtualenv:
 python 3 -m venv venv
-venv/bin/pip install -r install-requirements.txt -r test-requirements.txt
+source venv/bin/activate
-Note: relying on virtualenv activation to run the tests simply as `pytest` has
-been playing tricks with us, but the direct form above worked in all cases
+We have a 100% coverage policy, that is enforced by `run-all-tests` and
+therefore by the continuous integration.
+This full run takes about 20 seconds in our continuous integration, and
+usually less than that on developer workstations.
 ### Workflow rules