# HG changeset patch
# User Georges Racinet <georges.racinet@octobus.net>
# Date 1583858952 -3600
#      Tue Mar 10 17:49:12 2020 +0100
# Node ID a9f1a24b967984864cd4331fc909aef005236e56
# Parent  cac20dfe000d1c5af3221a9e83b3db8c7adf3150
GitLab hooks: post-receive directly through internal REST API

This implements the `post-receive` hook by a direct HTTP call to the
internal API endpoint. For this, two new config parameters in the
`heptapod` section are introduced:

- gitlab-internal-api-secret-file
- gitlab-internal-api-url

We're keeping the previous structure, with a `name`
that's now almost useless and leads us to the
complication of the `_hook_methods` dict.
This keeps compatibility for the caller (also
part of this package since Heptapod 0.12), allowing
us to refactor in a separate step.

diff --git a/heptapod/gitlab/__init__.py b/heptapod/gitlab/__init__.py
--- a/heptapod/gitlab/__init__.py
+++ b/heptapod/gitlab/__init__.py
@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@
 # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+import logging
 import os
-import subprocess
+import requests
+import requests_unixsocket
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 def git_hook_format_changes(changes):
@@ -20,6 +24,74 @@
         for ref, (old_gitsha, new_gitsha) in changes.items())
+def parse_broadcast_msg(msg, text_length):
+    """Cut into several lines of at most text_length length """
+    if len(msg) <= text_length:
+        return [msg]
+    lines = []
+    current = []
+    current_len = 0
+    for word in msg.split():
+        if current_len + len(word) < text_length:
+            current.append(word)
+            current_len += len(word) + 1
+        else:
+            lines.append(' '.join(current))
+            current = [word]
+            current_len = 0
+    if current:
+        lines.append(' '.join(current))
+    return lines
+def format_alert_message(message):
+    """Directly translated from gitlab_post_receive.rb in gitlab-shell."""
+    # A standard terminal window is (at least) 80 characters wide.
+    total_width = 80
+    # Git prefixes remote messages with "remote: ", so this width is subtracted
+    # from the width available to us. TODO recheck for Mercurial
+    total_width -= len("remote: ")
+    # Our centered text shouldn't start or end right at the edge of the window,
+    # so we add some horizontal padding: 2 chars on either side.
+    text_width = total_width - 2 * 2
+    # Automatically wrap message at text_width (= 68) characters:
+    # Splits the message up into the longest possible chunks matching
+    # "<between 0 and text_width characters><space or end-of-line>".
+    lines = ["", "=" * total_width, ""]
+    for msg_line in parse_broadcast_msg(message, text_width):
+        padding = max((total_width - len(msg_line)) / 2, 0)
+        lines.append(" " * padding + msg_line)
+    lines.extend(("", "=" * total_width, ""))
+    return lines
+def format_warnings(warnings):
+    return format_alert_message("\n".join(("WARNINGS", warnings)))
+def format_mr_links(mrs):
+    if not mrs:
+        return ()
+    out_lines = [""]
+    for mr in mrs:
+        if mr.get("new_merge_request"):
+            fmt = "To create a merge request for {branch_name}, visit:"
+        else:
+            fmt = "View merge request for {branch_name}:"
+        fmt += "\n  {url}"
+        out_lines.append(fmt.format(**mr))
+    print(repr(out_lines))
+    return out_lines
 SKIP = object()
@@ -34,15 +106,33 @@
     at the right stage of Mercurial transaction end.
+    _hook_methods = {
+        'post-receive': 'post_receive',
+    }
     def __init__(self, name, repo):
         self.name = name
         self.repo = repo
         self.git_fs_path = self.repo.root[:-3] + '.git'
+        url = str(repo.ui.config(b'heptapod', b'gitlab-internal-api-url',
+                                 'http://localhost:8080'))
+        self.gitlab_internal_api_endpoint = url + '/api/v4/internal'
+        self.gitlab_url = url
         shell = repo.ui.config(b'heptapod', b'gitlab-shell')
         if not shell:
             raise RuntimeError("Path to GitLab Shell is unknown")
         self.gitlab_shell = shell
+        secret = repo.ui.config(b'heptapod',
+                                b'gitlab-internal-api-secret-file')
+        if not secret:
+            raise RuntimeError("heptapod.gitlab-internal-api-secret-file "
+                               "config parameter is missing.")
+        with open(secret, 'r') as secretf:
+            self.gitlab_secret = secretf.read().strip()
     def __str__(self):
         return "GitLab %r hook wrapper" % self.name
@@ -72,6 +162,52 @@
         env['GL_REPOSITORY'] = 'project-' + project_id
         return env
+    def gitlab_internal_api_request(
+            self, meth,
+            subpath, params, **kwargs):  # pragma: no cover
+        params['secret_token'] = self.gitlab_secret
+        with requests_unixsocket.monkeypatch():
+            return requests.request(
+                meth,
+                '/'.join((self.gitlab_internal_api_endpoint,
+                          subpath)),
+                data=params,
+                **kwargs)
+    def post_receive_params(self, changes, env=None):
+        if env is None:
+            env = self.environ()
+        return dict(gl_repository=env['GL_REPOSITORY'],
+                    identifier=env['GL_ID'],
+                    changes=git_hook_format_changes(changes))
+    def post_receive(self, changes, env=None):
+        """Call GitLab internal API post-receive endpoint."""
+        params = self.post_receive_params(changes, env=env)
+        resp = self.gitlab_internal_api_request('POST',
+                                                subpath='post_receive',
+                                                params=params)
+        ok = resp.status_code == 200
+        as_json = resp.json()
+        logger.debug("post_receive for changes %r, response: %r",
+                     changes, as_json)
+        return ok, self.post_receive_handle_response(as_json), ''
+    def post_receive_handle_response(self, as_json):
+        out_lines = []
+        broadcast_message = as_json.get('broadcast_message')
+        if broadcast_message is not None:
+            out_lines.extend(format_alert_message(broadcast_message))
+        out_lines.extend(format_mr_links(as_json.get('merge_request_urls')))
+        for msg_name in ('redirected_message', 'project_created_message', ):
+            msg = as_json.get(msg_name)
+            if msg is not None:
+                out_lines.append(msg)
+        warnings = as_json.get('warnings')
+        if warnings is not None:
+            out_lines.extend(format_warnings(warnings))
+        return '\n'.join(out_lines)
     def __call__(self, changes):
         """Call GitLab Hook for the given changes.
@@ -95,13 +231,9 @@
             self.repo.ui.note('%s: bailing (explicitely told not to send)')
             return 0, '', ''
-        self.repo.ui.note("%s: sending changes %r" % (self, changes))
-        pr = subprocess.Popen(
-            [os.path.join(self.gitlab_shell, 'hooks', self.name)],
-            env=env,
-            cwd=self.git_fs_path,
-            stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
-            stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
-            stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
-        out, err = pr.communicate(input=git_hook_format_changes(changes))
-        return pr.returncode, out, err
+        meth_name = self._hook_methods.get(self.name)
+        if meth_name is None:
+            raise NotImplementedError(self.name)
+        ok, out, err = getattr(self, meth_name)(changes, env=env)
+        return 0 if ok else 1, out, err
diff --git a/heptapod/gitlab/tests/test_hooks.py b/heptapod/gitlab/tests/test_hooks.py
--- a/heptapod/gitlab/tests/test_hooks.py
+++ b/heptapod/gitlab/tests/test_hooks.py
@@ -4,12 +4,20 @@
 # GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+import io
+import json
 import pytest
+import requests
 from heptapod.testhelpers import (
 from .. import (
+    format_alert_message,
+    format_warnings,
+    format_mr_links,
+    parse_broadcast_msg,
@@ -26,11 +34,93 @@
+def test_parse_broadcast_msg():
+    msg = "Short message"
+    assert parse_broadcast_msg(msg, 80) == [msg]
+    msg = "A somewhat longer message, cut here"
+    assert parse_broadcast_msg(msg, 30) == ["A somewhat longer message,",
+                                            "cut here"]
+def test_format_alert_message():
+    # here the point of the test is mostly to make sure that we don't
+    # get stupid errors, we don't care that much of the exact amount of
+    # padding or leading and trailing separators
+    msg = "Short message"
+    assert (format_alert_message(msg)[3]
+            ==
+            '                             Short message'
+            )
+    msg = ' '.join('word%d' % i for i in range(20))
+    formatted = format_alert_message(msg)
+    assert (formatted[3]
+            ==
+            ('   word0 word1 word2 word3 word4 word5 word6 word7 word8 '
+             'word9 word10')
+            )
+    assert (formatted[4]
+            ==
+            ('     word11 word12 word13 word14 word15 '
+             'word16 word17 word18 word19')
+            )
+def test_format_warnings():
+    """Test format_warnings for non breakage, not for precise content wording.
+    """
+    assert 'WARNINGS' in format_warnings('Short warning')[3]
+def fmt_mr_links(mrs):
+    """Call and convert return into a tuple.
+    The goal is that assertions don't depend onto the precise return type.
+    """
+    return tuple(format_mr_links(mrs))
+def test_format_mr_links():
+    """Test format_mr_links for non breakage, not for precise content wording.
+    """
+    assert fmt_mr_links(None) == ()
+    assert fmt_mr_links([]) == ()
+    assert fmt_mr_links(()) == ()
+    seen_create = False
+    seen_view = False
+    for line in fmt_mr_links(
+            [dict(new_merge_request=True,
+                  branch_name='heptapod-next',
+                  url="https://heptapod.example?query=something"),
+             dict(new_merge_request=False,
+                  branch_name='heptapod-stable',
+                  url="https://heptapod.example?query=other"),
+             ]):
+        line = line.lower()
+        if 'view merge request' in line:
+            seen_view = True
+            assert "heptapod-stable" in line
+            # query string passed through
+            assert '?query=other' in line
+        elif 'create a merge request' in line:
+            seen_create = True
+            assert "heptapod-next" in line
+            assert '?query=something' in line
+    assert seen_view, "Did not get message to view existing MR"
+    assert seen_create, "Did not get message to create new MR"
 def make_repo(base_dir, name):
+    secret = base_dir.join('secret')
+    secret.write("TEHTOKEN")
     wrapper = LocalRepoWrapper.init(
-        config=dict(heptapod={'gitlab-shell': str(base_dir)}),
-        )
+        config=dict(heptapod={'gitlab-shell': str(base_dir),
+                              'gitlab-internal-api-secret-file': str(secret),
+                              }),
+    )
     # by default, ui.environ IS os.environ (shared) but that isn't true
     # in WSGI contexts. In that case, it is a plain dict, the WSGI environment
     # indeed. For these tests, we need them to be independent.
@@ -38,62 +128,179 @@
     return wrapper
-def test_hook(tmpdir):
+def request_recorder(records, responses):
+    def request(hook, meth, subpath, params, **kwargs):
+        records.append((meth, subpath, params, kwargs))
+        return responses.pop(0)
+    return request
+def test_post_receive_params(tmpdir):
+    wrapper = make_repo(tmpdir, 'proj.hg')
+    repo = wrapper.repo
+    hook = Hook('post-receive', repo)
+    repo.ui.environ.update(
+        HEPTAPOD_PROJECT_ID='1024',
+    )
+    changes = {
+        'branch/newbr': (ZERO_SHA, "beef1234dead" + "a" * 8),
+        'topic/default/zz': ("23cafe45" + "0" * 12, "1234" + "b" * 16),
+    }
+    params = hook.post_receive_params(changes)
+    assert params['identifier'] == 'user-23'
+    assert params['changes'].splitlines() == [
+        '23cafe45000000000000 1234bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb topic/default/zz',
+        '00000000000000000000 beef1234deadaaaaaaaa branch/newbr']
+    assert params['gl_repository'] == 'project-1024'
+def test_post_receive_handle_response(tmpdir):
     wrapper = make_repo(tmpdir, 'proj.hg')
     repo = wrapper.repo
-    hook = Hook('post-something', repo)
+    hook = Hook('post-receive', repo)
+    out = hook.post_receive_handle_response(
+        # example taken from the functional tests
+        {u'broadcast_message': None,
+         u'reference_counter_decreased': True,
+         u'merge_request_urls': [
+             {u'url': u'http://localhost:3000/root/'
+              'test_project_1583330760_9216309/merge_requests/1',
+              u'branch_name': u'topic/default/antelope',
+              u'new_merge_request': False}
+         ]})
+    out = [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines() if l.strip()]
+    assert out == [
+        'View merge request for topic/default/antelope:',
+        'http://localhost:3000/root/test_project_1583330760_9216309/'
+        'merge_requests/1']
+    broadcast = "Check out the new tutorial"
+    out = hook.post_receive_handle_response(
+        {u'broadcast_message': broadcast,
+         u'reference_counter_decreased': True,
+         })
+    out = (l.strip() for l in out.splitlines() if l.strip())
+    assert any(broadcast in l for l in out)
+    project_created = "Congrats!"
+    out = hook.post_receive_handle_response(
+        {u'project_created_message': project_created,
+         u'reference_counter_decreased': True,
+         })
+    out = (l.strip() for l in out.splitlines() if l.strip())
+    assert any(project_created in l for l in out)
+    # GitLab internal API gives warnings as a unique string
+    # see lib/api/helpers/internal_helpers.rb
+    warnings = "You probably shouldn't have"
+    out = hook.post_receive_handle_response(
+        {u'warnings': warnings,
+         u'reference_counter_decreased': True,
+         })
+    out = (l.strip() for l in out.splitlines() if l.strip())
+    assert any(warnings in l for l in out)
+def make_response(status_code, body):
+    """Body is bytes"""
+    resp = requests.models.Response()
+    resp.status_code = status_code
+    resp.raw = io.BytesIO(body)
+    return resp
+def make_json_response(obj, status_code=200):
+    return make_response(status_code, json.dumps(obj).encode())
+def test_integration_post_receive(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
+    records = []
+    resp = make_json_response(
+        {u'broadcast_message': None,
+         u'reference_counter_decreased': True,
+         u'merge_request_urls': [
+             {u'url': u'http://localhost:3000/root/'
+              'test_project_1583330760_9216309/merge_requests/1',
+              u'branch_name': u'topic/default/antelope',
+              u'new_merge_request': False}
+         ]})
+    responses = [resp]
+    monkeypatch.setattr(Hook, 'gitlab_internal_api_request',
+                        request_recorder(records, responses))
+    repo_wrapper = make_repo(tmpdir, 'repo.hg')
+    repo = repo_wrapper.repo
-    assert str(hook) == "GitLab 'post-something' hook wrapper"
-    env = hook.environ()
-    assert env.get('HG_GIT_SYNC') == 'yes'
-    assert env.get('GL_ID') == 'user-23'
-    assert env.get('GL_REPOSITORY') == 'project-1024'
+    hook = Hook('post-receive', repo_wrapper.repo)
+    changes = {
+        'branch/newbr': (ZERO_SHA, "beef1234dead" + "a" * 8),
+        'topic/default/zz': ("23cafe45" + "0" * 12, "1234" + "b" * 16),
+    }
-    # we didn't pollute original environment
-    assert 'GL_ID' not in repo.ui.environ
+    return_code, out, err = hook(changes)
+    assert return_code == 0
+    out = [l.strip() for l in out.splitlines() if l.strip()]
+    assert out == [
+        'View merge request for topic/default/antelope:',
+        'http://localhost:3000/root/test_project_1583330760_9216309/'
+        'merge_requests/1']
-    # calling with empty changes
-    assert hook(()) == (0, '', '')
-    # now with an executable
-    # we need a pseudo Git repo
-    tmpdir.join('proj.git').ensure(dir=True)
-    hook_bin = tmpdir.ensure('hooks', dir=True).join('post-something')
-    hook_bin.write('\n'.join((
-        "#!/usr/bin/env python",
-        "import sys",
-        "sys.stderr.write('stderr of the post something hook')",
-        "for line in sys.stdin.readlines():",
-        "    sys.stdout.write(line)",
-        "sys.exit(3)",
-    )))
-    hook_bin.chmod(0o700)
-    changes = {'branch/newbr': (ZERO_SHA, "beef1234dead" + "a" * 8),
-               'topic/default/zz': ("23cafe45" + "0" * 12, "1234" + "b" * 16),
-               }
+def test_empty_changes(tmpdir):
+    hook = Hook('post-receive', make_repo(tmpdir, 'repo.hg').repo)
+    code, out, err = hook(())
+    assert code == 0
+    assert not out
+    assert not err
+def test_unknown_hook(tmpdir):
+    # that's a typo, the most likely way for it to happen
+    name = 'post-recieve'
-    code, out, err = hook(changes)
-    assert code, err == (3, 'stderr of the post something hoko')
-    assert set(out.splitlines()) == {
-        '00000000000000000000 beef1234deadaaaaaaaa branch/newbr',
-        '23cafe45000000000000 1234bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb topic/default/zz'
+    repo = make_repo(tmpdir, 'repo.hg').repo
+    hook = Hook(name, repo)
+    changes = {
+        'branch/newbr': (ZERO_SHA, "beef1234dead" + "a" * 8),
+        'topic/default/zz': ("23cafe45" + "0" * 12, "1234" + "b" * 16),
+    repo.ui.environ.update(
+        HEPTAPOD_PROJECT_ID='1024',
+    )
+    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as exc_info:
+        hook(changes)
+    assert exc_info.value.args[0] == name
 def test_missing_gitlab_shell(tmpdir):
     repo = LocalRepoWrapper.init(tmpdir).repo
+    repo.ui.setconfig(b'heptapod', b'gitlab-internal-api-secret-file',
+                      b'/some/path')
     with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc_info:
-        Hook('post-something', repo)
+        Hook('post-receive', repo)
     assert "Path to GitLab Shell" in exc_info.value.args[0]
+def test_missing_secret(tmpdir):
+    repo = LocalRepoWrapper.init(tmpdir).repo
+    repo.ui.setconfig(b'heptapod', b'gitlab-shell', b'/some/path')
+    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as exc_info:
+        Hook('post-receive', repo)
+    assert "secret-file" in exc_info.value.args[0]
 def test_hook_missing_user(tmpdir):
     wrapper = make_repo(tmpdir, 'proj2.hg')
     repo = wrapper.repo
diff --git a/install-requirements.txt b/install-requirements.txt
--- a/install-requirements.txt
+++ b/install-requirements.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@