# HG changeset patch # User Georges Racinet <georges.racinet@octobus.net> # Date 1591650506 -7200 # Mon Jun 08 23:08:26 2020 +0200 # Branch heptapod-0-13 # Node ID ba173edd962ca29dbf2b0cb3267c3eb24d8f7cc8 # Parent dd3b2594f868d66a3f7f40a06aa4ff1aa94efd26 Ignoring PEP8 rule about line breaks before binary operators I was glad not to see the stupidest of all rules any more, turns out that was only because we were running an old version of flake8. In a nutshell, this rule is harmful, line breaks before binary *boolean* operators are useful for clarity. I've grumpily tolerated this rule in the past on new codebases. Won't waste time on it for an existing code base because of a linter version change. diff --git a/.flake8 b/.flake8 --- a/.flake8 +++ b/.flake8 @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ [flake8] -ignore=E741 +ignore=E741,W503