HD output, full frame *all the time* (HDMI live view)
Created originally on Bitbucket by Anonymous
http://vimeo.com/6618825 Great to see!
I will be using the 5D on top of a microscope to shoot HD micro-life. Works great. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoGkb_gZNLc
But need to focus-spool more precise then normal, so need to attach a big HD screen for preview while recording.
Also I want to send the HD signal to a video projector, during a performance on stage with a microscope... ;) (and record sometimes as well)
So, I'm looking for a constant natvie 1080 HDMI output from my 5D, without the 'magnifying frame' or 'rec-dot' in corner, or anything in the live view screen. Also I would love to see this HD signal** full frame output, without the black borders/transparant frames around it...**
Would that ever be possible?
Plz let me know, Ruben ruben[at]westframe.com