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Improved key-repeat behavior

Bitbucket Importer requested to merge bitbucket/merged-pr-342 into branch/unified

Created originally on Bitbucket by ayshih (Albert Shih)

Was already merged in Bitbucket before import, marked as merged by the import user

See issue #1819 (closed) for lots of discussion

The fix here is to have keyrep_ack equal to 0 block the key-repeat countdown from decrementing. It's only after the handling of a direction-key-press event, either real or faked, that keyrep_ack is set to 1 and the countdown can start to decrement. For the specific bug in issue #1819 (closed), the problematic key-repeat event is not created because the immediate key-unpress event sets keyrep_ack back to 0 and stops the countdown before a key-repeat event can even be generated.

Based on my testing, intended key-repeating behavior is preserved, while the bug is squashed.

Merge request reports
