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Restoration of global draw after mlv_rec recording

Bitbucket Importer requested to merge bitbucket/merged-pr-388 into branch/unified

Created originally on Bitbucket by ayshih (Albert Shih)

Was already merged in Bitbucket before import, marked as merged by the import user

It seems that the disabling of global draw when starting a recording with mlv_rec was missing a matched enabling of global draw after the recording is finished. That is, hack_liveview(0) disables global draw, but hack_liveview(1) didn't restore it.

Note that hack_liveview_vsync() can spawn unhack_liveview_vsync(), which does restore global draw, but it does that only for Hacked preview. I wasn't sure whether I could comment out that restoration of global draw without ill effects, so right now, there may be a bit of redundancy when Hacked preview is active.

Tested on my 50D and behaves as I'd expect (global draw is restored after finishing a recording).

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