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  • Martin von Zweigbergk's avatar
    evolve: mark new hash-salting extras keys as uninteresting for effect flag · 142827ad86f3
    Martin von Zweigbergk authored
    The user doesn't care if the
    `evolve_source_local`/`evolve_source_other` values in the extras
    changed, so this patch adds them to the blacklist that already exists
    for that purpose.
    This should also fix the flakiness we've seen in some tests. The
    flakiness seemed to stem from `mercurial.obsutil.geteffectflag()` not
    sorting extras keys. That means we ran into it relatively often for
    the `evolve_source_local`/`evolve_source_other` keys because there
    were two of them. That sorting bug should be fixed upstream.