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  • Anton Shestakov's avatar
    tests: spell out hg commands for readability · b68789e8c535
    Anton Shestakov authored
    These are the abbreviations that are used just in a couple of places in the
    tests. `hg d` is in my opinion an abbreviation of core command that everyone
    should know, but I'd rather not use "unofficial" abbreviations in tests because
    it takes a second to mentally expand what the command is when you're reading
    it. In CLI when you type commands, it makes sense to abbreviate things to type
    less. But tests are read much more often than they are written, so I'd like to
    apply the same guidelines to them as to regular code: readability first.
    Apart from readability, it's also consistency, because these particular
    abbreviations are rare, and everywhere else the commands are spelled out.