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  • Martin von Zweigbergk's avatar
    templatekw: make {file_*} compare to both merge parents (issue4292) · 0c72eddb4be5
    Martin von Zweigbergk authored
    This redefines the {file_adds}, {file_dels}, {file_mods} template
    keywords by getting the lists from the recently introduced context
    methods instead of getting them from status compared to p1. As
    mentioned before, these are better defined on merge commits. The total
    number of files from the three lists now always add up to the number
    of files in {files}.
    I timed this command:
      hg log -r 4.0::5.0 -T '{rev}\n {file_mods}\n {file_adds}\n {file_dels}\n'
    It went from 7.6s to 5.6s with this patch. So it's actually faster
    than before.
    Note that the "files:" field in the bazaar test log output was using
    "{file_mods}" (not "{files}" as one might think based on the label).
    Differential Revision: