# HG changeset patch
# User Sean Farley <sean@farley.io>
# Date 1466546329 25200
#      Tue Jun 21 14:58:49 2016 -0700
# Node ID 2ff243c415b43440af82fa3e965105205eff9ee4
# Parent  ffa194c3a83c8952802f789da93c884e4c4b4e09
histedit: move autoverb rule to the commit it matches

Inspired by how 'git rebase -i' works, we move the autoverb to the
commit line summary that it matches. We do this by iterating over all
rules and inserting each non-autoverb line into a key in an ordered
dictionary. If we find an autoverb line later, we then search for the
matching key and append it to the list (which is the value of each key
in the dictionary). If we can't find a previous line to move to, then we
leave the rule in the same spot.

Tests have been updated but the diff looks a little messy because we
need to change one of the summary lines so that it will actually move to
a new spot. On top of that, we added -q flags to future some of the
output and needed to change the file it modified so that it wouldn't
cause a conflict.

diff --git a/hgext/histedit.py b/hgext/histedit.py
--- a/hgext/histedit.py
+++ b/hgext/histedit.py
@@ -1316,15 +1316,38 @@
     rules are in the format [ [act, ctx], ...] like in state.rules
     if repo.ui.configbool("experimental", "histedit.autoverb"):
+        newact = util.sortdict()
         for act in actions:
             ctx = repo[act.node]
             summary = _getsummary(ctx)
             fword = summary.split(' ', 1)[0].lower()
+            added = False
             # if it doesn't end with the special character '!' just skip this
             if fword.endswith('!'):
                 fword = fword[:-1]
                 if fword in primaryactions | secondaryactions | tertiaryactions:
                     act.verb = fword
+                    # get the target summary
+                    tsum = summary[len(fword) + 1:].lstrip()
+                    # safe but slow: reverse iterate over the actions so we
+                    # don't clash on two commits having the same summary
+                    for na, l in reversed(list(newact.iteritems())):
+                        actx = repo[na.node]
+                        asum = _getsummary(actx)
+                        if asum == tsum:
+                            added = True
+                            l.append(act)
+                            break
+            if not added:
+                newact[act] = []
+        # copy over and flatten the new list
+        actions = []
+        for na, l in newact.iteritems():
+            actions.append(na)
+            actions += l
     rules = '\n'.join([act.torule() for act in actions])
     rules += '\n\n'
diff --git a/tests/test-histedit-arguments.t b/tests/test-histedit-arguments.t
--- a/tests/test-histedit-arguments.t
+++ b/tests/test-histedit-arguments.t
@@ -507,17 +507,15 @@
   $ hg init autoverb
   $ cd autoverb
   $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg addr
-  adding alpha
-  $ hg ci -m one
+  $ hg ci -qAm one
   $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -m two
-  $ echo alpha >> alpha
-  $ hg ci -m "roll! three"
+  $ hg ci -qm two
+  $ echo beta >> beta
+  $ hg ci -qAm "roll! one"
   $ hg log --style compact --graph
-  @  2[tip]   1b0b0b04c8fe   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
-  |    roll! three
+  @  2[tip]   4f34d0f8b5fa   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
+  |    roll! one
   o  1   579e40513370   1970-01-01 00:00 +0000   test
   |    two
@@ -528,11 +526,12 @@
 Check that 'roll' is selected by default
-  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 1 --config experimental.histedit.autoverb=True
+  $ HGEDITOR=cat hg histedit 0 --config experimental.histedit.autoverb=True
+  pick 6058cbb6cfd7 0 one
+  roll 4f34d0f8b5fa 2 roll! one
   pick 579e40513370 1 two
-  roll 1b0b0b04c8fe 2 roll! three
-  # Edit history between 579e40513370 and 1b0b0b04c8fe
+  # Edit history between 6058cbb6cfd7 and 4f34d0f8b5fa
   # Commits are listed from least to most recent