diff --git a/contrib/wix/help.wxs b/contrib/wix/help.wxs
index 234c2d8c9e4839c1f4f0e744cf08c6b3cc7416da_Y29udHJpYi93aXgvaGVscC53eHM=..419d703115b03aed2829ec781a68e33eaf04e784_Y29udHJpYi93aXgvaGVscC53eHM= 100644
--- a/contrib/wix/help.wxs
+++ b/contrib/wix/help.wxs
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
             <File Id="internals.censor.txt"       Name="censor.txt" />
             <File Id="internals.changegroups.txt" Name="changegroups.txt" />
             <File Id="internals.config.txt"       Name="config.txt" />
+            <File Id="internals.extensions.txt"   Name="extensions.txt" />
             <File Id="internals.linelog.txt"      Name="linelog.txt" />
             <File Id="internals.requirements.txt" Name="requirements.txt" />
             <File Id="internals.revlogs.txt"      Name="revlogs.txt" />
diff --git a/mercurial/help.py b/mercurial/help.py
index 234c2d8c9e4839c1f4f0e744cf08c6b3cc7416da_bWVyY3VyaWFsL2hlbHAucHk=..419d703115b03aed2829ec781a68e33eaf04e784_bWVyY3VyaWFsL2hlbHAucHk= 100644
--- a/mercurial/help.py
+++ b/mercurial/help.py
@@ -311,6 +311,8 @@
      loaddoc('changegroups', subdir='internals')),
     (['config'], _('Config Registrar'),
      loaddoc('config', subdir='internals')),
+    (['extensions', 'extension'], _('Extension API'),
+     loaddoc('extensions', subdir='internals')),
     (['requirements'], _('Repository Requirements'),
      loaddoc('requirements', subdir='internals')),
     (['revlogs'], _('Revision Logs'),
diff --git a/mercurial/help/internals/extensions.txt b/mercurial/help/internals/extensions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..419d703115b03aed2829ec781a68e33eaf04e784_bWVyY3VyaWFsL2hlbHAvaW50ZXJuYWxzL2V4dGVuc2lvbnMudHh0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mercurial/help/internals/extensions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+Extensions allow the creation of new features and using them directly from
+the main hg command line as if they were built-in commands. The extensions
+have full access to the *internal* API.
+Use of Mercurial's internal API very likely makes your code subject to
+Mercurial's license. Before going any further, read the License page.
+There are NO guarantees that third-party code calling into Mercurial's
+internals won't break from release to release. If you do use Mercurial's API
+for published third-party code, we expect you to test your code before each
+major Mercurial release. This will prevent various bug reports from your users
+when they upgrade their copy of Mercurial.
+File Layout
+Extensions are usually written as simple python modules. Larger ones are
+better split into multiple modules of a single package (see the convert
+extension). The package root module gives its name to the extension and
+implements the ``cmdtable`` and optional callbacks described below.
+Command table
+To write your own extension, your python module can provide an optional dict
+named ``cmdtable`` with entries describing each command. A command should be
+registered to the ``cmdtable`` by ``@command`` decorator.
+Example using ``@command`` decorator (requires Mercurial 1.9)::
+    from mercurial import cmdutil
+    from mercurial.i18n import _
+    cmdtable = {}
+    command = cmdutil.command(cmdtable)
+    @command('print-parents',
+        [('s', 'short', None, _('print short form')),
+         ('l', 'long', None, _('print long form'))],
+        _('[options] node'))
+    def printparents(ui, repo, node, **opts):
+        ...
+The cmdtable dictionary
+The ``cmdtable`` dictionary uses as key the new command names, and, as value,
+a tuple containing:
+1. the function to be called when the command is used.
+2. a list of options the command can take.
+3. a command line synopsis for the command (the function docstring is used for
+   the full help).
+List of options
+All the command flag options are documented in the mercurial/fancyopts.py
+The options list is a list of tuples containing:
+1. the short option letter, or ``''`` if no short option is available
+   (for example, ``o`` for a ``-o`` option).
+2. the long option name (for example, ``option`` for a ``--option`` option).
+3. a default value for the option.
+4. a help string for the option (it's possible to omit the "hg newcommand"
+   part and only the options and parameter substring is needed).
+Command function signatures
+Functions that implement new commands always receive a ``ui`` and usually
+a ``repo`` parameter. The rest of parameters are taken from the command line
+items that don't start with a dash and are passed in the same order they were
+written. If no default value is given in the parameter list they are required.
+If there is no repo to be associated with the command and consequently no
+``repo`` passed, then ``norepo=True`` should be passed to the ``@command``
+    @command('mycommand', [], norepo=True)
+    def mycommand(ui, **opts):
+        ...
+For examples of ``norepo``, see the convert extension.
+Command function docstrings
+The docstring of your function is used as the main help text, shown by
+``hg help mycommand``. The docstring should be formatted using a simple
+subset of reStructuredText markup. The supported constructs include:
+    This is a paragraph.
+    Paragraphs are separated
+    by blank lines.
+A verbatim block is introduced with a double colon followed by an indented
+block. The double colon is turned into a single colon on display::
+    Some text::
+      verbatim
+        text
+         !!
+We have field lists::
+    :key1: value1
+    :key2: value2
+Bullet lists::
+    - foo
+    - bar
+Enumerated lists::
+    1. foo
+    2. bar
+Inline markup::
+    ``*bold*``, ``monospace``, :hg:`command`
+Mark Mercurial commands with ``:hg:`` to make a nice link to the corresponding
+documentation. We'll expand the support if new constructs can be parsed
+without too much trouble.
+Communicating with the user
+Besides the ``ui`` methods, like ``ui.write(*msg)`` or
+``ui.prompt(msg, default="y")``, an extension can add help text for each
+of its commands and the extension itself.
+The module docstring will be used as help string when ``hg help extensionname``
+is used and, similarly, the help string for a command and the docstring
+belonging to the function that's wrapped by the command will be shown when
+``hg help command`` is invoked.
+Setup Callbacks
+Extensions are loaded in phases. All extensions are processed in a given phase
+before the next phase begins. In the first phase, all extension modules are
+loaded and registered with Mercurial. This means that you can find all enabled
+extensions with ``extensions.find`` in the following phases.
+ui setup
+Extensions can implement an optional callback named ``uisetup``. ``uisetup``
+is called when the extension is first loaded and receives a ui object::
+    def uisetup(ui):
+        # ...
+Extension setup
+Extensions can implement an optional callback named ``extsetup``. It is
+called after all the extension are loaded, and can be useful in case one
+extension optionally depends on another extension. Signature::
+    def extsetup():
+        # ...
+Mercurial version 8e6019b16a7d and later (that is post-1.3.1) will pass
+a ``ui``` argument to ``extsetup``::
+    def extsetup(ui):
+        # ...
+Command table setup
+After ``extsetup``, the ``cmdtable`` is copied into the global command table
+in Mercurial.
+Repository setup
+Extensions can implement an optional callback named ``reposetup``. It is
+called after the main Mercurial repository initialization, and can be used
+to setup any local state the extension might need.
+As other command functions it receives an ``ui`` object and a ``repo`` object
+(no additional parameters for this, though)::
+    def reposetup(ui, repo):
+        #do initialization here.
+It is important to take into account that the ``ui`` object that is received
+by the ``reposetup`` function is not the same as the one received by the
+``uisetup`` and ``extsetup`` functions. This is particularly important when
+setting up hooks as described in the following section, since not all hooks
+use the same ``ui`` object and hence different hooks must be configured in
+different setup functions.
+Wrapping methods on the ui and repo classes
+Because extensions can be loaded *per repository*, you should avoid using
+``extensions.wrapfunction()`` on methods of the ``ui`` and ``repo`` objects.
+Instead, create a subclass of the specific class of the instance passed into
+the ``*setup()`` hook; e.g. use ``ui.__class__`` as the base class, then
+reassign your new class to ``ui.__class__`` again. Mercurial will then use
+your updated ``ui`` or ``repo`` instance only for repositories where your
+extension is enabled (or copies thereof, reusing your new class).
+For example::
+    def uisetup(ui):
+        class echologui(ui.__class__):
+            def log(self, service, *msg, **opts):
+                if msg:
+                    self.write('%s: %s\n' % (service, msg[0] % msg[1:]))
+                super(echologui, self).log(service, *msg, **opts)
+        ui.__class__ = echologui
+Configuring Hooks
+Some extensions must use hooks to do their work. These required hooks can
+be configured manually by the user by modifying the ``[hook]`` section of
+their hgrc, but they can also be configured automatically by calling the
+``ui.setconfig('hooks', ...)`` function in one of the setup functions
+described above.
+The main difference between manually modifying the hooks section in the hgrc
+and using ``ui.setconfig()`` is that when using ``ui.setconfig()`` you have
+access to the actual hook function object, which you can pass directly to
+``ui.setconfig()``, while when you use the hooks section of the hgrc file
+you must refer to the hook function by using the
+``python:modulename.functioname`` idiom (e.g. ``python:hgext.notify.hook``).
+For example::
+    # Define hooks -- note that the actual function name it irrelevant.
+    def preupdatehook(ui, repo, **kwargs):
+        ui.write("Pre-update hook triggered\n")
+    def updatehook(ui, repo, **kwargs):
+        ui.write("Update hook triggered\n")
+    def uisetup(ui):
+        # When pre-<cmd> and post-<cmd> hooks are configured by means of
+        # the ui.setconfig() function, you must use the ui object passed
+        # to uisetup or extsetup.
+        ui.setconfig("hooks", "pre-update.myextension", preupdatehook)
+    def reposetup(ui, repo):
+        # Repository-specific hooks can be configured here. These include
+        # the update hook.
+        ui.setconfig("hooks", "update.myextension", updatehook)
+Note how different hooks may need to be configured in different setup
+functions. In the example you can see that the ``update`` hook must be
+configured in the ``reposetup`` function, while the ``pre-update`` hook
+must be configured on the ``uisetup`` or the ``extsetup`` functions.
+Marking compatible versions
+Every extension should use the ``testedwith`` variable to specify Mercurial
+releases it's known to be compatible with. This helps us and users diagnose
+where problems are coming from::
+    testedwith = '2.0 2.0.1 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2'
+Do not use the ``internal`` marker in third-party extensions; we will
+immediately drop all bug reports mentioning your extension if we catch you
+doing this.
+Similarly, an extension can use the ``buglink`` variable to specify how users
+should report issues with the extension.  This link will be included in the
+error message if the extension produces errors::
+    buglink = 'https://bitbucket.org/USER/REPO/issues'
+Wrap up: what belongs where?
+You will find here a list of most common tasks, based on setups from the
+extensions included in Mercurial core.
+* Changes to ``ui.__class__`` . The ``ui`` object that will be used to run
+  the command has not yet been created. Changes made here will affect ``ui``
+  objects created after this, and in particular the ``ui`` that will be passed
+  to ``runcommand``
+* Command wraps (``extensions.wrapcommand``)
+* Changes that need to be visible by other extensions: because initialization
+  occurs in phases (all extensions run ``uisetup``, then all run ``extsetup``),
+  a change made here will be visible by other extensions during ``extsetup``.
+* Monkeypatches or function wraps (``extensions.wrapfunction``) of ``dispatch``
+  module members
+* Setup of ``pre-*`` and ``post-*`` hooks
+* ``pushkey`` setup
+* Changes depending on the status of other extensions. (``if extensions.find('mq')``)
+* Add a global option to all commands
+* Extend revsets
+* All hooks but ``pre-*`` and ``post-*``
+* Modify configuration variables
+* Changes to ``repo.__class__``, ``repo.dirstate.__class__``
diff --git a/tests/test-help.t b/tests/test-help.t
index 234c2d8c9e4839c1f4f0e744cf08c6b3cc7416da_dGVzdHMvdGVzdC1oZWxwLnQ=..419d703115b03aed2829ec781a68e33eaf04e784_dGVzdHMvdGVzdC1oZWxwLnQ= 100644
--- a/tests/test-help.t
+++ b/tests/test-help.t
@@ -1066,6 +1066,7 @@
        censor        Censor
        changegroups  Changegroups
        config        Config Registrar
+       extensions    Extension API
        requirements  Repository Requirements
        revlogs       Revision Logs
        wireprotocol  Wire Protocol
@@ -3404,6 +3405,13 @@
   Config Registrar
+  <a href="/help/internals.extensions">
+  extensions
+  </a>
+  </td><td>
+  Extension API
+  </td></tr>
+  <tr><td>
   <a href="/help/internals.requirements">