# HG changeset patch
# User Matt Mackall <mpm@selenic.com>
# Date 1317239340 18000
#      Wed Sep 28 14:49:00 2011 -0500
# Node ID 9ec9dd8d1b2454281e03eaa1a804ef3de7e1a7d9
# Parent  3a55cee825ba9762762cabb6809880d83afd880b
patchbomb: drop loop in prompt

There are no longer any prompts that insist on being answered, so the
loop is no longer needed, nor is most of the other logic.

diff --git a/hgext/patchbomb.py b/hgext/patchbomb.py
--- a/hgext/patchbomb.py
+++ b/hgext/patchbomb.py
@@ -59,17 +59,7 @@
 def prompt(ui, prompt, default=None, rest=':'):
     if default:
         prompt += ' [%s]' % default
-    prompt += rest
-    while True:
-        result = ui.prompt(prompt, default=default)
-        if not ui.interactive():
-            return result
-        if result is not None:
-            return result
-        elif default is not None:
-            return default
-        else:
-            ui.warn(_('Please enter a valid value.\n'))
+    return ui.prompt(prompt + rest, default)
 def introwanted(opts, number):
     '''is an introductory message apparently wanted?'''