diff --git a/hgext/convert/hg.py b/hgext/convert/hg.py
index db677b70a298ec488a72cd96e03eee4dd771b020_aGdleHQvY29udmVydC9oZy5weQ==..a75d24539aba3d8d94dda1d9cf5c24081768ed02_aGdleHQvY29udmVydC9oZy5weQ== 100644
--- a/hgext/convert/hg.py
+++ b/hgext/convert/hg.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 from mercurial.node import bin, hex, nullid
 from mercurial import hg, util, context, bookmarks, error, scmutil, exchange
 from mercurial import phases
+from mercurial import merge as mergemod
 from common import NoRepo, commit, converter_source, converter_sink, mapfile
@@ -176,8 +177,47 @@
         return fp.getvalue()
+    def _calculatemergedfiles(self, source, p1ctx, p2ctx):
+        """Calculates the files from p2 that we need to pull in when merging p1
+        and p2, given that the merge is coming from the given source.
+        This prevents us from losing files that only exist in the target p2 and
+        that don't come from the source repo (like if you're merging multiple
+        repositories together).
+        """
+        anc = [p1ctx.ancestor(p2ctx)]
+        # Calculate what files are coming from p2
+        actions, diverge, rename = mergemod.calculateupdates(
+            self.repo, p1ctx, p2ctx, anc,
+            True,  # branchmerge
+            True,  # force
+            False, # partial
+            False, # acceptremote
+            False, # followcopies
+        )
+        for file, (action, info, msg) in actions.iteritems():
+            if source.targetfilebelongstosource(file):
+                # If the file belongs to the source repo, ignore the p2
+                # since it will be covered by the existing fileset.
+                continue
+            # If the file requires actual merging, abort. We don't have enough
+            # context to resolve merges correctly.
+            if action in ['m', 'dm', 'cd', 'dc']:
+                raise util.Abort(_("unable to convert merge commit "
+                    "since target parents do not merge cleanly (file "
+                    "%s, parents %s and %s)") % (file, p1ctx,
+                                                 p2ctx))
+            elif action == 'k':
+                # 'keep' means nothing changed from p1
+                continue
+            else:
+                # Any other change means we want to take the p2 version
+                yield file
     def putcommit(self, files, copies, parents, commit, source, revmap, full,
         files = dict(files)
         def getfilectx(repo, memctx, f):
@@ -179,9 +219,9 @@
     def putcommit(self, files, copies, parents, commit, source, revmap, full,
         files = dict(files)
         def getfilectx(repo, memctx, f):
-            if p2ctx and f in cleanp2 and f not in copies:
+            if p2ctx and f in p2files and f not in copies:
                 self.ui.debug('reusing %s from p2\n' % f)
                 return p2ctx[f]
@@ -255,6 +295,7 @@
         while parents:
             p1 = p2
             p2 = parents.pop(0)
+            p1ctx = self.repo[p1]
             p2ctx = None
             if p2 != nullid:
                 p2ctx = self.repo[p2]
@@ -262,6 +303,13 @@
             if full:
+            if p2ctx:
+                p2files = set(cleanp2)
+                for file in self._calculatemergedfiles(source, p1ctx, p2ctx):
+                    p2files.add(file)
+                    fileset.add(file)
             ctx = context.memctx(self.repo, (p1, p2), text, fileset,
                                  getfilectx, commit.author, commit.date, extra)
diff --git a/tests/test-convert-filemap.t b/tests/test-convert-filemap.t
index db677b70a298ec488a72cd96e03eee4dd771b020_dGVzdHMvdGVzdC1jb252ZXJ0LWZpbGVtYXAudA==..a75d24539aba3d8d94dda1d9cf5c24081768ed02_dGVzdHMvdGVzdC1jb252ZXJ0LWZpbGVtYXAudA== 100644
--- a/tests/test-convert-filemap.t
+++ b/tests/test-convert-filemap.t
@@ -671,3 +671,61 @@
   o  0:c334dc3be0da@default "add" files: a
+  $ cd ..
+test converting merges into a repo that contains other files
+  $ hg init merge-test1
+  $ cd merge-test1
+  $ touch a && hg commit -Aqm a
+  $ hg up -q null
+  $ touch b && hg commit -Aqm b
+  $ hg merge -q 0 && hg commit -qm merge
+  $ cd ..
+  $ hg init merge-test2
+  $ cd merge-test2
+  $ mkdir converted
+  $ touch converted/a && hg commit -Aqm 'a'
+  $ touch x && hg commit -Aqm 'x'
+  $ cd ..
+  $ hg log -G -T '{node}' -R merge-test1
+  @    ea7c1a7ae9588677a715ce4f204cd89c28d5471f
+  |\
+  | o  d7486e00c6f1b633dcadc0582f78006d805c7a0f
+  |
+  o  3903775176ed42b1458a6281db4a0ccf4d9f287a
+  $ hg log -G -T '{node}' -R merge-test2
+  @  34f1aa7da42559bae87920880b522d47b3ddbc0d
+  |
+  o  e01a12b07b4fdfd61ff90a2a1b4560a7a776f323
+- Build a shamap where the target converted/a is in on top of an unrelated
+- change to 'x'. This simulates using convert to merge several repositories
+- together.
+  $ cat >> merge-test2/.hg/shamap <<EOF
+  > 3903775176ed42b1458a6281db4a0ccf4d9f287a 34f1aa7da42559bae87920880b522d47b3ddbc0d
+  > EOF
+  $ cat >> merge-test-filemap <<EOF
+  > rename . converted/
+  > EOF
+  $ hg convert --filemap merge-test-filemap merge-test1 merge-test2 --traceback
+  scanning source...
+  sorting...
+  converting...
+  1 b
+  0 merge
+  $ hg -R merge-test2 manifest -r tip
+  converted/a
+  converted/b
+  x
+  $ hg -R merge-test2 log -G -T '{node}\n{files % "{file}\n"}'
+  o    4b5e2f0218d3442a0c14892b18685bf9c8059c4a
+  |\
+  | o  214325dd2e4cff981dcf00cb120cd39e1ea36dcc
+  |    converted/b
+  @  34f1aa7da42559bae87920880b522d47b3ddbc0d
+  |  x
+  o  e01a12b07b4fdfd61ff90a2a1b4560a7a776f323
+     converted/a