# HG changeset patch
# User Matthieu Laneuville <mlaneuville@protonmail.com>
# Date 1484222815 -32400
#      Thu Jan 12 21:06:55 2017 +0900
# Node ID cf1e15f91c90ec894c283caf6e7b562ccdc73c98
# Parent  df5d3734b3dfb8bfc7e1d11c5e39f53c5345da8f
templatekw: force noprefix=False to insure diffstat consistency (issue4755)

The result of diffstatdata should not depend on having noprefix set or not, as
was reported in issue 4755. Forcing noprefix to false on call makes sure the
parser receives the diff in the correct format and returns the proper result.

Another way to fix this would have been to change the regular expressions in
path.diffstatdata(), but that would have introduced many unecessary special

diff --git a/mercurial/templatekw.py b/mercurial/templatekw.py
--- a/mercurial/templatekw.py
+++ b/mercurial/templatekw.py
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
     """String. Statistics of changes with the following format:
     "modified files: +added/-removed lines"
-    stats = patch.diffstatdata(util.iterlines(ctx.diff()))
+    stats = patch.diffstatdata(util.iterlines(ctx.diff(noprefix=False)))
     maxname, maxtotal, adds, removes, binary = patch.diffstatsum(stats)
     return '%s: +%s/-%s' % (len(stats), adds, removes)
diff --git a/tests/test-import.t b/tests/test-import.t
--- a/tests/test-import.t
+++ b/tests/test-import.t
@@ -1517,6 +1517,13 @@
   o  initial [Babar] 2: +8/-0
+Adding those config options should not change the output of diffstat. Bugfix #4755.
+  $ hg log -r . --template '{diffstat}\n'
+  1: +1/-0
+  $ hg log -r . --template '{diffstat}\n' --config diff.git=1 \
+  >   --config diff.noprefix=1
+  1: +1/-0
 Importing with some success and some errors: