diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index b1439b425248bf3e5e481027281fddca74b52055_c2V0dXAucHk=..d2b826ef74de47b4efce028f525be8a1f1baa0bb_c2V0dXAucHk= 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# This is the mercurial setup script.
+"""This is the mercurial setup script."""
 import os
 import sys
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 import ctypes
 import stat
 import subprocess
-import time
 import re
 import shutil
 import tempfile
@@ -158,130 +157,6 @@
     return p.returncode, out, err
-class hgcommand:
-    def __init__(self, cmd, env):
-        self.cmd = cmd
-        self.env = env
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return f"<hgcommand cmd={self.cmd} env={self.env}>"
-    def run(self, args):
-        cmd = self.cmd + args
-        returncode, out, err = runcmd(cmd, self.env)
-        err = filterhgerr(err)
-        if err:
-            print("stderr from '%s':" % (' '.join(cmd)), file=sys.stderr)
-            print(err, file=sys.stderr)
-        if returncode != 0:
-            print(
-                "non zero-return '%s': %d" % (' '.join(cmd), returncode),
-                file=sys.stderr,
-            )
-            return b''
-        return out
-def filterhgerr(err):
-    # If root is executing setup.py, but the repository is owned by
-    # another user (as in "sudo python setup.py install") we will get
-    # trust warnings since the .hg/hgrc file is untrusted. That is
-    # fine, we don't want to load it anyway.  Python may warn about
-    # a missing __init__.py in mercurial/locale, we also ignore that.
-    err = [
-        e
-        for e in err.splitlines()
-        if (
-            not e.startswith(b'not trusting file')
-            and not e.startswith(b'warning: Not importing')
-            and not (
-                e.startswith(b'obsolete feature not enabled')
-                or e.startswith(b'"obsolete" feature not enabled')
-            )
-            and not e.startswith(b'*** failed to import extension')
-            and not e.startswith(b'devel-warn:')
-            and not (
-                e.startswith(b'(third party extension')
-                and e.endswith(b'or newer of Mercurial; disabling)')
-            )
-        )
-    ]
-    return b'\n'.join(b'  ' + e for e in err)
-def findhg():
-    """Try to figure out how we should invoke hg for examining the local
-    repository contents.
-    Returns an hgcommand object."""
-    # By default, prefer the "hg" command in the user's path.  This was
-    # presumably the hg command that the user used to create this repository.
-    #
-    # This repository may require extensions or other settings that would not
-    # be enabled by running the hg script directly from this local repository.
-    hgenv = os.environ.copy()
-    # Use HGPLAIN to disable hgrc settings that would change output formatting,
-    # and disable localization for the same reasons.
-    hgenv['HGPLAIN'] = '1'
-    hgenv['LANGUAGE'] = 'C'
-    # PYTHONPATH and co can be used for isolated builds, which can break hg
-        hgenv.pop(key, None)
-    hgcmd = ['hg']
-    # Run a simple "hg log" command just to see if using hg from the user's
-    # path works and can successfully interact with this repository.  Windows
-    # gives precedence to hg.exe in the current directory, so fall back to the
-    # python invocation of local hg, where pythonXY.dll can always be found.
-    check_cmd = ['log', '-r.', '-Ttest']
-    attempts = []
-    def attempt(cmd, env):
-        try:
-            retcode, out, err = runcmd(hgcmd + check_cmd, hgenv)
-            res = (True, retcode, out, err)
-            if retcode == 0 and not filterhgerr(err):
-                return True
-        except EnvironmentError as e:
-            res = (False, e)
-        attempts.append((cmd, res))
-        return False
-    if os.name != 'nt' or not os.path.exists("hg.exe"):
-        if attempt(hgcmd + check_cmd, hgenv):
-            return hgcommand(hgcmd, hgenv)
-    # Fall back to trying the local hg installation (pure python)
-    repo_hg = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'hg')
-    hgenv = localhgenv()
-    hgcmd = [sys.executable, repo_hg]
-    if attempt(hgcmd + check_cmd, hgenv):
-        return hgcommand(hgcmd, hgenv)
-    # Fall back to trying the local hg installation (whatever we can)
-    hgenv = localhgenv(pure_python=False)
-    hgcmd = [sys.executable, repo_hg]
-    if attempt(hgcmd + check_cmd, hgenv):
-        return hgcommand(hgcmd, hgenv)
-    eprint("/!\\")
-    eprint(r"/!\ Unable to find a working hg binary")
-    eprint(r"/!\ Version cannot be extracted from the repository")
-    eprint(r"/!\ Re-run the setup once a first version is built")
-    eprint(r"/!\ Attempts:")
-    for i, e in enumerate(attempts):
-        eprint(r"/!\   attempt #%d:" % (i))
-        eprint(r"/!\     cmd:        ", e[0])
-        res = e[1]
-        if res[0]:
-            eprint(r"/!\     return code:", res[1])
-            eprint("/!\\     std output:\n%s" % (res[2].decode()), end="")
-            eprint("/!\\     std error:\n%s" % (res[3].decode()), end="")
-        else:
-            eprint(r"/!\     exception:  ", res[1])
-    return None
 def localhgenv(pure_python=True):
     """Get an environment dictionary to use for invoking or importing
     mercurial from the local repository."""