# HG changeset patch
# User FUJIWARA Katsunori <foozy@lares.dti.ne.jp>
# Date 1502798786 -32400
#      Tue Aug 15 21:06:26 2017 +0900
# Node ID d5ef176081592bfbd282922252b0dd0b6f78e85f
# Parent  ed04d7254a91f4a2f37033f47ec2dd7b5c760c7d
i18n: ignore docstring for modules under mercurial

Docstring of modules is needed only for "hg help -e EXTNAME".

This is a preparation for applying hggettext on util.py, which has
module docstring, but it isn't needed for translation.

diff --git a/i18n/hggettext b/i18n/hggettext
--- a/i18n/hggettext
+++ b/i18n/hggettext
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
     only extract docstrings from functions mentioned in these tables.
     mod = importpath(path)
-    if mod.__doc__:
+    if not path.startswith('mercurial/') and mod.__doc__:
         src = open(path).read()
         lineno = 1 + offset(src, mod.__doc__, path, 7)
         print(poentry(path, lineno, mod.__doc__))