diff --git a/mercurial/changegroup.py b/mercurial/changegroup.py
index d9b3cc3d5d07fb864d2ebba2a17f784a583dbc65_bWVyY3VyaWFsL2NoYW5nZWdyb3VwLnB5..db5501d93bcf6ada3426a45e901094fd877e370f_bWVyY3VyaWFsL2NoYW5nZWdyb3VwLnB5 100644
--- a/mercurial/changegroup.py
+++ b/mercurial/changegroup.py
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
 from .utils import (
-    stringutil,
 _CHANGEGROUPV1_DELTA_HEADER = struct.Struct("20s20s20s20s")
@@ -537,7 +536,7 @@
         yield prefix
     yield data
-def _sortnodesnormal(store, nodes, reorder):
+def _sortnodesnormal(store, nodes):
     """Sort nodes for changegroup generation and turn into revnums."""
     # for generaldelta revlogs, we linearize the revs; this will both be
     # much quicker and generate a much smaller bundle
@@ -541,7 +540,7 @@
     """Sort nodes for changegroup generation and turn into revnums."""
     # for generaldelta revlogs, we linearize the revs; this will both be
     # much quicker and generate a much smaller bundle
-    if (store._generaldelta and reorder is None) or reorder:
+    if store._generaldelta:
         revs = set(store.rev(n) for n in nodes)
         return dagop.linearize(revs, store.parentrevs)
@@ -656,7 +655,6 @@
 def deltagroup(repo, store, nodes, ischangelog, lookup, forcedeltaparentprev,
-               allowreorder,
                ellipses=False, clrevtolocalrev=None, fullclnodes=None,
@@ -691,7 +689,7 @@
     elif ellipses:
         revs = _sortnodesellipsis(store, nodes, cl, lookup)
-        revs = _sortnodesnormal(store, nodes, allowreorder)
+        revs = _sortnodesnormal(store, nodes)
     # In the first pass, collect info about the deltas we'll be
     # generating.
@@ -756,7 +754,7 @@
 class cgpacker(object):
-    def __init__(self, repo, filematcher, version, allowreorder,
+    def __init__(self, repo, filematcher, version,
                  builddeltaheader, manifestsend,
                  bundlecaps=None, ellipses=False,
@@ -766,10 +764,6 @@
         filematcher is a matcher that matches on files to include in the
         changegroup. Used to facilitate sparse changegroups.
-        allowreorder controls whether reordering of revisions is allowed.
-        This value is used when ``bundle.reorder`` is ``auto`` or isn't
-        set.
         forcedeltaparentprev indicates whether delta parents must be against
         the previous revision in a delta group. This should only be used for
         compatibility with changegroup version 1.
@@ -813,13 +807,6 @@
         # Maps ellipsis revs to their roots at the changelog level.
         self._precomputedellipsis = ellipsisroots
-        # experimental config: bundle.reorder
-        reorder = repo.ui.config('bundle', 'reorder')
-        if reorder == 'auto':
-            self._reorder = allowreorder
-        else:
-            self._reorder = stringutil.parsebool(reorder)
         self._repo = repo
         if self._repo.ui.verbose and not self._repo.ui.debugflag:
@@ -862,9 +849,8 @@
         # The fastpath is usually safer than the slowpath, because the filelogs
         # are walked in revlog order.
-        # When taking the slowpath with reorder=None and the manifest revlog
-        # uses generaldelta, the manifest may be walked in the "wrong" order.
-        # Without 'clrevorder', we would get an incorrect linkrev (see fix in
-        # cc0ff93d0c0c).
+        # When taking the slowpath when the manifest revlog uses generaldelta,
+        # the manifest may be walked in the "wrong" order. Without 'clrevorder',
+        # we would get an incorrect linkrev (see fix in cc0ff93d0c0c).
         # When taking the fastpath, we are only vulnerable to reordering
@@ -869,10 +855,10 @@
         # When taking the fastpath, we are only vulnerable to reordering
-        # of the changelog itself. The changelog never uses generaldelta, so
-        # it is only reordered when reorder=True. To handle this case, we
-        # simply take the slowpath, which already has the 'clrevorder' logic.
-        # This was also fixed in cc0ff93d0c0c.
-        fastpathlinkrev = fastpathlinkrev and not self._reorder
+        # of the changelog itself. The changelog never uses generaldelta and is
+        # never reordered. To handle this case, we simply take the slowpath,
+        # which already has the 'clrevorder' logic. This was also fixed in
+        # cc0ff93d0c0c.
         # Treemanifests don't work correctly with fastpathlinkrev
         # either, because we don't discover which directory nodes to
         # send along with files. This could probably be fixed.
@@ -1003,8 +989,6 @@
         gen = deltagroup(
             self._repo, cl, nodes, True, lookupcl,
-            # Reorder settings are currently ignored for changelog.
-            True,
@@ -1087,7 +1071,7 @@
             deltas = deltagroup(
                 self._repo, store, prunednodes, False, lookupfn,
-                self._forcedeltaparentprev, self._reorder,
+                self._forcedeltaparentprev,
@@ -1184,7 +1168,7 @@
             deltas = deltagroup(
                 self._repo, filerevlog, filenodes, False, lookupfilelog,
-                self._forcedeltaparentprev, self._reorder,
+                self._forcedeltaparentprev,
@@ -1200,7 +1184,6 @@
         d.node, d.p1node, d.p2node, d.linknode)
     return cgpacker(repo, filematcher, b'01',
-                    allowreorder=None,
@@ -1215,7 +1198,4 @@
     builddeltaheader = lambda d: _CHANGEGROUPV2_DELTA_HEADER.pack(
         d.node, d.p1node, d.p2node, d.basenode, d.linknode)
-    # Since generaldelta is directly supported by cg2, reordering
-    # generally doesn't help, so we disable it by default (treating
-    # bundle.reorder=auto just like bundle.reorder=False).
     return cgpacker(repo, filematcher, b'02',
@@ -1221,5 +1201,4 @@
     return cgpacker(repo, filematcher, b'02',
-                    allowreorder=False,
@@ -1234,7 +1213,6 @@
         d.node, d.p1node, d.p2node, d.basenode, d.linknode, d.flags)
     return cgpacker(repo, filematcher, b'03',
-                    allowreorder=False,
diff --git a/mercurial/configitems.py b/mercurial/configitems.py
index d9b3cc3d5d07fb864d2ebba2a17f784a583dbc65_bWVyY3VyaWFsL2NvbmZpZ2l0ZW1zLnB5..db5501d93bcf6ada3426a45e901094fd877e370f_bWVyY3VyaWFsL2NvbmZpZ2l0ZW1zLnB5 100644
--- a/mercurial/configitems.py
+++ b/mercurial/configitems.py
@@ -161,10 +161,6 @@
 coreconfigitem('bundle', 'mainreporoot',
-# bundle.reorder: experimental config
-coreconfigitem('bundle', 'reorder',
-    default='auto',
 coreconfigitem('censor', 'policy',
diff --git a/tests/test-generaldelta.t b/tests/test-generaldelta.t
index d9b3cc3d5d07fb864d2ebba2a17f784a583dbc65_dGVzdHMvdGVzdC1nZW5lcmFsZGVsdGEudA==..db5501d93bcf6ada3426a45e901094fd877e370f_dGVzdHMvdGVzdC1nZW5lcmFsZGVsdGEudA== 100644
--- a/tests/test-generaldelta.t
+++ b/tests/test-generaldelta.t
@@ -279,61 +279,61 @@
   14 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ hg -R relax-chain debugdeltachain -m
       rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
-        0       1        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
-        1       1        2        0      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
-        2       1        3        1      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
-        3       1        4        2      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
-        4       1        5        3      p1         57        225        274   1.21778       274         0    0.00000
-        5       1        6        4      p1         57        270        331   1.22593       331         0    0.00000
-        6       2        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
-        7       2        2        6      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
-        8       2        3        7      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
-        9       2        4        8      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
-       10       2        5        9      p1         58        226        275   1.21681       275         0    0.00000
-       11       2        6       10      p1         58        272        333   1.22426       333         0    0.00000
-       12       2        7       11      p1         58        318        391   1.22956       391         0    0.00000
-       13       2        8       12      p1         58        364        449   1.23352       449         0    0.00000
-       14       2        9       13      p1         58        410        507   1.23659       507         0    0.00000
-       15       2       10       14      p1         58        456        565   1.23904       565         0    0.00000
-       16       2       11       15      p1         58        502        623   1.24104       623         0    0.00000
-       17       2       12       16      p1         58        548        681   1.24270       681         0    0.00000
-       18       3        1       -1    base         47         46         47   1.02174        47         0    0.00000
-       19       3        2       18      p1         58         92        105   1.14130       105         0    0.00000
-       20       3        3       19      p1         58        138        163   1.18116       163         0    0.00000
-       21       3        4       20      p1         58        184        221   1.20109       221         0    0.00000
-       22       3        5       21      p1         58        230        279   1.21304       279         0    0.00000
-       23       3        6       22      p1         58        276        337   1.22101       337         0    0.00000
-       24       3        7       23      p1         58        322        395   1.22671       395         0    0.00000
-       25       3        8       24      p1         58        368        453   1.23098       453         0    0.00000
-       26       3        9       25      p1         58        414        511   1.23430       511         0    0.00000
-       27       3       10       26      p1         58        460        569   1.23696       569         0    0.00000
-       28       3       11       27      p1         58        506        627   1.23913       627         0    0.00000
-       29       3       12       28      p1         58        552        685   1.24094       685         0    0.00000
-       30       3       13       29      p1         58        598        743   1.24247       743         0    0.00000
-       31       3       14       30      p1         58        644        801   1.24379       801         0    0.00000
-       32       3       15       31      p1         58        690        859   1.24493       859         0    0.00000
-       33       3       16       32      p1         58        736        917   1.24592       917         0    0.00000
-       34       3       17       33      p1         58        782        975   1.24680       975         0    0.00000
-       35       3       18       34      p1         58        828       1033   1.24758      1033         0    0.00000
-       36       3       19       35      p1         58        874       1091   1.24828      1091         0    0.00000
-       37       3       20       36      p1         58        920       1149   1.24891      1149         0    0.00000
-       38       3       21       37      p1         58        966       1207   1.24948      1207         0    0.00000
-       39       3       22       38      p1         58       1012       1265   1.25000      1265         0    0.00000
-       40       3       23       39      p1         58       1058       1323   1.25047      1323         0    0.00000
-       41       3       24       40      p1         58       1104       1381   1.25091      1381         0    0.00000
-       42       3       25       41      p1         58       1150       1439   1.25130      1439         0    0.00000
-       43       3       26       42      p1         58       1196       1497   1.25167      1497         0    0.00000
-       44       3       27       43      p1         58       1242       1555   1.25201      1555         0    0.00000
-       45       3       28       44      p1         58       1288       1613   1.25233      1613         0    0.00000
-       46       3       29       45      p1         58       1334       1671   1.25262      1671         0    0.00000
-       47       3       30       46      p1         58       1380       1729   1.25290      1729         0    0.00000
-       48       3       31       47      p1         58       1426       1787   1.25316      1787         0    0.00000
-       49       4        1       -1    base        197        316        197   0.62342       197         0    0.00000
-       50       4        2       49      p1         58        362        255   0.70442       255         0    0.00000
-       51       2       13       17      p1         58        594        739   1.24411      2781      2042    2.76319
-       52       5        1       -1    base        369        640        369   0.57656       369         0    0.00000
-       53       6        1       -1    base          0          0          0   0.00000         0         0    0.00000
-       54       7        1       -1    base        369        640        369   0.57656       369         0    0.00000
+        0       1        1       -1    base         47         46         47   1.02174        47         0    0.00000
+        1       1        2        0      p1         58         92        105   1.14130       105         0    0.00000
+        2       1        3        1      p1         58        138        163   1.18116       163         0    0.00000
+        3       1        4        2      p1         58        184        221   1.20109       221         0    0.00000
+        4       1        5        3      p1         58        230        279   1.21304       279         0    0.00000
+        5       1        6        4      p1         58        276        337   1.22101       337         0    0.00000
+        6       1        7        5      p1         58        322        395   1.22671       395         0    0.00000
+        7       1        8        6      p1         58        368        453   1.23098       453         0    0.00000
+        8       1        9        7      p1         58        414        511   1.23430       511         0    0.00000
+        9       1       10        8      p1         58        460        569   1.23696       569         0    0.00000
+       10       1       11        9      p1         58        506        627   1.23913       627         0    0.00000
+       11       1       12       10      p1         58        552        685   1.24094       685         0    0.00000
+       12       1       13       11      p1         58        598        743   1.24247       743         0    0.00000
+       13       1       14       12      p1         58        644        801   1.24379       801         0    0.00000
+       14       1       15       13      p1         58        690        859   1.24493       859         0    0.00000
+       15       1       16       14      p1         58        736        917   1.24592       917         0    0.00000
+       16       1       17       15      p1         58        782        975   1.24680       975         0    0.00000
+       17       1       18       16      p1         58        828       1033   1.24758      1033         0    0.00000
+       18       1       19       17      p1         58        874       1091   1.24828      1091         0    0.00000
+       19       1       20       18      p1         58        920       1149   1.24891      1149         0    0.00000
+       20       1       21       19      p1         58        966       1207   1.24948      1207         0    0.00000
+       21       1       22       20      p1         58       1012       1265   1.25000      1265         0    0.00000
+       22       1       23       21      p1         58       1058       1323   1.25047      1323         0    0.00000
+       23       1       24       22      p1         58       1104       1381   1.25091      1381         0    0.00000
+       24       1       25       23      p1         58       1150       1439   1.25130      1439         0    0.00000
+       25       1       26       24      p1         58       1196       1497   1.25167      1497         0    0.00000
+       26       1       27       25      p1         58       1242       1555   1.25201      1555         0    0.00000
+       27       1       28       26      p1         58       1288       1613   1.25233      1613         0    0.00000
+       28       1       29       27      p1         58       1334       1671   1.25262      1671         0    0.00000
+       29       1       30       28      p1         58       1380       1729   1.25290      1729         0    0.00000
+       30       1       31       29      p1         58       1426       1787   1.25316      1787         0    0.00000
+       31       2        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
+       32       2        2       31      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
+       33       2        3       32      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
+       34       2        4       33      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
+       35       2        5       34      p1         57        225        274   1.21778       274         0    0.00000
+       36       2        6       35      p1         57        270        331   1.22593       331         0    0.00000
+       37       2        7       36      p1         58        316        389   1.23101       389         0    0.00000
+       38       2        8       37      p1         58        362        447   1.23481       447         0    0.00000
+       39       3        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
+       40       3        2       39      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
+       41       3        3       40      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
+       42       3        4       41      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
+       43       3        5       42      p1         58        226        275   1.21681       275         0    0.00000
+       44       3        6       43      p1         58        272        333   1.22426       333         0    0.00000
+       45       3        7       44      p1         58        318        391   1.22956       391         0    0.00000
+       46       3        8       45      p1         58        364        449   1.23352       449         0    0.00000
+       47       3        9       46      p1         58        410        507   1.23659       507         0    0.00000
+       48       3       10       47      p1         58        456        565   1.23904       565         0    0.00000
+       49       3       11       48      p1         58        502        623   1.24104       623         0    0.00000
+       50       3       12       49      p1         58        548        681   1.24270       681         0    0.00000
+       51       3       13       50      p1         58        594        739   1.24411       739         0    0.00000
+       52       3       14       51      p1         58        640        797   1.24531       797         0    0.00000
+       53       4        1       -1    base          0          0          0   0.00000         0         0    0.00000
+       54       5        1       -1    base        369        640        369   0.57656       369         0    0.00000
   $ hg clone --pull source-repo --config experimental.maxdeltachainspan=0 noconst-chain --config format.generaldelta=yes
   requesting all changes
   adding changesets
@@ -345,58 +345,58 @@
   14 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   $ hg -R noconst-chain debugdeltachain -m
       rev  chain# chainlen     prev   delta       size    rawsize  chainsize     ratio   lindist extradist extraratio
-        0       1        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
-        1       1        2        0      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
-        2       1        3        1      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
-        3       1        4        2      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
-        4       1        5        3      p1         57        225        274   1.21778       274         0    0.00000
-        5       1        6        4      p1         57        270        331   1.22593       331         0    0.00000
-        6       2        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
-        7       2        2        6      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
-        8       2        3        7      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
-        9       2        4        8      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
-       10       2        5        9      p1         58        226        275   1.21681       275         0    0.00000
-       11       2        6       10      p1         58        272        333   1.22426       333         0    0.00000
-       12       2        7       11      p1         58        318        391   1.22956       391         0    0.00000
-       13       2        8       12      p1         58        364        449   1.23352       449         0    0.00000
-       14       2        9       13      p1         58        410        507   1.23659       507         0    0.00000
-       15       2       10       14      p1         58        456        565   1.23904       565         0    0.00000
-       16       2       11       15      p1         58        502        623   1.24104       623         0    0.00000
-       17       2       12       16      p1         58        548        681   1.24270       681         0    0.00000
-       18       3        1       -1    base         47         46         47   1.02174        47         0    0.00000
-       19       3        2       18      p1         58         92        105   1.14130       105         0    0.00000
-       20       3        3       19      p1         58        138        163   1.18116       163         0    0.00000
-       21       3        4       20      p1         58        184        221   1.20109       221         0    0.00000
-       22       3        5       21      p1         58        230        279   1.21304       279         0    0.00000
-       23       3        6       22      p1         58        276        337   1.22101       337         0    0.00000
-       24       3        7       23      p1         58        322        395   1.22671       395         0    0.00000
-       25       3        8       24      p1         58        368        453   1.23098       453         0    0.00000
-       26       3        9       25      p1         58        414        511   1.23430       511         0    0.00000
-       27       3       10       26      p1         58        460        569   1.23696       569         0    0.00000
-       28       3       11       27      p1         58        506        627   1.23913       627         0    0.00000
-       29       3       12       28      p1         58        552        685   1.24094       685         0    0.00000
-       30       3       13       29      p1         58        598        743   1.24247       743         0    0.00000
-       31       3       14       30      p1         58        644        801   1.24379       801         0    0.00000
-       32       3       15       31      p1         58        690        859   1.24493       859         0    0.00000
-       33       3       16       32      p1         58        736        917   1.24592       917         0    0.00000
-       34       3       17       33      p1         58        782        975   1.24680       975         0    0.00000
-       35       3       18       34      p1         58        828       1033   1.24758      1033         0    0.00000
-       36       3       19       35      p1         58        874       1091   1.24828      1091         0    0.00000
-       37       3       20       36      p1         58        920       1149   1.24891      1149         0    0.00000
-       38       3       21       37      p1         58        966       1207   1.24948      1207         0    0.00000
-       39       3       22       38      p1         58       1012       1265   1.25000      1265         0    0.00000
-       40       3       23       39      p1         58       1058       1323   1.25047      1323         0    0.00000
-       41       3       24       40      p1         58       1104       1381   1.25091      1381         0    0.00000
-       42       3       25       41      p1         58       1150       1439   1.25130      1439         0    0.00000
-       43       3       26       42      p1         58       1196       1497   1.25167      1497         0    0.00000
-       44       3       27       43      p1         58       1242       1555   1.25201      1555         0    0.00000
-       45       3       28       44      p1         58       1288       1613   1.25233      1613         0    0.00000
-       46       3       29       45      p1         58       1334       1671   1.25262      1671         0    0.00000
-       47       3       30       46      p1         58       1380       1729   1.25290      1729         0    0.00000
-       48       3       31       47      p1         58       1426       1787   1.25316      1787         0    0.00000
-       49       1        7        5      p1         58        316        389   1.23101      2857      2468    6.34447
-       50       1        8       49      p1         58        362        447   1.23481      2915      2468    5.52125
-       51       2       13       17      p1         58        594        739   1.24411      2642      1903    2.57510
-       52       2       14       51      p1         58        640        797   1.24531      2700      1903    2.38770
+        0       1        1       -1    base         47         46         47   1.02174        47         0    0.00000
+        1       1        2        0      p1         58         92        105   1.14130       105         0    0.00000
+        2       1        3        1      p1         58        138        163   1.18116       163         0    0.00000
+        3       1        4        2      p1         58        184        221   1.20109       221         0    0.00000
+        4       1        5        3      p1         58        230        279   1.21304       279         0    0.00000
+        5       1        6        4      p1         58        276        337   1.22101       337         0    0.00000
+        6       1        7        5      p1         58        322        395   1.22671       395         0    0.00000
+        7       1        8        6      p1         58        368        453   1.23098       453         0    0.00000
+        8       1        9        7      p1         58        414        511   1.23430       511         0    0.00000
+        9       1       10        8      p1         58        460        569   1.23696       569         0    0.00000
+       10       1       11        9      p1         58        506        627   1.23913       627         0    0.00000
+       11       1       12       10      p1         58        552        685   1.24094       685         0    0.00000
+       12       1       13       11      p1         58        598        743   1.24247       743         0    0.00000
+       13       1       14       12      p1         58        644        801   1.24379       801         0    0.00000
+       14       1       15       13      p1         58        690        859   1.24493       859         0    0.00000
+       15       1       16       14      p1         58        736        917   1.24592       917         0    0.00000
+       16       1       17       15      p1         58        782        975   1.24680       975         0    0.00000
+       17       1       18       16      p1         58        828       1033   1.24758      1033         0    0.00000
+       18       1       19       17      p1         58        874       1091   1.24828      1091         0    0.00000
+       19       1       20       18      p1         58        920       1149   1.24891      1149         0    0.00000
+       20       1       21       19      p1         58        966       1207   1.24948      1207         0    0.00000
+       21       1       22       20      p1         58       1012       1265   1.25000      1265         0    0.00000
+       22       1       23       21      p1         58       1058       1323   1.25047      1323         0    0.00000
+       23       1       24       22      p1         58       1104       1381   1.25091      1381         0    0.00000
+       24       1       25       23      p1         58       1150       1439   1.25130      1439         0    0.00000
+       25       1       26       24      p1         58       1196       1497   1.25167      1497         0    0.00000
+       26       1       27       25      p1         58       1242       1555   1.25201      1555         0    0.00000
+       27       1       28       26      p1         58       1288       1613   1.25233      1613         0    0.00000
+       28       1       29       27      p1         58       1334       1671   1.25262      1671         0    0.00000
+       29       1       30       28      p1         58       1380       1729   1.25290      1729         0    0.00000
+       30       1       31       29      p1         58       1426       1787   1.25316      1787         0    0.00000
+       31       2        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
+       32       2        2       31      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
+       33       2        3       32      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
+       34       2        4       33      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
+       35       2        5       34      p1         57        225        274   1.21778       274         0    0.00000
+       36       2        6       35      p1         57        270        331   1.22593       331         0    0.00000
+       37       2        7       36      p1         58        316        389   1.23101       389         0    0.00000
+       38       2        8       37      p1         58        362        447   1.23481       447         0    0.00000
+       39       3        1       -1    base         46         45         46   1.02222        46         0    0.00000
+       40       3        2       39      p1         57         90        103   1.14444       103         0    0.00000
+       41       3        3       40      p1         57        135        160   1.18519       160         0    0.00000
+       42       3        4       41      p1         57        180        217   1.20556       217         0    0.00000
+       43       3        5       42      p1         58        226        275   1.21681       275         0    0.00000
+       44       3        6       43      p1         58        272        333   1.22426       333         0    0.00000
+       45       3        7       44      p1         58        318        391   1.22956       391         0    0.00000
+       46       3        8       45      p1         58        364        449   1.23352       449         0    0.00000
+       47       3        9       46      p1         58        410        507   1.23659       507         0    0.00000
+       48       3       10       47      p1         58        456        565   1.23904       565         0    0.00000
+       49       3       11       48      p1         58        502        623   1.24104       623         0    0.00000
+       50       3       12       49      p1         58        548        681   1.24270       681         0    0.00000
+       51       3       13       50      p1         58        594        739   1.24411       739         0    0.00000
+       52       3       14       51      p1         58        640        797   1.24531       797         0    0.00000
        53       4        1       -1    base          0          0          0   0.00000         0         0    0.00000
        54       5        1       -1    base        369        640        369   0.57656       369         0    0.00000