diff --git a/mercurial/revlogutils/deltas.py b/mercurial/revlogutils/deltas.py
index 94fe4474b0533ddf75fcd0f27db5686e9a9d7f19_bWVyY3VyaWFsL3JldmxvZ3V0aWxzL2RlbHRhcy5weQ==..fac6038b11f5fbb1b85371c0b94147cf1966ac75_bWVyY3VyaWFsL3JldmxvZ3V0aWxzL2RlbHRhcy5weQ== 100644
--- a/mercurial/revlogutils/deltas.py
+++ b/mercurial/revlogutils/deltas.py
@@ -1080,6 +1080,99 @@
         self.current_stage = _STAGE_PREV
         yield (self.target_rev - 1,)
+    def _iter_snapshots_base(self):
+        assert self.revlog.delta_config.sparse_revlog
+        prev = self.target_rev - 1
+        deltachain = lambda rev: self.revlog._deltachain(rev)[0]
+        parents = [p for p in (self.p1, self.p2) if p != nullrev]
+        if not parents:
+            return
+        self.current_stage = _STAGE_SNAPSHOT
+        # See if we can use an existing snapshot in the parent chains to
+        # use as a base for a new intermediate-snapshot
+        #
+        # search for snapshot in parents delta chain map: snapshot-level:
+        # snapshot-rev
+        parents_snaps = collections.defaultdict(set)
+        candidate_chains = [deltachain(p) for p in parents]
+        for chain in candidate_chains:
+            for idx, s in enumerate(chain):
+                if not self.revlog.issnapshot(s):
+                    break
+                parents_snaps[idx].add(s)
+        snapfloor = min(parents_snaps[0]) + 1
+        self.snapshot_cache.update(self.revlog, snapfloor)
+        # search for the highest "unrelated" revision
+        #
+        # Adding snapshots used by "unrelated" revision increase the odd we
+        # reuse an independant, yet better snapshot chain.
+        #
+        # XXX instead of building a set of revisions, we could lazily
+        # enumerate over the chains. That would be more efficient, however
+        # we stick to simple code for now.
+        all_revs = set()
+        for chain in candidate_chains:
+            all_revs.update(chain)
+        other = None
+        for r in self.revlog.revs(prev, snapfloor):
+            if r not in all_revs:
+                other = r
+                break
+        if other is not None:
+            # To avoid unfair competition, we won't use unrelated
+            # intermediate snapshot that are deeper than the ones from the
+            # parent delta chain.
+            max_depth = max(parents_snaps.keys())
+            chain = deltachain(other)
+            for depth, s in enumerate(chain):
+                if s < snapfloor:
+                    continue
+                if max_depth < depth:
+                    break
+                if not self.revlog.issnapshot(s):
+                    break
+                parents_snaps[depth].add(s)
+        # Test them as possible intermediate snapshot base We test them
+        # from highest to lowest level. High level one are more likely to
+        # result in small delta
+        floor = None
+        for idx, snaps in sorted(parents_snaps.items(), reverse=True):
+            siblings = set()
+            for s in snaps:
+                siblings.update(self.snapshot_cache.snapshots[s])
+            # Before considering making a new intermediate snapshot, we
+            # check if an existing snapshot, children of base we consider,
+            # would be suitable.
+            #
+            # It give a change to reuse a delta chain "unrelated" to the
+            # current revision instead of starting our own. Without such
+            # re-use, topological branches would keep reopening new chains.
+            # Creating more and more snapshot as the repository grow.
+            if floor is not None:
+                # We only do this for siblings created after the one in our
+                # parent's delta chain. Those created before has less
+                # chances to be valid base since our ancestors had to
+                # create a new snapshot.
+                siblings = [r for r in siblings if floor < r]
+            yield tuple(sorted(siblings))
+            # then test the base from our parent's delta chain.
+            yield tuple(sorted(snaps))
+            floor = min(snaps)
+        # No suitable base found in the parent chain, search if any full
+        # snapshots emitted since parent's base would be a suitable base
+        # for an intermediate snapshot.
+        #
+        # It give a chance to reuse a delta chain unrelated to the current
+        # revisions instead of starting our own. Without such re-use,
+        # topological branches would keep reopening new full chains.
+        # Creating more and more snapshot as the repository grow.
+        full = [
+            r for r in self.snapshot_cache.snapshots[nullrev] if snapfloor <= r
+        ]
+        yield tuple(sorted(full))
     def _refined_groups(self):
         good = None
         groups = self._raw_groups()
@@ -1133,100 +1226,9 @@
         The group order aims at providing fast or small candidates first.
         yield from self._iter_parents()
-        sparse = self.revlog.delta_config.sparse_revlog
-        prev = self.target_rev - 1
-        deltachain = lambda rev: self.revlog._deltachain(rev)[0]
-        parents = [p for p in (self.p1, self.p2) if p != nullrev]
-        if sparse and parents:
-            self.current_stage = _STAGE_SNAPSHOT
-            # See if we can use an existing snapshot in the parent chains to
-            # use as a base for a new intermediate-snapshot
-            #
-            # search for snapshot in parents delta chain map: snapshot-level:
-            # snapshot-rev
-            parents_snaps = collections.defaultdict(set)
-            candidate_chains = [deltachain(p) for p in parents]
-            for chain in candidate_chains:
-                for idx, s in enumerate(chain):
-                    if not self.revlog.issnapshot(s):
-                        break
-                    parents_snaps[idx].add(s)
-            snapfloor = min(parents_snaps[0]) + 1
-            self.snapshot_cache.update(self.revlog, snapfloor)
-            # search for the highest "unrelated" revision
-            #
-            # Adding snapshots used by "unrelated" revision increase the odd we
-            # reuse an independant, yet better snapshot chain.
-            #
-            # XXX instead of building a set of revisions, we could lazily
-            # enumerate over the chains. That would be more efficient, however
-            # we stick to simple code for now.
-            all_revs = set()
-            for chain in candidate_chains:
-                all_revs.update(chain)
-            other = None
-            for r in self.revlog.revs(prev, snapfloor):
-                if r not in all_revs:
-                    other = r
-                    break
-            if other is not None:
-                # To avoid unfair competition, we won't use unrelated
-                # intermediate snapshot that are deeper than the ones from the
-                # parent delta chain.
-                max_depth = max(parents_snaps.keys())
-                chain = deltachain(other)
-                for depth, s in enumerate(chain):
-                    if s < snapfloor:
-                        continue
-                    if max_depth < depth:
-                        break
-                    if not self.revlog.issnapshot(s):
-                        break
-                    parents_snaps[depth].add(s)
-            # Test them as possible intermediate snapshot base We test them
-            # from highest to lowest level. High level one are more likely to
-            # result in small delta
-            floor = None
-            for idx, snaps in sorted(parents_snaps.items(), reverse=True):
-                siblings = set()
-                for s in snaps:
-                    siblings.update(self.snapshot_cache.snapshots[s])
-                # Before considering making a new intermediate snapshot, we
-                # check if an existing snapshot, children of base we consider,
-                # would be suitable.
-                #
-                # It give a change to reuse a delta chain "unrelated" to the
-                # current revision instead of starting our own. Without such
-                # re-use, topological branches would keep reopening new chains.
-                # Creating more and more snapshot as the repository grow.
-                if floor is not None:
-                    # We only do this for siblings created after the one in our
-                    # parent's delta chain. Those created before has less
-                    # chances to be valid base since our ancestors had to
-                    # create a new snapshot.
-                    siblings = [r for r in siblings if floor < r]
-                yield tuple(sorted(siblings))
-                # then test the base from our parent's delta chain.
-                yield tuple(sorted(snaps))
-                floor = min(snaps)
-            # No suitable base found in the parent chain, search if any full
-            # snapshots emitted since parent's base would be a suitable base
-            # for an intermediate snapshot.
-            #
-            # It give a chance to reuse a delta chain unrelated to the current
-            # revisions instead of starting our own. Without such re-use,
-            # topological branches would keep reopening new full chains.
-            # Creating more and more snapshot as the repository grow.
-            full = [
-                r
-                for r in self.snapshot_cache.snapshots[nullrev]
-                if snapfloor <= r
-            ]
-            yield tuple(sorted(full))
-        if not sparse:
+        if self.revlog.delta_config.sparse_revlog:
+            yield from self._iter_snapshots_base()
+        else:
             yield from self._iter_prev()