diff --git a/mercurial/vfs.py b/mercurial/vfs.py
index 6e1eb7212633b3af6feda2c06e8bc26253010aec_bWVyY3VyaWFsL3Zmcy5weQ==..46603c00a9f28cc6d5583bf63d676ddf576561e7_bWVyY3VyaWFsL3Zmcy5weQ== 100644
--- a/mercurial/vfs.py
+++ b/mercurial/vfs.py
@@ -476,5 +476,6 @@
             <path> is the real file system path content should be written to,
             <mode> is the file mode that need to be set if any.
-        self._auditpath(path, b'wb')
+        real_path = self.join(path)
+        self._auditpath(real_path, b'wb')
@@ -480,5 +481,4 @@
-        real_path = self.join(path)
         dirname, basename = util.split(real_path)
         if dirname not in known_directories:
             util.makedirs(dirname, self.createmode, True)
diff --git a/tests/drawdag.py b/tests/drawdag.py
index 6e1eb7212633b3af6feda2c06e8bc26253010aec_dGVzdHMvZHJhd2RhZy5weQ==..46603c00a9f28cc6d5583bf63d676ddf576561e7_dGVzdHMvZHJhd2RhZy5weQ== 100644
--- a/tests/drawdag.py
+++ b/tests/drawdag.py
@@ -79,6 +79,20 @@
       # replace: A -> B -> C -> D  # chained 1 to 1 replacements
       # split: A -> B, C           # 1 to many
       # prune: A, B, C             # many to nothing
+Special comment can also be used to control file content for some revision.
+The example below create two extra files in A, update on in B and delete the
+other on in C (using a special content to mark the deletion).
+In all case the file matching the node name is created for all non-merge
+    C # A/file/path=content in A
+    | # A/other/file/path=content for another file
+    B # B/file/path=updated content in B
+    | # C/other/file/path=<deleted>
+    A
 import collections
@@ -300,7 +314,10 @@
     def filectx(self, key):
-        return simplefilectx(key, self._added[key])
+        content = self._added.get(key)
+        if content is not None:
+            return simplefilectx(key, content)
+        return None
     def commit(self):
         return self._repo.commitctx(self)
@@ -381,6 +398,6 @@
     # parse comments to get extra file content instructions
     files = collections.defaultdict(dict)  # {(name, path): content}
     comments = list(_getcomments(text))
-    filere = re.compile(br'^(\w+)/([\w/]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$', re.M)
+    filere = re.compile(br'^(\w+)/([-_\w/"]+)\s*=\s*(.*)$', re.M)
     for name, path, content in filere.findall(b'\n'.join(comments)):
         content = content.replace(br'\n', b'\n').replace(br'\1', b'\1')
@@ -385,6 +402,9 @@
     for name, path, content in filere.findall(b'\n'.join(comments)):
         content = content.replace(br'\n', b'\n').replace(br'\1', b'\1')
-        files[name][path] = content
+        if content == b"<deleted>":
+            files[name][path] = None
+        else:
+            files[name][path] = content
     committed = {None: repo.nullid}  # {name: node}
diff --git a/tests/test-drawdag.t b/tests/test-drawdag.t
index 6e1eb7212633b3af6feda2c06e8bc26253010aec_dGVzdHMvdGVzdC1kcmF3ZGFnLnQ=..46603c00a9f28cc6d5583bf63d676ddf576561e7_dGVzdHMvdGVzdC1kcmF3ZGFnLnQ= 100644
--- a/tests/test-drawdag.t
+++ b/tests/test-drawdag.t
@@ -242,8 +242,12 @@
   > |\      # B/dir2/b = 34
   > A B     # C/dir1/c = 5
   >         # C/dir2/c = 6
+  >         # A/to-be"deleted" = I am doomed.
+  >         # B/to-be-deleted_too = The end is near.
+  >         # C/to-be"deleted"=<deleted>
+  >         # C/to-be-deleted_too = <deleted>
   >         # C/A = a
   >         # C/B = b
   > EOS
   $ hg log -G -T '{desc} {files}'
@@ -245,7 +249,7 @@
   >         # C/A = a
   >         # C/B = b
   > EOS
   $ hg log -G -T '{desc} {files}'
-  o    C A B dir1/c dir2/c
+  o    C A B dir1/c dir2/c to-be"deleted" to-be-deleted_too
@@ -251,3 +255,3 @@
-  | o  B B dir2/b
+  | o  B B dir2/b to-be-deleted_too
@@ -253,3 +257,3 @@
-  o  A A dir1/a
+  o  A A dir1/a to-be"deleted"
@@ -255,4 +259,33 @@
+  $ for r in `hg log -T '{rev} ' --rev "sort(all())"`; do
+  >     hg log --rev $r -T "### {tags} ###\n";
+  >     hg diff --change $r --stat;
+  > done
+  ### A ###
+   A              |  1 +
+   dir1/a         |  2 ++
+   to-be"deleted" |  1 +
+   3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+  ### B ###
+   B                 |  1 +
+   dir2/b            |  1 +
+   to-be-deleted_too |  1 +
+   3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+  ### C tip ###
+   A              |  2 +-
+   B              |  1 +
+   dir1/c         |  1 +
+   dir2/b         |  1 +
+   dir2/c         |  1 +
+   to-be"deleted" |  1 -
+   6 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+  $ hg files -r C
+  A
+  B
+  dir1/a
+  dir1/c
+  dir2/b
+  dir2/c
   $ for f in `hg files -r C`; do
   >   echo FILE "$f"
   >   hg cat -r C "$f"
diff --git a/tests/test-stream-bundle-v2.t b/tests/test-stream-bundle-v2.t
index 6e1eb7212633b3af6feda2c06e8bc26253010aec_dGVzdHMvdGVzdC1zdHJlYW0tYnVuZGxlLXYyLnQ=..46603c00a9f28cc6d5583bf63d676ddf576561e7_dGVzdHMvdGVzdC1zdHJlYW0tYnVuZGxlLXYyLnQ= 100644
--- a/tests/test-stream-bundle-v2.t
+++ b/tests/test-stream-bundle-v2.t
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
   $ cp $HGRCPATH $TESTTMP/hgrc.orig
   $ cat >> $HGRCPATH << EOF
+  > [ui]
+  > portablefilenames=abort
   > [experimental]
   > evolution.createmarkers=True
   > evolution.exchange=True
@@ -60,5 +62,5 @@
   $ hg debugdrawdag <<'EOF'
   > E
   > |
-  > D
+  > D  # D/ba"r=<deleted>
   > |
@@ -64,3 +66,3 @@
   > |
-  > C
+  > C  # C/ba"r=faz
   > |
@@ -66,5 +68,5 @@
   > |
-  > B
+  > B  # B/blu=fuz
   > |
   > A
   > EOF
@@ -72,9 +74,9 @@
   $ hg bundle -a --type="none-v2;stream=$stream_version" bundle.hg
   $ hg debugbundle bundle.hg
   Stream params: {}
-  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1693, filecount: 12, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 no-zstd !)
-  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1693, filecount: 12, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 zstd no-rust !)
-  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1819, filecount: 14, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 rust !)
+  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1908, filecount: 14, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 no-zstd !)
+  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1911, filecount: 14, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 zstd no-rust !)
+  stream2 -- {bytecount: 2103, filecount: 16, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 rust !)
   stream3-exp -- {requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v3 no-zstd !)
   stream3-exp -- {requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v3 zstd no-rust !)
   stream3-exp -- {requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v3 rust !)
@@ -89,9 +91,9 @@
   $ hg bundle -a --type="none-$bundle_format" bundle.hg
   $ hg debugbundle bundle.hg
   Stream params: {}
-  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1693, filecount: 12, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 no-zstd !)
-  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1693, filecount: 12, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 zstd no-rust !)
-  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1819, filecount: 14, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 rust !)
+  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1908, filecount: 14, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 no-zstd !)
+  stream2 -- {bytecount: 1911, filecount: 14, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 zstd no-rust !)
+  stream2 -- {bytecount: 2103, filecount: 16, requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v2 rust !)
   stream3-exp -- {requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v3 no-zstd !)
   stream3-exp -- {requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v3 zstd no-rust !)
   stream3-exp -- {requirements: generaldelta%2Crevlog-compression-zstd%2Crevlogv1%2Csparserevlog} (mandatory: True) (stream-v3 rust !)
@@ -133,8 +135,8 @@
   adding changesets
   adding manifests
   adding file changes
-  added 5 changesets with 5 changes to 5 files
-  new changesets 426bada5c675:9bc730a19041 (5 drafts)
+  added 5 changesets with 7 changes to 7 files
+  new changesets 426bada5c675:92165ab525bf (5 drafts)
 known requirements
@@ -193,8 +195,9 @@
   bundle2-input-bundle: with-transaction
   bundle2-input-part: "stream2" (params: 3 mandatory) supported
   applying stream bundle
-  12 files to transfer, 1.65 KB of data (no-rust !)
-  14 files to transfer, 1.78 KB of data (rust !)
+  14 files to transfer, 1.86 KB of data (no-rust no-zstd !)
+  14 files to transfer, 1.87 KB of data (no-rust zstd !)
+  16 files to transfer, 2.05 KB of data (rust !)
   starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
   starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
   adding [s] data/A.i (66 bytes)
@@ -202,4 +205,6 @@
   adding [s] data/C.i (66 bytes)
   adding [s] data/D.i (66 bytes)
   adding [s] data/E.i (66 bytes)
+  adding [s] data/ba"r.i (68 bytes)
+  adding [s] data/blu.i (68 bytes)
   adding [s] phaseroots (43 bytes)
@@ -205,3 +210,5 @@
   adding [s] phaseroots (43 bytes)
-  adding [s] 00manifest.i (584 bytes)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (649 bytes) (no-zstd !)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (652 bytes) (zstd no-rust !)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (654 bytes) (zstd rust !)
   adding [s] 00changelog.n (62 bytes) (rust !)
@@ -207,7 +214,7 @@
   adding [s] 00changelog.n (62 bytes) (rust !)
-  adding [s] 00changelog-b875dfc5.nd (64 bytes) (rust !)
-  adding [s] 00changelog.d (275 bytes)
+  adding [s] 00changelog-b875dfc5.nd (128 bytes) (rust !)
+  adding [s] 00changelog.d (289 bytes)
   adding [s] 00changelog.i (320 bytes)
   adding [c] branch2-served (94 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-names-v2 (7 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-revs-v2 (40 bytes)
@@ -210,11 +217,13 @@
   adding [s] 00changelog.i (320 bytes)
   adding [c] branch2-served (94 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-names-v2 (7 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-revs-v2 (40 bytes)
-  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 1857 (no-rust !)
-  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2025 (rust !)
-  stream-cloned 12 files / 1.65 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust !)
-  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.78 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (rust !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2099 (no-rust no-zstd !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2102 (no-rust zstd !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2337 (rust !)
+  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.86 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust no-zstd !)
+  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.87 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust zstd !)
+  stream-cloned 16 files / 2.05 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (rust !)
   bundle2-input-bundle: 1 parts total
   updating the branch cache
   finished applying clone bundle
@@ -233,7 +242,7 @@
   updating to branch default
   resolving manifests (no-rust !)
    branchmerge: False, force: False, partial: False (no-rust !)
-   ancestor: 000000000000, local: 000000000000+, remote: 9bc730a19041 (no-rust !)
+   ancestor: 000000000000, local: 000000000000+, remote: 92165ab525bf (no-rust !)
    A: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
   getting A (no-rust !)
    B: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
@@ -244,7 +253,9 @@
   getting D (no-rust !)
    E: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
   getting E (no-rust !)
-  5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+   blu: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
+  getting blu (no-rust !)
+  6 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   updating the branch cache
   (sent 4 HTTP requests and * bytes; received * bytes in responses) (glob)
@@ -261,8 +272,9 @@
   bundle2-input-bundle: with-transaction
   bundle2-input-part: "stream2" (params: 3 mandatory) supported
   applying stream bundle
-  12 files to transfer, 1.65 KB of data (no-rust !)
-  14 files to transfer, 1.78 KB of data (rust !)
+  14 files to transfer, 1.86 KB of data (no-rust no-zstd !)
+  14 files to transfer, 1.87 KB of data (no-rust zstd !)
+  16 files to transfer, 2.05 KB of data (rust !)
   starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
   starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
   adding [s] data/A.i (66 bytes)
@@ -270,4 +282,6 @@
   adding [s] data/C.i (66 bytes)
   adding [s] data/D.i (66 bytes)
   adding [s] data/E.i (66 bytes)
+  adding [s] data/ba"r.i (68 bytes)
+  adding [s] data/blu.i (68 bytes)
   adding [s] phaseroots (43 bytes)
@@ -273,3 +287,5 @@
   adding [s] phaseroots (43 bytes)
-  adding [s] 00manifest.i (584 bytes)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (649 bytes) (no-zstd !)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (652 bytes) (zstd no-rust !)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (654 bytes) (zstd rust !)
   adding [s] 00changelog.n (62 bytes) (rust !)
@@ -275,7 +291,7 @@
   adding [s] 00changelog.n (62 bytes) (rust !)
-  adding [s] 00changelog-b875dfc5.nd (64 bytes) (rust !)
-  adding [s] 00changelog.d (275 bytes)
+  adding [s] 00changelog-b875dfc5.nd (128 bytes) (rust !)
+  adding [s] 00changelog.d (289 bytes)
   adding [s] 00changelog.i (320 bytes)
   adding [c] branch2-served (94 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-names-v2 (7 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-revs-v2 (40 bytes)
@@ -278,11 +294,13 @@
   adding [s] 00changelog.i (320 bytes)
   adding [c] branch2-served (94 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-names-v2 (7 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-revs-v2 (40 bytes)
-  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 1857 (no-rust !)
-  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2025 (rust !)
-  stream-cloned 12 files / 1.65 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust !)
-  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.78 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (rust !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2099 (no-rust no-zstd !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2102 (no-rust zstd !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2337 (rust !)
+  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.86 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust no-zstd !)
+  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.87 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust zstd !)
+  stream-cloned 16 files / 2.05 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (rust !)
   bundle2-input-bundle: 1 parts total
   updating the branch cache
   finished applying clone bundle
@@ -301,7 +319,7 @@
   updating to branch default
   resolving manifests (no-rust !)
    branchmerge: False, force: False, partial: False (no-rust !)
-   ancestor: 000000000000, local: 000000000000+, remote: 9bc730a19041 (no-rust !)
+   ancestor: 000000000000, local: 000000000000+, remote: 92165ab525bf (no-rust !)
    A: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
   getting A (no-rust !)
    B: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
@@ -312,7 +330,9 @@
   getting D (no-rust !)
    E: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
   getting E (no-rust !)
-  5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+   blu: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
+  getting blu (no-rust !)
+  6 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   updating the branch cache
   (sent 4 HTTP requests and * bytes; received * bytes in responses) (glob)
@@ -327,7 +347,7 @@
   bundle2-input-bundle: with-transaction
   bundle2-input-part: "stream3-exp" (params: 1 mandatory) supported
   applying stream bundle
-  11 entries to transfer
+  13 entries to transfer
   starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
   starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
   adding [s] data/A.i (66 bytes)
@@ -335,4 +355,6 @@
   adding [s] data/C.i (66 bytes)
   adding [s] data/D.i (66 bytes)
   adding [s] data/E.i (66 bytes)
+  adding [s] data/ba"r.i (68 bytes)
+  adding [s] data/blu.i (68 bytes)
   adding [s] phaseroots (43 bytes)
@@ -338,3 +360,5 @@
   adding [s] phaseroots (43 bytes)
-  adding [s] 00manifest.i (584 bytes)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (649 bytes) (no-zstd !)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (652 bytes) (zstd no-rust !)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (654 bytes) (zstd rust !)
   adding [s] 00changelog.n (62 bytes) (rust !)
@@ -340,7 +364,7 @@
   adding [s] 00changelog.n (62 bytes) (rust !)
-  adding [s] 00changelog-b875dfc5.nd (64 bytes) (rust !)
-  adding [s] 00changelog.d (275 bytes)
+  adding [s] 00changelog-b875dfc5.nd (128 bytes) (rust !)
+  adding [s] 00changelog.d (289 bytes)
   adding [s] 00changelog.i (320 bytes)
   adding [c] branch2-served (94 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-names-v2 (7 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-revs-v2 (40 bytes)
@@ -343,11 +367,13 @@
   adding [s] 00changelog.i (320 bytes)
   adding [c] branch2-served (94 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-names-v2 (7 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-revs-v2 (40 bytes)
-  stream-cloned 12 files / 1.65 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust !)
-  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 1869 (no-rust !)
-  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.78 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (rust !)
-  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2037 (rust !)
+  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.86 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust no-zstd !)
+  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.87 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust zstd !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2113 (no-rust no-zstd !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2116 (no-rust zstd !)
+  stream-cloned 16 files / 2.05 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (rust !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2351 (rust !)
   bundle2-input-bundle: 1 parts total
   updating the branch cache
   finished applying clone bundle
@@ -366,7 +392,7 @@
   updating to branch default
   resolving manifests (no-rust !)
    branchmerge: False, force: False, partial: False (no-rust !)
-   ancestor: 000000000000, local: 000000000000+, remote: 9bc730a19041 (no-rust !)
+   ancestor: 000000000000, local: 000000000000+, remote: 92165ab525bf (no-rust !)
    A: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
   getting A (no-rust !)
    B: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
@@ -377,7 +403,9 @@
   getting D (no-rust !)
    E: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
   getting E (no-rust !)
-  5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+   blu: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
+  getting blu (no-rust !)
+  6 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   updating the branch cache
   (sent 4 HTTP requests and * bytes; received * bytes in responses) (glob)
@@ -389,7 +417,7 @@
   bundle2-input-bundle: with-transaction
   bundle2-input-part: "stream3-exp" (params: 1 mandatory) supported
   applying stream bundle
-  11 entries to transfer
+  13 entries to transfer
   starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
   starting 4 threads for background file closing (?)
   adding [s] data/A.i (66 bytes)
@@ -397,4 +425,6 @@
   adding [s] data/C.i (66 bytes)
   adding [s] data/D.i (66 bytes)
   adding [s] data/E.i (66 bytes)
+  adding [s] data/ba"r.i (68 bytes)
+  adding [s] data/blu.i (68 bytes)
   adding [s] phaseroots (43 bytes)
@@ -400,3 +430,5 @@
   adding [s] phaseroots (43 bytes)
-  adding [s] 00manifest.i (584 bytes)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (649 bytes) (no-zstd !)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (652 bytes) (zstd no-rust !)
+  adding [s] 00manifest.i (654 bytes) (zstd rust !)
   adding [s] 00changelog.n (62 bytes) (rust !)
@@ -402,7 +434,7 @@
   adding [s] 00changelog.n (62 bytes) (rust !)
-  adding [s] 00changelog-b875dfc5.nd (64 bytes) (rust !)
-  adding [s] 00changelog.d (275 bytes)
+  adding [s] 00changelog-b875dfc5.nd (128 bytes) (rust !)
+  adding [s] 00changelog.d (289 bytes)
   adding [s] 00changelog.i (320 bytes)
   adding [c] branch2-served (94 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-names-v2 (7 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-revs-v2 (40 bytes)
@@ -405,11 +437,13 @@
   adding [s] 00changelog.i (320 bytes)
   adding [c] branch2-served (94 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-names-v2 (7 bytes)
   adding [c] rbc-revs-v2 (40 bytes)
-  stream-cloned 12 files / 1.65 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust !)
-  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 1869 (no-rust !)
-  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.78 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (rust !)
-  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2037 (rust !)
+  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.86 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust no-zstd !)
+  stream-cloned 14 files / 1.87 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (no-rust zstd !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2113 (no-rust no-zstd !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2116 (no-rust zstd !)
+  stream-cloned 16 files / 2.05 KB in * seconds (* */sec) (glob) (rust !)
+  bundle2-input-part: total payload size 2351 (rust !)
   bundle2-input-bundle: 1 parts total
   updating the branch cache
   finished applying clone bundle
@@ -428,7 +462,7 @@
   updating to branch default
   resolving manifests (no-rust !)
    branchmerge: False, force: False, partial: False (no-rust !)
-   ancestor: 000000000000, local: 000000000000+, remote: 9bc730a19041 (no-rust !)
+   ancestor: 000000000000, local: 000000000000+, remote: 92165ab525bf (no-rust !)
    A: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
   getting A (no-rust !)
    B: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
@@ -439,7 +473,9 @@
   getting D (no-rust !)
    E: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
   getting E (no-rust !)
-  5 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
+   blu: remote created -> g (no-rust !)
+  getting blu (no-rust !)
+  6 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
   updating the branch cache
   (sent 4 HTTP requests and * bytes; received * bytes in responses) (glob)