from __future__ import print_function import errno import os import os.path import pipes import time import threading import re import shutil import subprocess import stat import sys import tempfile import urllib import pipes from .utils import ( BaseNChangesetsTestSuite, BaseTestSuite, params_as_kwargs, median, REPOS_DIR, STRIP_VARIANTS_LIST, ROLES, REPO_DETAILS, not_compatible_with, ) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: import Queue as queue else: import queue class TestSuite(BaseTestSuite): timeout = 120 params = BaseTestSuite.params + [("create", "update")] param_names = BaseTestSuite.param_names + ["mode"] @params_as_kwargs def track_commit(self, mode, **kwargs): timings = [] filename = None self.hg('revert', '--all') self.hg('--config', 'extensions.purge=', 'purge', '--all') self.hg('status') if mode == 'create': with open(os.path.join(self.repo_path, 'BABAR'), 'w') as f: f.write("BABAR") else: # pick filename to update filename = self.hg('manifest').partition('\n')[0] if not filename: msg = 'no revision checked out in repo: %s' % self.repo_path raise ValueError(msg) filename = os.path.join(self.repo_path, filename) # Do the commits N time for i in range(10): needrollback = False try: if mode == 'update': with open(filename, 'a') as target: target.write( 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog\n') else: self.hg('add', 'BABAR') before = time.time() self.hg('commit', '-m', 'My commit message', '-u', '<>') needrollback = True after = time.time() timings.append(after - before) finally: # Rollback and clean if needrollback: self.hg('rollback', '--config', 'ui.rollback=true') self.hg('debugupdatecache') self.hg('update', '-C', '.') return median(timings) class TimeTestSuite(BaseTestSuite): def time_emptystatus(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg('status') def time_status_tip(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg('status', '--change', 'tip') def time_emptydiff(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg('diff') def time_diff_tip(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg('diff', '-c', 'tip') def time_log_tip(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg("log", "-r", "tip") def time_summary(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg("summary") def time_version(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg("--version") def time_bookmarks(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg("bookmarks") def time_id(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg("id") def time_id_current(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg("id", "-r", ". ") def time_manifest_all(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg("manifest", "--all") def time_files(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hg('files', '-r', 'tip') class ArchiveTimeTestSuite(BaseTestSuite): # work-around repeat because mozilla central en netbeans are very slow # mercurial's own archive is about a second so it would use more run. timeout = 300 param_names = TimeTestSuite.param_names + ['type'] # The "file" type have been disabled. It does not yield very different # result than tar and taks a lot of time. creating and deleting many file # is expensive compared to creating and deleting a single tar # # params = TimeTestSuite.params + [['files', 'tar']] params = TimeTestSuite.params + [['tar']] def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ArchiveTimeTestSuite, self).setup(*args, **kwargs) self.output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.output = os.path.join(self.output_dir, 'archive') def teardown(self, *args, **kwargs): shutil.rmtree(self.output_dir) @params_as_kwargs def time_archive(self, repo, **kwargs): # asv share the same temporary directory for all combinations # so use an unique output name self.hg('archive', '--type', kwargs["type"], '--rev', 'tip', self.output) class LogTimeTestSuite(BaseNChangesetsTestSuite): timeout = 300 @params_as_kwargs def time_log_history(self, repo, changesets, **kwargs): self.hg("log", "-r", "-%d:" % changesets) class UpdateTimeTestSuite(BaseNChangesetsTestSuite): timeout = 500 @params_as_kwargs def time_up_tip(self, repo, changesets, **kwargs): self.hg("up", "-r", "tip~%d" % changesets) self.hg("up", "-r", "tip") class BundleTimeTestSuite(BaseNChangesetsTestSuite): timeout = 500 @params_as_kwargs def time_bundle(self, repo, changesets, **kwargs): self.hg("bundle", "--base", ":(-%d)" % (changesets+1), "/tmp/bundle.bundle") class HgWeb(object): def __init__(self): super(HgWeb, self).__init__() self.queue = queue.Queue() self.proc = None self.thread = None def start(self, hgpath, environ): config = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'hgweb.config')) hgweb_cmd = [ hgpath, 'serve', '--cwd', REPOS_DIR, '-a', 'localhost', '-p', '0', '--config', 'web.push_ssl=False', '--config', 'web.allow_push=*', '--webdir-conf', config] self.proc = subprocess.Popen(hgweb_cmd, env=environ, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # we have to read output in a thread to avoid deadlocks self.thread = threading.Thread( target=self._enqueue, args=(self.queue, self.proc.stdout)) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() # wait the server to be started statusline = self.queue.get() if not statusline: self.stop() raise RuntimeError('hg serve has crashed') return':(\d+)', statusline).groups()[0] @staticmethod def _enqueue(queue, fd): while True: data = fd.readline() if not data: break queue.put(data) queue.put(None) def stop(self): self.proc.kill() self.proc.wait() self.thread.join() class BaseExchangeMixin(object): # this help recovering from failure during setup _hgserve = None def _remote_path_cmd(self, path): if self.repo_type == 'local': return [path] elif self.repo_type == 'ssh': with open('hg_wrapper', 'wb') as f: f.write('#!/bin/sh\nexec env -i {} {} $*\n'.format( ' '.join(['{}={}'.format(k, pipes.quote(v)) for k, v in self.environ.items()]), os.path.abspath(self.hgpath))) st = os.stat('hg_wrapper') os.chmod('hg_wrapper', st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) return [ '--remotecmd', os.path.abspath('hg_wrapper'), 'ssh://localhost/{}'.format(os.path.abspath(path))] elif self.repo_type == 'http': path = os.path.abspath(path) repo_dir = os.path.abspath(REPOS_DIR) assert path.startswith(REPOS_DIR), path return ['http://localhost:{}/{}'.format( self.hgport, path[len(repo_dir) + 1:])] else: raise NotImplementedError def _setup_repo_type(self, repo_type): """setup a hgweb server if we have to""" self._hgserve = None if repo_type == 'http' and self.get_asv_rev() in self.get_skip()['hgweb']: raise NotImplementedError self.repo_type = repo_type if repo_type == 'http': self._hgserve = HgWeb() self.hgport = self._hgserve.start(self.hgpath, self.environ) def _teardown_repo_type(self): if self._hgserve is not None: self._hgserve.stop() self._hgserve = None def _setup_revset(self, revset): """If the operation target a specific revision, resolve it beforehand""" if revset is not None: self.rev = self.hg('identify', '-i', '-r', revset).strip() else: self.rev = None class classproperty(object): def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def __get__(self, obj, owner): return self.f(owner) def setup_role(cls): """install the right partial variants for the configured action""" cls.params = cls.params[:] cls.params[cls._partials_idx] = list(sorted(cls.role_data)) return cls class BaseExchangeTimeSuite(BaseExchangeMixin, BaseTestSuite): # the exchange action we measure role_action = None # the subtypes of this action we measure role_subtype = None param_names = BaseTestSuite.param_names + [ 'repo_type', 'strip', 'revset'] params = BaseTestSuite.params + [['local', 'ssh', 'http']] _partials_idx = len(params) params += [STRIP_VARIANTS_LIST] params += [[None, 'tip']] timeout = 1800 @classproperty def role_data(cls): """{"partial-key" -> {"repo-key" -> {data}} map for the current role""" if cls.role_action is None: return None if cls.role_subtype is None: return None return ROLES.get(cls.role_action, {}).get(cls.role_subtype, {}) def run(self, local_repo, command, remote_repo, expected_return_code=None): if not isinstance(command, (list, tuple)): command = [command] cmd = ['--cwd', pipes.quote(local_repo)] + command cmd.extend(self._remote_path_cmd(remote_repo)) if self.rev: cmd.extend(['-r', self.rev]) if expected_return_code is None: expected_return_code = 1 if self.partial_key == "same" else 0 self.hg(*cmd, expected_return_code=expected_return_code) @params_as_kwargs def setup(self, repo, repo_type, strip, revset, **kwargs): self.partial_key = strip super(BaseExchangeTimeSuite, self).setup(repo, **kwargs) self._setup_repo_type(repo_type) self._setup_revset(revset) @property def clone_path(self): return self.repo_path_from_id(self.partial_key) def repo_path_from_id(self, partial_id): """Return the absolute path for a given partial "reference" is a special value that means the original repository. """ if partial_id == 'reference': return self.repo_path suffix = urllib.quote_plus(partial_id) # We need to use the repo name here because the repo doesn't contains # the hash partial_name = '{}-partial-{}'.format(self.repo_name, suffix) return os.path.join(REPOS_DIR, 'partial-references', partial_name) def teardown(self, *args, **kwargs): self._teardown_repo_type() def _rsync(self, src, dst): cmd = [ 'rsync', '--inplace', '--no-whole-file', '-aH', '--delete', '{}/'.format(src), dst, ] self.check_output(cmd) class ExchangeTimeSuite(BaseExchangeTimeSuite): def time_incoming(self, *args, **kwargs):, 'incoming', self.repo_path) def time_outgoing(self, *args, **kwargs):, 'outgoing', self.clone_path) # # long timeout and process leak not_broken_hgweb = not_compatible_with( revset="f0a851542a05::877185de62^", filter_fn=lambda kwargs, current_version: kwargs['repo_type'] == 'http' ) class BaseDiscoveryTimeSuite(BaseExchangeTimeSuite): # debugdiscovery does not support revset argument params = BaseTestSuite.params + [ ['local', 'ssh', 'http'], STRIP_VARIANTS_LIST, [None]] def _track_discovery(self, *args, **kwargs): data = self.role_data.get(kwargs['strip'], {}) data = data.get(self.repo_name) if data is None: raise NotImplementedError("no roles data for this partials' key") source = self.repo_path_from_id(data['source']) target = self.repo_path_from_id(data['target']) return self.perfext('perfdiscovery', '--repository', source, target) @setup_role class DiscoveryIdenticalTimeSuite(BaseDiscoveryTimeSuite): role_action = 'discovery' role_subtype = 'identical' @params_as_kwargs @not_broken_hgweb def track_identical(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._track_discovery(self, *args, **kwargs) track_identical.benchmark_name = 'exchange.discovery.changesets.track_identical' @setup_role class DiscoverySubsetTimeSuite(BaseDiscoveryTimeSuite): role_action = 'discovery' role_subtype = 'subset' @params_as_kwargs @not_broken_hgweb def track_discovery_subset(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._track_discovery(self, *args, **kwargs) track_discovery_subset.benchmark_name = 'basic_commands.DiscoveryTimeSuite.track_discovery_subset' @setup_role class DiscoverySupersetTimeSuite(BaseDiscoveryTimeSuite): role_action = 'discovery' role_subtype = 'superset' @params_as_kwargs @not_broken_hgweb def track_discovery_superset(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._track_discovery(self, *args, **kwargs) track_discovery_superset.benchmark_name = 'basic_commands.DiscoveryTimeSuite.track_discovery_superset' @setup_role class DiscoveryStandardTimeSuite(BaseDiscoveryTimeSuite): role_action = 'discovery' role_subtype = 'balanced' @params_as_kwargs @not_broken_hgweb def track_balanced(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._track_discovery(self, *args, **kwargs) track_balanced.benchmark_name = 'exchange.discovery.changesets.track_balanced' class UnbundleTimeSuite(BaseExchangeTimeSuite): params = BaseTestSuite.params + [ STRIP_VARIANTS_LIST] param_names = BaseTestSuite.param_names + ['strip'] @params_as_kwargs def setup(self, repo, strip, **kwargs): super(UnbundleTimeSuite, self).setup(repo, repo_type="local", strip=strip, revset=None, **kwargs) partial_sets = REPO_DETAILS[self.repo_name]['reference-repo']['partial-sets'] if strip not in partial_sets: # Only test for strip variants specified in the .benchrepo raise NotImplementedError("Strip variant {} not used for repo {}".format(strip, repo)) tmpdir = os.path.join(REPOS_DIR, 'runtime-clones') try: os.makedirs(tmpdir) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise self.tmp_clone_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'clone-{}'.format( os.path.basename(self.clone_path))) # XXX: This should be deleted at the end but teardown, like setup, is # called for each repeat... self._rsync(self.clone_path, self.tmp_clone_path) # Wait for everything to be written on disk to avoid Disk IO wait to # impact performances metrics self.check_output('sync') partial_set = partial_sets[strip] if not partial_set: raise NotImplementedError("No strip revset, ignoring.") strip_revset = partial_set['remove'] self.hg("bundle", "--base", "not(%s)" % strip_revset, "/tmp/bundle.bundle") def time_debugunbundle(self, *args, **kwargs):, 'unbundle', "/tmp/bundle.bundle", expected_return_code=0) class BasePushPullTimeSuite(BaseExchangeTimeSuite): # Force setup to be called between two push or pull warmup_time = 0 def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BasePushPullTimeSuite, self).setup(*args, **kwargs) tmpdir = os.path.join(REPOS_DIR, 'runtime-clones') try: os.makedirs(tmpdir) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise self.tmp_clone_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'clone-{}'.format( os.path.basename(self.clone_path))) # XXX: This should be deleted at the end but teardown, like setup, is # called for each repeat... self._rsync(self.clone_path, self.tmp_clone_path) # Wait for everything to be written on disk to avoid Disk IO wait to # impact performances metrics self.check_output('sync') def _time_push(self, *args, **kwargs):, ['push', '-f'], self.tmp_clone_path) def _time_pull(self, *args, **kwargs):, 'pull', self.repo_path, expected_return_code=0) class NoOpPushPullTimeSuite(BasePushPullTimeSuite): params = BaseTestSuite.params + [ ['local', 'ssh', 'http'], ["same"], # Force the strip variant to same [None, 'tip']] def time_push(self, *args, **kwargs): self._time_push() def time_pull(self, *args, **kwargs): self._time_pull() class SmallPushPullTimeSuite(BasePushPullTimeSuite): params = BaseTestSuite.params + [ ['local', 'ssh', 'http'], ["last-ten", "last-hundred"], # Only the usual strip sizes [None, 'tip']] def time_push(self, *args, **kwargs): self._time_push() def time_pull(self, *args, **kwargs): self._time_pull() class BigPushPullTimeSuite(BasePushPullTimeSuite): params = BaseTestSuite.params + [ ['local', 'ssh', 'http'], ["last-thousand"], # All the big strip variants [None, 'tip']] def time_push(self, *args, **kwargs): self._time_push() def time_pull(self, *args, **kwargs): self._time_pull() # class CloneTimeSuite(BaseExchangeMixin, BaseTestSuite): # param_names = BaseTestSuite.param_names + ['repo_type', 'revset'] # params = BaseTestSuite.params + [['local', 'ssh', 'http'], [None, 'tip']] # timer = timeit.default_timer # number = 1 # warmup_time = 0 # timeout = 2700 # def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): # args = list(args) # repo_name = args[self.param_names.index('repo')] # revset = args.pop(-1) # repo_type = args.pop(-1) # super(CloneTimeSuite, self).setup(*args, **kwargs) # self._cleanup_paths = [] # self._setup_repo_type(repo_type) # self._setup_revset(revset) # self.clone_path = os.path.join(REPOS_DIR, repo_name) # if repo_name in ('mercurial-2017', 'pypy-2017'): # # small repositories # # run 20 times or less than 5 minutes # self.repeat = 20 # self.sample_time = (5 * 60) / (self.repeat * 1.3) # elif repo_name in ('mozilla-central-2017', 'netbeans-2017'): # # big repositories # # run 3 times or less than 45 minutes # self.repeat = 3 # self.sample_time = (45 * 60) / (self.repeat * 1.3) # else: # raise NotImplementedError('unconfigured timeout for repository %s' % repo_name) # def teardown(self, *args, **kwargs): # self._teardown_repo_type() # for path in self._cleanup_paths: # shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) # self._cleanup_paths = [] # # def time_clone(self, *args, **kwargs): # cmd = ['clone', '--pull'] # tmp_clone_path = os.path.abspath(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='.')) # self._cleanup_paths.append(tmp_clone_path) # cmd.extend(self._remote_path_cmd(self.clone_path)) # cmd.append(tmp_clone_path) # if self.rev: # cmd.extend(['-r', self.rev]) # self.hg(*cmd) # class CloneStreamTimeSuite(BaseExchangeMixin, BaseTestSuite): # param_names = BaseTestSuite.param_names + ['repo_type', 'update'] # params = BaseTestSuite.params + [['local', 'ssh', 'http'], [False, True]] # timer = timeit.default_timer # # run 5 times or less than 15 minutes # number = 1 # repeat = 5 # warmup_time = 0 # sample_time = (15 * 60) / (repeat * 1.3) # timeout = 2700 # def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): # args = list(args) # repo_name = args[self.param_names.index('repo')] # self.update = args.pop(-1) # repo_type = args.pop(-1) # super(CloneStreamTimeSuite, self).setup(*args, **kwargs) # self._cleanup_paths = [] # self._setup_repo_type(repo_type) # self.clone_path = os.path.join(REPOS_DIR, repo_name) # def teardown(self, *args, **kwargs): # self._teardown_repo_type() # for path in self._cleanup_paths: # shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True) # self._cleanup_paths = [] # def time_clone_stream(self, *args, **kwargs): # cmd = ['clone', '--stream'] # tmp_clone_path = os.path.abspath(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='.')) # self._cleanup_paths.append(tmp_clone_path) # cmd.extend(self._remote_path_cmd(self.clone_path)) # cmd.append(tmp_clone_path) # if not self.update: # cmd.append('--noupdate') # self.hg(*cmd)