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  • Yuya Nishihara's avatar
    manifestmodel: do not ignore reload request of uncommitted changes (fixes #3595) · 699fdde0ec1c
    Yuya Nishihara authored
    Because workingctx has no real identity, "wctx1.node() == wctx2.node()" does
    not mean they are exactly the same.  So manifest model shouldn't ignore repeated
    setRev(None) or setRawContext(wctx) requests.
    Currently patchctx isn't affected by this problem because it lacks __eq__(),
    but the same can be said for patchctx in principle.  Though changes in
    patchctx can be detected by ctx.thgid(), I decided not to use it.  Eventually,
    we want to remove context and repository extensions.
    This fixes missing refresh after shelve/unshelve.
    branch : stable