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  • Martin von Zweigbergk's avatar
    revisions: parse "x123" as "nodeid starting with 123" without prefixhexnode · 62435a5b46fe
    Martin von Zweigbergk authored
    `experimental.revisions.prefixhexnode` makes it so the template
    function `shortest()` uses an "x" prefix to disambiguate between short
    nodeids and revnums. That config has so far also been used for
    enabling parsing of "x123" unambiguously as a nodeid. That makes it a
    little annoying for people who have prefixhexnode=yes to share such
    nodeids with people who have prefixhexnode=no ("x123" will be
    considered invalid for them). There seems to be little harm in
    allowing that parsing for everyone. We still let e.g. bookmark names
    like "x123" take precedence over the nodeid, so that's not a
    concern. The only thing I can think of is that people get used to the
    "x" prefix being valid, making it impossible for us to change to a
    different prefix if we wanted to do that when graduating the feature.
    Differential Revision: