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  • Pierre-Yves David's avatar
    test: add a test file for relevant obsmarkers and its usage · f475446b4837
    Pierre-Yves David authored
    The logic around obsmarkers "relevant" to a set of revs have a couple of test
    around in other places but no systematic testing. In addition, all the current
    testing focus on the exchange case (we looks at relevant markers for
    For bundles, we'll need something a bit different. We'll no longer have set of
    revision going down to the repository roots. So we'll have to test these cases
    too. In addition, stripping obsmarkers will introduce new logic around
    obsmarkers that will need testing too. So a new test file make sense here.
    We start with a simple tests, more advanced cases are coming in the next
    changesets. The extra testing catch a minor bug (later in the series).