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  • Kyle Lippincott's avatar
    resolve: add option to warn/abort on -m with unresolved conflict markers · 6c8e3c847977
    Kyle Lippincott authored
    When a user is dropped out of Mercurial to a terminal to resolve files, we emit
    messages like:
        conflicts while merging file1! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
        conflicts while merging file2! (edit, then use 'hg resolve --mark')
    We don't mention a file name in the hint, so some users might do something like
    `$EDITOR file1; hg resolve --mark`, see that it says "(no more unresolved
    files)" and forget to deal with file2 before running the next command.
    Even if we did mention a file name in the hint, it's too easy to forget it
    (maybe the merge spans a couple days or something). This option lets us inform
    the user that they might have missed something.
    In the scenario above, the output would be something like:
        warning: the following files still have conflict markers:
        (no more unresolved files)
    Differential Revision: