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  • Sushil Khanchi's avatar
    patch: include flag-only file changes in "special" when filtering (issue5864) · f8c5225b9054
    Sushil Khanchi authored
    This patch fix the issue5864 (or maybe issue5865 too) which occurs during
    split (or I should say at the time of filtering the hunks in interactive
    mode) where user hits a not ending loop of "no changes to record".
    And it's not only the case for split it will happen in every interactive
    case for e.g. `hg commit -i` or `hg uncommit -i`
    After looking into code I found that when filtering we have some
    notation called "special" for the file headers which doesn't contain
    any hunk and just contain the header (for e.g. newly added empty file
    or deleted file) where the user cannot change the content of operation.
    And I think we can put this "flag-only" file change in that same bucket
    of "special". But I doubt a bit about the case when a file have flag change
    and atleast one hunk then user won't be able to separate the flag change
    from hunks.
    Changed test file reflect the fixed behaviour.
    Differential Revision: