delete_rows does not work on deleting multiple rows
Created originally on Bitbucket by tslvoxmeter (Troels Schwarz-Linnet)
I updated to version 2.5.
I read in the CHANGES, that 2.5 had a Major Change "You can now insert and delete rows and columns in worksheets"
I found the documentation for this feature in:
delete_cols(idx, amount=1)
Consider the following test code:
import shutil, sys
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl import load_workbook
# Test version
from openpyxl import __version__
test_version = StrictVersion(__version__) == StrictVersion("2.5.0")
if not test_version:
print("You need to have openpyxl version 2.5.0. You have %s"%__version__)
# Create Workbook, Get the active shees
wb = Workbook()
ws =
ws.append(['Hello 1'])
ws.append(['Rem 1'])
ws.append(['Rem 2'])
ws.append(['Rem 3'])
ws.append(['Hello 2'])'test_1.xlsx')
# Copy
shutil.copy2('test_1.xlsx', 'test_2.xlsx')
# Open workbook
wb = load_workbook('test_2.xlsx')
ws =
# Delete 1 row
#Work as expected. "Rem 1" is deleted
# Delete 2 rows
#Work as expected. "Rem 1" and "Rem 2" is deleted
#ws.delete_rows(2, 1)
#ws.delete_rows(2, 1)
# Delete 3 rows, and the same time
ws.delete_rows(2, 3)
#### Error, out is:
# Hello 1
# Hello 2
# Rem 2
# Rem 3'test_2.xlsx')
If I check with the source code:
There is this section
def delete_rows(self, idx, amount=1):
Delete row or rows from row==idx
self._move_cells(min_row=idx+amount, offset=-amount, row_or_col="row")
Which leads to
def _move_cells(self, min_row=None, min_col=None, offset=0, row_or_col="row"):
Move either rows or columns around by the offset
reverse = offset > 0 # start at the end if moving down
cells = sorted(self._cells.values(), key=attrgetter(row_or_col), reverse=reverse)
for cell in cells:
if min_row and cell.row < min_row:
elif min_col and cell.col_idx < min_col:
del self._cells[(cell.row, cell.col_idx)] # remove old ref
val = getattr(cell, row_or_col)
setattr(cell, row_or_col, val+offset) # calculate new coords
self._cells[(cell.row, cell.col_idx)] = cell # add new ref