Review passed with flying colours --------------------------------- On the 31st of May 2007 the PyPy project was reviewed by the EU Commission in Brussels. Reviewers were Roel Wuyts, Unversit� Libre de Bruxelles and Aki Lumiaho, Ramboll, Finland. Present was also our Project Officer, Charles McMillan. After 6 hours of presentations of the various aspects of the project, it only took the reviewers a few minutes to decide that the project was accepted, without any further work being required. Professor Wuyts, who has dynamic programming languages as his main field of research was very enthusiastic about the entire project and the results with the Just In Time Compiler Generator in particular. He offered his help in establishing collaborations with the communities around Prolog, Smalltalk, Lisp and other dynamic languages, as well as giving hints on how to get our results most widely pubicized. The preparations for the review left the team rather exhausted so development progress will be rather slow until the sprint at Europython in the second week of July. PyPy EU funding period over, Review ahead ----------------------------------------------------- The 28 month EU project period of PyPy is over and new things are to come! On 11th May we `submitted last documents`_ to the European Union and are now heading towards a 31st May Review Meeting in Bruxelles. The `PyPy EU Final Activity Report`_ summarizes what we did and what we have in mind on technical, scientific and community levels. It also contains reflections and recommendations possibly interesting to other projects aiming at EU funded Open Source research. *(12th May, 2007)* .. _`submitted last documents`: .. _`PyPy EU Final Activity Report`: PyPy 1.0: JIT compiler generator, optimizations and more ------------------------------------------------------------------ We are proud to release PyPy 1.0.0, our sixth public release. See the `release announcement <>`__ to read about the many new features in this release, especially the results of our JIT generation technology. See also our detailed instructions on how to `get started`_. *(March 27th, 2007)* .. _`get started`: PyPy 0.99.0: optimizations, backends, new object spaces and more ------------------------------------------------------------------- We are proud to release PyPy 0.99.0, our fifth public release. See the `release announcement <>`__ to read about the many new features in this release. See also our detailed instructions on how to `get started`_. *(February 17th, 2007)* .. _`get started`: py lib 0.9.0: py.test, distributed execution, greenlets and more ------------------------------------------------------------------- Our development support and testing library was publically released, see the `0.9 release announcement <>`__ and its extensive `online documentation <>`__. *(February 15th, 2007)* Leysin Sprint, 8th - 14th January 2007 --------------------------------------------------------- The PyPy Leysin sprint is over. We worked hard on various topics, including preparing the upcoming py-lib and PyPy releases. For more details, see the `Leysin sprint report`_, the `Leysin announcement`_ and the `list of people present`_. .. _`Leysin announcement`: .. _`Leysin sprint report`: .. _`list of people present`: Duesseldorf sprint #2, 30th October - 5th November over ---------------------------------------------------------- PyPy has sprinted at the Heinrich-Heine-Universit�t D�sseldorf. It was a very productive sprint with work done in various areas. Read the `sprint report`_ for a detailed description of what was achieved and the `full announcement`_ for various details. .. _`full announcement`: .. _`sprint report`: PyPy at University of Limerick: sprint and workshop 21-28th of August 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PyPy has sprinted at the University of Limerick in Ireland, hosted by partners in our sister project Calibre. During the first day of the sprint, the 21st, we arranged a workshop with tutorials, talks and discussions on both technical (JIT, VM) and methodological topics (F/OSS/Agile, Distributed). See sprint announcement Summer of PyPy - calls for proposals ------------------------------------- PyPy is implementing it�s own model (inspired by Google�s Summer of Code) for reimbursing travel and accommodation for sprint participation as well as mentoring on various subjects related to PyPy. The call for proposal is out - see more on PyPy at Agile 2006 24-28th of July 2006 ---------------------------------------- PyPy published an experience report at Agile 2006 conference in Minneapolis, USA titled: "Trouble in Paradise: the Open Source Project PyPy, EU-funding and Agile Practices". The talk was presented by Beatrice D�ring. Together with Arlo Belshee an Open Space session was arranged on the topic "What can Agile learn from Open Source?", attended by 11 people. See PyPy at Europython 2006 ------------------------- PyPy arranged four talks at EuroPython 2006 - this year hosted by CERN in Geneva, Switzerland as well as arranging "lightning talks" and demoing features from the 0.9 release. After the conference the team hosted a sprint with 24 participants (!). Thanks to everyone participating and contributing during the sprint. See PyPy releases videodocumentation! ----------------------------------- At (bittorrent) you can download video documentation covering sprints, talks, tutorials, design discussions and interviews on PyPy. PyPy releases 0.9! ------------------- The fourth public release of the project covers stackless implementations in PyPy, extension compiler and many other features - see the release announcement: PyPy at XP 2006 17-22nd of June 2006 --------------------------------------- PyPy published an experience report, "Sprint Driven Development, Agile Methodologies in a Distributed Open Source Project (PyPy)" and presented the results at the XP 2006 conference in Oulu, Finland. PyPy sprint in Tokyo 23rd-29th of April, 2006 ----------------------------------------------- The PyPy team has been invited by FSIJ (Free Software Initiative Japan) to sprint in the facilities of the National Institute of Advanced Technology and Science in Akihabara, Tokyo. The sprint is aiming at dissemination of the current state of PyPy within the community of Japanese Hackers. See more on PyPy sprint in Louvain-La-Neuve 6-10th of March, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------- The PyPy team sprinted at D�partement d'Ing�nierie Informatique at UCL in Belgium. During the sprint a workshop regarding the funcionalities of PyPy/Python and the OZ language was discussed with people from both communities. Many thanks to our hosts at UCL, among them Gr�goire Dooms for making this sprint possible. PyPy at PyCon 24th-26th February, 2006 ---------------------------------------- The PyPy team visited Addison/Dallas in Texas and participated in PyCon. The PyPy team presented three talks about the status, a architecture and methodology of the project. After the conference ca 20 people participated in the PyPy sprint that went on for four days. PyPy in Ireland 6-7th February, 2006 --------------------------------------- PyPy visited IONA Technologies for an experience workshop, sharing experiences with agile and distributed software development. PyPy held two talks at the University College Dublin for students and researchers in computer science. Many thanks to Niall Donnely at IONA and Dr Joseph Kiniry at UCD for hosting these events! PyPy at the Open Source World Conference, M�laga -- February 15-17, 2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PyPy is presenting at the stand of the European Commission and giving a talk on on Thursday, 14:00-15:00. PyPy sprint in Mallorca 23-29th of January, 2006 ------------------------------------------------ PyPy kickstarted the second year of the project with a sprint in the GNU/Linux lab at the University of Balearic Isles on Mallorca. The PyPy team held an architectural talk for students at the University and met up with the local OSS group Bulma. Many thanks to Ricardo Galli at UIB for being a gracious host! PyPy at CCC conference 27-30th of December 2005 ------------------------------------------------- PyPy presented two different talks at the 22C3 conference in Berlin, "PyPy - the new Python implementation on the block" and "OSS, EUfunding and agile business". For more information about this conference: The talks can be found on PyPy sprint in Gothenburg and seminar in Brussels --------------------------------------------------- PyPy sprinted in Gothenburg during the first week of December - work with the JIT compiler was a primary target. This work will continue during the spring of 2006. In parallell with the PyPy sprint, some PyPy teammembers visited the Commission in Brussels and participated in an internal EC seminar regarding OSS, distributed and agile development on the 8th of December. This was done in cooperation with the Calibre project, by invitation from the PyPy Project Officer Mr Dirk Van Royy. The talk can be found on PyPy at PyCon -------------- PyPy has three talks accepted at PyCon, which will be held in Dallas, USA 24-26th of February. For more information about the conference and the pypy talks: PyPy at the CCC conference December 2005 ----------------------------------------- PyPy will present talks at the CCC conference in Berlin 27th-29th of December. For more PyPy in Gothenburg December 2005 --------------------------------- The upcoming sprint in Gothenburg (7th-11th of December) has been announced. PyPy in Paris October 2005 --------------------------- The team met up in Paris in the office of Logilab. Several newcomers participated in the sprint, in total 18 people attended.Work was focused on aspects of phase II of the project: translation, continuation-passing style (stackless) and JIT (Just in Time compilation). PyPy at the 2 International Calibre conference, Limerick, September 2005 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beatrice D�ring from the PyPy team participated in the second International Calibre conference at the University of Limerick (9th of September). Calibre is a coordination action project, focused on OSS - business models, agile and distributed development. Beatrice presented a talk about the sprint methodology in use in the PyPy project. Lots of useful contacts where made and there are rumours of a sprint in Ireland next year, and maybe also in Japan. For more information about Calibre: PyPy in Heidelberg August 2005 ---------------------------------- The team met up and sprinted in Heidelberg, in total 14 people. On the 28th of August the 0.7 version of PyPy - the first public release of a fully translatable self contained Python implementation was launched.This work concluded the phase 1 of the project. PyPy sprint in Hildesheim July 2005 ---------------------------------------- The team met up at Trillke Gut and worked on the upcoming phase 1 deliverables. The result was PyPy - selfcontained! PyPy at Europython in Gothenburg June/July 2005 ------------------------------------------------------ The Pypy team was busy sprinting 4 days before Europython and 6 days afterwards. There where also several PyPy talks at the conference, a joint talk by Holger Krekel, Armin Rigo, Carl Friedrich Bolz about translation aspects of PyPy, Holger Krekel about py.test and Beatrice D�ring about sprint driven development. This sprint had 20 participants which is a PyPy record. PyPy at ACCU April 2005 ------------------------------------------------------ Armin Rigo and Jacob Hall�n held 2 talks at the ACCU conference,about PyPy and sprint driven development. PyPy at PyCon in Washington March 2005 ------------------------------------------------------ The Pypy team sprinted at PyCon - 13 developers worked on getting Pypy compliant with the CPython regression test. Armin Rigo and Holger Krekel also did talks about type inference and the py lib/py.test. PyPy at the Calibre conference in Paris March 2005 ------------------------------------------------------ Beatrice D�ring from the PyPy team participated in the Calibre workshop "Libre software - which business model?". Sprint in Leysin, Switzerland January 2005 ------------------------------------------------------ The PyPy team met up for the first sprint after the official start of the EU funded project. 13 people participated and worked together for 7 days. The team succeded in importing and running CPython test on PyPy. PyPy at Chaos Communication Conference 2004 ------------------------------------------------------ Holger Krekel gave a talk about the process and status of an open-source project receiving EU funding and the particular situation with PyPy. Contract signed - PyPy is flying December 2004 ------------------------------------------------------ The PyPy team recieved contract confirmation 1 December 2004 form the Commission The team kicked of the work with a Consortium meeting i Saarbruecken.