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  • Armin Rigo's avatar
    Change "stuff" with the goal of fixing a bug in W_Continulet. · da3bcd418b5c
    Armin Rigo authored
    The problem is that __del__ can call stacklet_destroy() too early.
    * removed __del__ from W_Continulet, and instead add it as a lower level
      destructor on the 'sthread' object
    * kill destroy() from various levels, because it is not needed any more
    * we can't pass any more the thread_handle to stacklet.c, so kill it
      and store it in the stacklet_handle.  Fix a problem related to freeing
      the thread_handle before the remaining stacklet_handle's.
    * bad luck: this means the sthread objects need both a custom tracer
      and a destructor.  Fix everything to accomodate that.
    * this lets us kill the unused second argument from the low-level
      destructor functions
    branch : jitframe-on-heap