passlib.ext.django with django 1.11.2 fails
Created originally on Bitbucket by Anonymous
File "/var/tmp/portage/dev-python/passlib-1.7.1-r1/work/passlib-1.7.1-python2_7/lib/passlib/tests/", line 315, in assert_valid_password
self.assertEqual(user.password, hash)
AssertionError: u'pbkdf2_sha256$36000$hqodxnGJ8Tqd$BL6VkMWgPnVqHZ4LT1Deg0F9ZxL4qBUnmB//SsE9Y2c=' != 'pbkdf2_sha256$30000$gC6ujnwDPPVK$LpgAJvHsrgjngltNmoaFuM5cX+V0Cc42Q1wGN0K8RrU='
It looks like what I think is the round count differs and the sha differs (maybe, not sure what each field maps to).
1.8.18 seems to work for me though.
Edited by Eli Collins