# HG changeset patch
# User Jens Hatlak <jh@junetz.de>
# Date 1435089304 -7200
#      Tue Jun 23 21:55:04 2015 +0200
# Node ID 46c701397e00758f1a38605aa0dca795bbce0daa
# Parent  901cd80a42e80740049714f1bd51a9e030a6dcec
Bug 1161898 - Outdated names listed in the seamonkey-project about page
removed Andrew Schultz (according to Philip Chee neither Council member nor QA lead anymore)

diff --git a/src/about.en.html b/src/about.en.html
--- a/src/about.en.html
+++ b/src/about.en.html
@@ -101,11 +101,6 @@
         and a super-reviewer focussed on XPFE and MailNews. He has been very
         involved in all SeaMonkey related development for years.</dd>
-  <dt id="ajschult">Andrew Schultz (ajschult) - QA lead</dt>
-    <dd>Andrew has been working on Mozilla since 2002 and is the QA lead for
-        SeaMonkey. When not working on QA, he fixes occasional bugs in Gecko
-        and SeaMonkey code. </dd>
   <dt id="Callek">Justin Wood (Callek) - release engineer</dt>
     <dd>Justin has been working on Mozilla since early 2003, he is currently
         the Release Engineer for SeaMonkey. When not doing releases he is also