# HG changeset patch # User kairo@kairo.at # Date 1236111976 0 # Tue Mar 03 20:26:16 2009 +0000 # Node ID bdc53bc52ebf81d86eba693cab08d29252f680af # Parent d5b69691540480bcd083909eca2b230fdb0469e4 add 1.1.15 relnotes diff --git a/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/README.en.html b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/README.en.html new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/README.en.html @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +[%- mypath = "${template.name}"|replace('[^\/]*$','') -%] +[%- PROCESS "${mypath}/relnote.var" -%] +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> +<html lang="en"> +<head> + +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> + +<link rel="maintainer" title="Robert Kaiser" href="mailto:kairo@kairo.at"> +<link rel="top" href="../../" title="SeaMonkey Project"> +<link rel="up" href="./" title="[% rnote.name %]"> + +<title>What's New in [% rnote.name %]</title> +</head> +<body> +<h1>What's New in [% rnote.name %]</h1> + +<div class="section"> +<p>This document outlines a few of the new features implemented in + [% rnote.name %], important bugfixes and any new problems. See the + <a href="changelog">"rough changelog"</a> for a more comprehensive + list of [% rnote.version %] fixes. + Please note that these changes are relative to + <a href="../seamonkey[% rnote.relativeto.version %]/README">[% rnote.relativeto.name %]</a>.</p> +</div> + +<h2><a name="new">New Features and Fixes</a></h2> +<!-- General --> +<div class="fieldset"> +<span class="legend">General</span> +<ul> + <li><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/seamonkey11.html#seamonkey[% rnote.version %]">Security</a> + and stability fixes</li> +</ul> +</div> +<!-- Major regressions noted here --> +<h2><a name="new-issues">New Issues</a></h2> + +<div class="section"> +<p>These are items that have been added to the <a href="known-issues">Known Issues page</a> + since the last release + (<a href="../seamonkey[% rnote.relativeto.version %]/README">[% rnote.relativeto.name %]</a>), + although the bugs themselves may have existed previously.</p> +</div> +<div class="fieldset"> +<span class="legend">General</span> +<ul> +<li>N/A</li> +</ul> +</div> +</body> +</html> diff --git a/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/changelog.en.html b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/changelog.en.html new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/changelog.en.html @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +[%- mypath = "${template.name}"|replace('[^\/]*$','') -%] +[%- PROCESS "${mypath}/relnote.var" -%] +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> +<html lang="en"> +<head> + +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> + +<link rel="maintainer" title="Robert Kaiser" href="mailto:kairo@kairo.at"> +<link rel="top" href="../../" title="SeaMonkey Project"> +<link rel="up" href="./" title="[% rnote.name %]"> + +<title>[% rnote.name %] Changelog</title> +</head> +<body> +<!-- +Bugzilla CSV, then: +cat bugs-YYYY-mm-dd.csv | perl -pe 's/^(\d+),.*,.*,.*,.*,.*,.*,.*,"(.+)"$/$1 $2/;' | sed -e 's/""/\"/g' > raw.txt +cat raw.txt | sed -e 's/</\</g' -e 's/>/\>/' -e 's/& /\& /' | perl -pe 's%(.*?)\s+(.*)%<a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=$1">$1</a> $2%;' > new.txt +--> + + +<h1>Rough Changelog for [% rnote.name %]</h1> + +<p>This is a list of bugs pulled from Bugzilla. It's a "rough" list because I +didn't verify each bug on the list as actually having been fixed in the +[% rnote.version %] development cycle and I may have missed some that were; +I just used <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?keywords_type=anywords&keywords=fixed-seamonkey1.1.15%2Cfixed1.8.1.20%2Cverified1.8.1.20%2Cfixed1.8.1.21%2Cverified1.8.1.21&product=Core&product=MailNews+Core&product=SeaMonkey&product=Other+Applications">the +smartest Bugzilla queries I could devise</a>. It's +not perfect but if you're interested in what got fixed since +<a href="../seamonkey[% rnote.relativeto.version %]/changelog">[% rnote.relativeto.name %]</a> +this is probably the best place to start. -Robert</p> + +<pre> +TBD +</pre> +</body> +</html> diff --git a/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/get-started.html b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/get-started.html new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/get-started.html @@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@ +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"> +<html> +<head> + <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> + <title>Getting Started with %%MOZILLA-STABLE-VERSION%%</title> + <link rel="stylesheet" href="page.css"> +<!-- + <link rel="contents" href="toc.html" title="Table of Contents" /> +--> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#before-installing-mozilla" title="Before you install"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#installing-on-windows" title="Installing on Windows"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#installing-on-osX" title="Installing on Mac OS X"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#installing-on-linux" title="Installing on Linux"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#oh-yeah" title="Migrating from another Internet client"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#migrate-communicator" title=" Migrating from Netscape Communicator"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#migrate-netscape7" title=" Migrating from Netscape 6 or 7"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#migrate-aol" title=" Importing user data from AOL"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#migrate-msie" title=" Migrating from Microsoft Internet Explorer"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#migrate-outlook" title=" Migrating from Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#migrate-eudora" title=" Migrating from Eudora"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#migrate-other-browser" title=" Migrating from another browser"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#migrate-other-mail" title=" Migrating from another mail client"> + <link rel="bookmark" href="#installation-troubleshooting" title="Installation troubleshooting"> + +</head> + +<body> +<!-- +<div class="chpt-heading">Chapter</div> +<div class="chpt-number">1</div> +--> +<div class="chpt-title"><h1>Getting Started with %%MOZILLA-STABLE-VERSION%%</h1></div> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>(2004-06-08)</p> + + <p>Translation: + <a href="http://www.czilla.cz/start/get-started.html">Česky</a> | +<!-- + <a href="http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~r91034/mozilla/forum/viewtopic.php?p=5418">Chinese + (partial)</a> | +--> + <a href="http://www.mozilla-japan.org/docs/end-user/guide/get-started.html">Japanese</a></p> + + <p>This document guides you through the installation process. + + It also shows you how to import data from another + Internet client such as Netscape or Microsoft Outlook.</p> +<!-- + This document also provides a brief + introduction to key features of the software.</p> +--> +<!-- + <p>For automated installation on multiple workstations, refer to + Chapter 7 <q>Deploying Mozilla</q> on page XX.</p> +--> + </div> + + <div class="submenu"> + <ul> + <li><a href="#before-installing-mozilla">Before you install</a></li> + <li><a href="#installing-on-windows">Installing on Windows</a></li> + <li><a href="#installing-on-osX">Installing on Mac OS X</a></li> + <li><a href="#installing-on-linux">Installing on Linux</a></li> + <li><a href="#oh-yeah">Migrating from another Internet client</a></li> + <li><a href="#installation-troubleshooting">Installation troubleshooting</a></li> + </ul> + </div> +<!-- + <h4>Getting Mozilla</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p><em>Mozilla is development software, and as such it may not be + suitable for the average users.</em> If you are a first-time user, you + should install the latest final release for your OS + (not alpha, beta, or candidate releases). + </p> + </div> +--> +<h2><a name="before-installing-mozilla">Before you install</a></h2> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>You can safely install Mozilla with other Internet client + software, such as Netscape Communicator, Firefox, Microsoft + Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, and Opera. Mozilla can + <strong>import</strong> user data from other Internet clients; however, + import may not work if you uninstalled the client first. + + If you wish to migrate from another Internet client to Mozilla, we recommend + that you uninstall the client <em>after</em> you have both installed Mozilla + and have migrated your user data. For more details, read + <q><a href="#oh-yeah">Migrating from another Internet client</a></q>.</p> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> + To avoid incompatibility problem with previous versions, the Mozilla + installer will prompt you to delete the install directory if it is not empty. + Answer NO if you put your profile or other personal files in the install directory, + otherwise the files will be deleted. Users who put profiles in the default location + are not affected.</p> + + </div> + + <h4><a name="previous-netscape7">If you have Netscape 6 or 7 installed</a></h4> + + <div class="sect"> + + <p><strong>Do NOT share profiles between Mozilla and Netscape 6 or 7</strong>. + Mozilla and Netscape 6 or 7 share the same profile registry and directory. + However, a profile created by one may be incompatible with another. + + Mozilla automatically uses your Netscape 6 or 7 profile unless you have + multiple profiles, in which case Mozilla prompts you to choose a profile.</p> + + <p>To avoid accidentally opening Mozilla with your Netscape profile, + create a new, extra profile using your Netscape’s Profile Manager + before installing Mozilla.</p> + </div> + + <h4><a name="previous-mozilla">If you have a previous version of Mozilla installed</a></h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>Before installing a new version of Mozilla, you should uninstall + your previous version first. If you have a third-party extension + installed, particularly the <strong>spell checker</strong>, you + should also completely delete your Mozilla install directory before + making a new install. + <strong>Do not install over an old Mozilla version</strong>.</p> + + <p>Following the uninstall instructions in this document should not + affect your profile data (unless your profile files are in a custom + location).</p> + </div> + + <h3>System recommendation</h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>This section lists recommended hardware and software + configuration for installing Mozilla. + As with any other software, a faster processor + and/or additional memory may increase performance.</p> + + <table> + <caption>Windows</caption> + <tbody> + <tr> + <td style="width:13em;">Operating system</td> + <td style="width:25em;"> + Windows 98 Second Edition<br> + Windows Millennium Edition<br> + Windows NT 4.0<br> + Windows 2000<br> + Windows XP</td> + </tr> + <tr><td>Processor</td><td>Pentium 233 MHz (or faster)</td></tr> + <tr><td>RAM</td><td>64 MB</td></tr> + <tr><td>Free hard disk space<sup><a href="#note-freedisk" rel="note">†</a></sup></td><td>26 MB</td></tr> + </tbody> + </table> + + <table> + <caption>Macintosh</caption> + <tbody> + <tr> + <td style="width:13em;">Operating system</td> + <td style="width:25em;"> + Mac OS X + (10.1 or later preferred) + </td></tr> + <tr><td>Processor</td><td>PowerPC processor 266 MHz (or faster)</td></tr> + <tr><td>RAM</td><td>64 MB</td></tr> + <tr> + <td>Free hard disk space<sup><a href="#note-freedisk" rel="note">†</a></sup></td> + <td>36 MB</td></tr> + <tr> + <td>Additional</td> + <td>QuickTime + <!-- + (bug <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59059">59059</a>) + --> + </td></tr> + </tbody> + </table> + + <table> + <caption>Linux</caption> + <tbody> + <tr> + <td style="width:13em;">Operating system</td> + <td style="width:25em;"> + <p>Red Hat Linux 7.0 or later;<br> + Debian 3.0 or later;<br> + SuSE 7.2 or later;</p> + + <p>or a version of Linux with kernel 2.2.14 or later and + the following library versions (or compatible):</p> + <ul> + <li>glibc 2.2,</li> + <li>GTK 1.2.x (1.2.5 preferred),</li> + <li>XFree86 3.3.x,</li> + <li>Libstdc++ 2.9.0</li> + </ul> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Processor</td> + <td>Pentium 233 MHz (or faster)</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>RAM</td> + <td>64 MB</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td>Free hard disk space<sup><a href="#note-freedisk" rel="note">†</a></sup></td> + <td>26 MB</td> + </tr> + </tbody> + </table> + + <p> + <a name="note-freedisk"></a> + <sup>†</sup> <span style="font-size:9pt;"> + During installation, twice the disk space is needed for temporary files. + After installation is complete, the temporary files will be deleted for + other uses.</span></p> + </div> + +<h2><a name="installing-on-windows">Installing on Windows</a></h2> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>It is recommended that you exit all programs before running the + setup program. Also, you should temporarily disable virus + detection software.</p> + + <p>To install Mozilla, follow these steps:</p> + + <ol> + <li><p>On the download page, click a Windows installer link to download + the file to your machine.</p></li> + <li><p>Navigate to where you downloaded the file and double click the + installer program icon on your machine to begin the Setup program.</p> + </li> + <li><p>Follow the on-screen instructions in the setup program. + The program starts automatically the first time.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> + Certain <strong>ATI video drivers</strong> are not compatible with + Mozilla and may lead to crashes. If you are experiencing crashes try + getting the latest ATI driver at + <tt><a href="http://mirror.ati.com/support/driver.html"> + http://mirror.ati.com/support/driver.html</a> + </tt></p> + </div> + +<!-- + <h4>Manual installation from <tt>.zip</tt> archive file</h4> + + <p>To install Mozilla from the .zip file manually, follow these steps:</p> + + <ol> + <li><p>Download the .zip arhive file (<tt>mozilla-win32-talkback.zip</tt> + or <tt>mozilla-win32.zip</tt>) to your machine.</p></li> + + <li><p>Navigate to where you downloaded the file and double click the + compressed file.</p> + + <p>Note: This step assumes you already have a Zip utility such as + WinZip installed, and that you know how to use it. If not, you can + get WinZip and information about the program at + <tt><a href="http://www.winzip.com">http://www.winzip.com</a></tt> + </p></li> + + <li><p>Extract the <tt>.zip</tt> file to a directory such as + <tt>C:\Program Files\Internet\Mozilla</tt>.</p></li> + + <li>To start Mozilla, navigate to the directory you extracted Mozilla + to and double click the Mozilla program icon.</li> + </ol> +--> + + <h4>Running multiple versions of Mozilla</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>You can keep multiple versions of Mozilla in your computer by installing + them in different directories. Note, however, you can only run one Mozilla + version at a time.</p> + </div> + + <h3>Starting and closing Mozilla</h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To start Mozilla, double click on the Mozilla icon on your desktop. + You can customize how Mozilla starts up (e.g. what profile + to use) via command line arguments. For more information, read</p> + <blockquote> + <p><tt><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/docs/command-line-args.html"> + http://www.mozilla.org/docs/command-line-args.html</a></tt></p> + </blockquote> + </div> + + <h4>Quick Launch</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>Quick Launch allows you to open Mozilla + quickly. When Mozilla uses Quick Launch, a Mozilla icon + is present in the system tray (near the clock)</p> + + <p><img src="turbo-systray.gif" width="96" height="33"></p> + + <p>You can open Navigator by double clicking on the icon. To open a + different component (such as Mail & Newsgroups or Composer), right-click + the icon and choose the component from the context menu.</p> + + <p>During installation, you have the option of enabling or disabling + Quick Launch. If enabled, Quick Launch loads part of Mozilla into memory + when your computer starts up (and each time Mozilla first starts up). + Quick Launch keeps Mozilla in memory even after you close all Mozilla + windows so you can quickly re-open Mozilla as needed. If your computer + is low on memory, you may want to disable Quick Launch.</p> + + <p>To enable Quick Launch:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open the Edit menu and choose Preferences.</p></li> + <li><p>Choose Advanced category.</p></li> + <li><p>Select <q>Keep Mozilla in memory to improve startup performance</q> + to enable Quick Launch.</p></li> + <li><p>Click OK.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p>To disable Quick Launch, right-click on the Mozilla + icon in the system tray and choose "Disable Quick Launch" in the context + menu.</p> + + <p>To exit Quick Launch and Mozilla completely:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Close all Mozilla windows.</p></li> + <li><p>Right-click on the Mozilla icon in the system tray and + choose "Exit Mozilla" from the context menu.</p></li> + </ol> + </div> + + <h3>Java, Plug-ins, and Other Extras</h3> + + <h4>Java</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To run Java applets, you must install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) + version 1.4.1 or later. + If you already have the JRE on your system, the setup program should recognize + it. + If you need to download the JRE, you can find it at: + <tt><a href="http://java.sun.com">http://java.sun.com</a></tt></p> + + <!-- + If you've manually set the preference to disable automatic plug-in + searches then you can do the following to get Java working: After + the JRE is installed on your machine, copy NPOJI610.dll from the + install directory, e.g. + <tt>C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\<version>\bin</tt> , + to your Mozilla plugins directory, e.g. + <tt>C:\Program Files\mozilla.org\Mozilla\plugins</tt> . + --> + </div> + + <h4>Plug-ins and download managers</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>Many new versions of browser plug-ins and download managers + work with Mozilla. However, installation may require manual + operations. For more details, see + <tt><a href="http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/windows.html"> + http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/windows.html</a> + </tt></p> + </div> + + <h4>Installing Address Book Palm Sync</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To be able to sync between Mozilla’s address book and + your Palm, you need to enable the Mozilla Palm Sync conduit. + + To do that, open the Start Menu, select Programs, select Mozilla, and + choose the <q>Address Book Palm Sync Install</q> item. + + <em> + Note that if you set up your Palm to sync its address book + with Mozilla, the address book will no longer sync with the Palm Desktop. + </em> + </p> + + <p>Once you have done this you can connect your Palm device and press the + HotSync button on your Palm cradle. This should bring up the HotSync Manager + dialog on your desktop and should start Mozilla. Once synchronization is + complete, close and reopen Mozilla, and open the Mozilla Address Book to + confirm that the synchronization was successful.</p> + </div> + + <h3>Uninstalling Mozilla</h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To uninstall Mozilla, open the Control Panel, open + <q>Add Remove Programs</q>, and choose <q>Mozilla 1.<var>x</var></q> + from the list. + + Note uninstalling Mozilla does not remove your profile + data.</p> + </div> + +<h2><a name="installing-on-osX">Installing on Mac OS X</a></h2> + <div class="sect"> +<!-- + <p><b>Note</b>: If the downloaded file does not expand automatically you + must expand the file using a program such as StuffIt Expander. Expander + comes with the default system install on new Macs. If necessary, get the + Expander program at</p> + <blockquote> + + <tt> + <a href="http://www.aladdinsys.com/expander/expander_mac_login.html"> + http://www.aladdinsys.com/expander/expander_mac_login.html + </a> + </tt> + </blockquote> +--> + <p>To install Mozilla,</p> + + <ol> + <li><p>Click the Mac OS X disk image link to download the file to your + machine.</p></li> + + <li><p>The disk image expands and mounts itself.</p> + + <p>If the disk image doesn't mount automatically, + double-click on the <tt>.dmg</tt> file to mount it. + If that fails, and the file does not look like a disk + image file, do a <q>Show Info</q> on the file, and, in + the <q>Open with application</q> category, choose + Disk Copy.</p></li> + + <li><p>Open the disk image, and drag the Mozilla icon to where you want + to install Mozilla. We recommend that you copy it to the Applications + folder.</li> + + <li><p>Eject the disk image.</p></li> + + <li><p>To start Mozilla, open the folder where you installed Mozilla and + double click the Mozilla icon.</p> + </ol> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> + Certain <strong>ATI video drivers</strong> are not compatible with + Mozilla and may lead to crashes. + If you are experiencing crashes and you use an ATI video driver + you may be able to workaround the problem by setting your screen + to <q>Thousands of colors</q> rather than <q>Millions</q>. + You may also try getting the latest ATI driver at + <tt><a href="http://mirror.ati.com/support/driver.html"> + http://mirror.ati.com/support/driver.html</a></tt> + </p> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> + Do not disable extensions before installing Mozilla. Doing so may + cause installation problems. + </p> + </div> + + <h3>Starting Mozilla</h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>You can drag the Mozilla icon from the install folder to your dock + to have it easily accessible at all times. You might also wish to select + Mozilla as your default browser in the Internet system preferences pane + (under the Web tab).</p> + </div> + + <h3>Java and Plug-ins</h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>Mozilla uses Internet plug-ins and Java already installed on +<!-- + in <tt>~/Library/Internet Plugins</tt>. +--> + your system. No special work is required.</p> + <p>To see what Internet plug-ins are supported, visit + <tt><a href="http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/OSX.html">http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/OSX.html</a></tt> . + </p> + </div> + + <h3>Uninstalling Mozilla</h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To uninstall Mozilla,</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Remove the application files in + <tt>/Users/<var><yourusername></var>/Library/Mozilla</tt> + (but leave the <tt>Profiles</tt> sub-folder).</p></li> + + <li><p>Remove the file <tt>Mozilla Registry</tt> from + <tt>/Users/<yourusername>/Library/Preferences</tt></p></li> + + <li><p>Remove Mozilla from the installed location. (i.e. <tt>/Applications</tt>)</p></li> + </ol> + </div> + +<h2><a name="installing-on-linux">Installing on Linux</a></h2> + + <div class="sect"> + <p><b>Note</b>: These instructions use the bash shell. If you're not using + bash, adjust the commands accordingly.</p> + + <p>To install Mozilla by downloading the Mozilla installer, follow these + steps:</p> + + <ol> + <li><p>Create a directory named <tt>mozilla1.<var>x</var></tt> + (<kbd>mkdir mozilla1.<var>x</var></kbd>) and change + to that directory (<kbd>cd mozilla1.<var>x</var></kbd>).</p></li> + + <li><p>Download the installer package (called + <tt>mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-<var>1.x</var>-installer.tar.gz</tt>) + to the <tt>mozilla1.<var>x</var></tt> directory.</p> + </li> + + <li><p>Change to where you downloaded the package + (<kbd>cd mozilla1.<var>x</var></kbd>) and decompress the archive + file with the following command:</p> + <blockquote><p><kbd>gunzip -dc moz*.tar.gz | tar -xvf -</kbd></p></blockquote> + + <p>(This places the installer in a sub-directory named + <tt>mozilla-installer</tt>.)</p></li> + + <li><p>Change to the <tt>mozilla-installer</tt> directory + (<kbd>cd mozilla-installer</kbd>) and run the + installer with the <kbd>./mozilla-installer</kbd> command.</p></li> + + <li><p>Follow the instructions in the install wizard for installing + Mozilla</p></li> + + <li><p>To start Mozilla, change to the install directory and run the + <kbd>./mozilla</kbd> command.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p><b>Note</b>: you must run Mozilla at least once to complete + the installation process. If a different user (other than the + person who installed the program) runs the program first, a core + dump will occur.</p> + </div> + + <h4>Installing RPM builds</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>The Red Hat RPM builds are created to work with the default + Red Hat 7 and Red Hat 8 installations. Using these RPMs on SuSE requires + installation of the gdk-pixbuf package.</p> + </div> + + <h4>Multi-user installs</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To install Mozilla for multiple users on Linux, perform an installation + as described above. Then, create the following script in your Mozilla + directory, make it executable + (<kbd>chmod u+x <scriptname></kbd>), and run it as root. + <em>Do not run this program as su[do] root.</em></p> + +<pre> +#!/bin/sh +dist_bin=`dirname $0` +MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=$dist_bin +LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$dist_bin +export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME LD_LIBRARY_PATH +$dist_bin/regxpcom +$dist_bin/regchrome +touch $dist_bin/chrome/user-skins.rdf $dist_bin/chrome/user-locales.rdf +</pre> + </div> + + <h3>Starting Mozilla</h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>You can customize how Mozilla starts up, e.g. what profile to use, + via command line arguments. See + <tt><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/docs/command-line-args.html"> + http://www.mozilla.org/docs/command-line-args.html</a> + </tt></p> + + <p>To hook up Mozilla to the GNOME Panel, follow these steps:</p> + + <ol> + <li><p>Click the GNOME Main Menu button, open the Panel menu, and then + open the Add to Panel sub-menu and choose Launcher.</p></li> + <li><p>Right click the icon for Mozilla on the Panel and enter the + following command:</p> + + <blockquote><p><kbd><install_directory>/mozilla</kbd></p></blockquote> + + <p>where <install_directory> is the location of + your Mozilla installation (e.g. <tt>/usr/local/mozilla</tt>).</p> + + <li><p>Type in a name for the icon, and type in a comment if you wish.</p> + + <li><p>Click the icon button and type in the following as the icon's + location:</p> + + <blockquote><p><tt><directory_name>/icons/mozicon50.xpm</tt></p></blockquote> + </ol> + </div> + + <h3>Java and Plug-ins</h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>Mozilla searches for plug-ins in the following locations:</p> + + <ul> + <li>The path pointed to by environment variable + <tt>MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH</tt></li> + <li>Your Mozilla <tt>plugins</tt> directory, e.g. + <tt>/usr/local/mozilla/plugins</tt>)</li> + <li><tt>~/.mozilla/plugins</tt></li> + </ul> + + <p>If you install a plug-in without root permissions, use + <tt>~/.mozilla/plugins</tt> instead of the <tt>plugins</tt> + sub-directory of the Mozilla install directory. You may + have to create this directory first.</p> + + <p>For a list of plug-ins supported by Mozilla and how to + install them, visit + <tt><a href="http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html">http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html</a></tt> + </p> + </div> + + <h4>Java</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To run Java applets, you must install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) + version 1.4.1 or later (1.4.2 recommended). + + To enable Java for Mozilla, put a symlink to + <tt>java2/plugin/i386/ns610/libjava.oji.so</tt> + in your <tt>plugins</tt> directory, e.g.:</p> + + <blockquote> + <p><kbd>ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.2/plugin/i386/<strong>ns610-gcc32</strong>/libjavaplugin_oji.so ~/.mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so</kbd></p> + </blockquote> + + <p>Copying the file (instead of making a symlink) will cause + Java to crash.</p> + + <p>If you need to download the JRE, you can find it at: + <tt><a href="http://java.sun.com">http://java.sun.com</a></tt></p> + </div> +<!-- + <h4>Fonts</h4> + + <p>Many Linux systems (in particular, Red Hat Linux systems) have bad + Arial fonts. If many Web pages display Arial text that is unclear, + small, or hard to read, the following links explain two ways you can + change your font server to get better Arial fonts:</p> + + <blockquote><tt><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/docs/end-user/dark-mozilla-fonts.html#ttf">http://www.mozilla.org/docs/end-user/dark-mozilla-fonts.html#ttf</a></tt></blockquote> + <blockquote><tt><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/docs/end-user/dark-mozilla-fonts.html#fuzzy">http://www.mozilla.org/docs/end-user/dark-mozilla-fonts.html#fuzzy</a></tt></blockquote> + + <p>If that doesn’t work, you may be able to fix the problem by + renaming or removing <tt>/usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2</tt> .</p> +--> + <h3>Uninstalling Mozilla</h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To uninstall Mozilla, removed the directory where you installed + Mozilla. +<!-- + e.g. + <blockquote><pre>cd /usr/local/ +rm -rf mozilla</span></blockquote> +--> + Do NOT remove the <tt>~/.mozilla</tt> directory, which contains + profile information unless you no longer need your profiles.</p> + </div> + +<h2><a name="oh-yeah">Migrating from other Internet client software</a></h2> + + <div class="sect"> + <p> +<!-- + This section describes how you can import user data and + settings from other Internet clients in your local computer. + Information on migrating to Mozilla in a network, including + enabling roaming access, is discussed in chapter 7, + <q>Deploying Mozilla</q> on page XXX. +--> + Mozilla can import data directly from other popular Internet + clients such as Netscape Communicator, Microsoft Internet + Explorer, Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, and Eudora. + Mozilla can also import data in several standard file formats, + so migrating from other client software is also possible.</p> + + <p>Mozilla co-exists well with other Internet programs, + so uninstalling them is unnecessary.</p> + </div> + + <h3><a name="migrate-communicator">Migrating from Netscape Communicator</a></h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>If you have Netscape Communicator 4.5 or later installed, + Mozilla automatically converts the default profile + (but except for address books) for use with Mozilla.</p> +<!-- + except for the address book and security certificates +--> + <p><strong>Note:</strong> converting Communicator profiles requires + that Communicator is still installed on your computer. If you + have already uninstalled Communicator, reinstall it again so + you can convert your old profiles. After you have converted your + old profiles, you can uninstall Communicator.</p> + </div> + + <h4>Importing address book</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To import your address book from your Communicator profile, first + export it in the LDIF format. To do this:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open Address Book in Communicator.</p></li> + <li><p>In Address Book, open the File menu and choose Export.</p></li> + <li><p>In the Export dialog, choose type <tt>LDIF (*.ldif)</tt> .</p> + <p>Type in an identifiable filename that will be used as + the address book’s name upon import.</p> + <p>Save the file.</p></li> + <li><p>Close Netscape Communicator.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p>To import the LDIF file to Mozilla, follow these steps:</p> + + <ol> + <li><p>In Mozilla, open the Windows menu and choose Address Book</p></li> + <li><p>In Address Book, open the Tools menu and choose Import... .</p></li> + <li><p>In the Import dialog, select Address Books and click Next.</p></li> + <li><p>Select <tt>Text file (LDIF, .tab, .csv, .txt)</tt> and click Next.</p></li> + <li><p>In the file picker dialog, choose the LDIF file you just exported.</p></li> + <li><p>You should now see the <q>Address successfully imported from Text file</q> + message.</p></li> + </ol> + </div> + + <h4>Converting additional profiles</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To convert an additional Communicator profile for use with + Mozilla, first open the Profile Manager. If Mozilla is already + running, open the Tools menu and choose Switch Profiles...; + otherwise:</p> + <ul> + <li>On Windows, open the Start Menu, select Programs, + select Mozilla, and choose Profile Manager.</li> + <li>On Mac OS, hold down the Option key and open + Mozilla from the Finder or the Dock.</li> + <li>On Linux, run the <kbd>./mozilla -profilemanager</kbd> command.</li> + </ul> + + <p>In the Profile Manager dialog, select the profile you want to + convert and click Use Profile. A dialog will walk you through the + conversion process.</p> + + <p>To convert your address books, follow the instructions described + in the previous section.</p> + </div> + + <h4>Deleting old profiles</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>Netscape Communicator’s uninstaller does not remove your + old profiles. On Windows and Linux, to remove your old profiles, + delete the <tt>users</tt> sub-directory in Communicator’s + original install directory. + <!-- + Mac OS, delete the <tt>Netscape User</tt> + folder in the <tt>System:Preferences</tt> folder. ? + --> + <!-- System:Preferences:Netscape User:[User Profile]--> + </p> + </div> + + <h3><a name="migrate-netscape7">Migrating from Netscape 6 or 7</a></h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>Your Netscape 6 or 7 profiles will be available to Mozilla. + However, sharing profiles between Netscape 6 or 7 and Mozilla can + cause problems.</p> + + <p>Mozilla automatically uses your Netscape profile unless you have + multiple profiles, in which case Mozilla prompts you to choose a profile. + To avoid accidentally opening Mozilla with your Netscape profile, + create a new, extra profile using your Netscape’s Profile Manager + before installing Mozilla.</p> + + <p>It is worth repeating that + <strong>you should not share profiles between Mozilla and + Netscape 6 or 7</strong>.</p> + </div> + + <h4>AOL Mail and Netscape WebMail</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>You can use Mozilla's mail client to access AOL Mail. To set + up your AOL account on Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups, create a + IMAP mail account, set the incoming server to <kbd>imap.aol.com</kbd>, + and set the outgoing server to <kbd>smtp.aol.com</kbd>. For accounts with + AOL outside of U.S. and CompuServe 2000, see + <small><tt><a href="http://members.aol.com/adamkb/aol/mailfaq/imap/#foreign" + >http://members.aol.com/adamkb/aol/mailfaq/imap/#foreign</a></tt></small> + for server addresses. For instructions on how to set up an IMAP account, + consult Mozilla's on-screen Help.</p> + + <p>Netscape 6 and 7 has Netscape WebMail integrated + into its mail client. Mozilla does not have such integration, but + you can access Netscape WebMail via the Web at + <tt><a href="http://webmail.netscape.com/">http://webmail.netscape.com</a></tt>.</p> + + </div> + + <h3><a name="migrate-aol">Importing user data from AOL</a></h3> + <div class="sect"> + + <p>Mozilla cannot import data from AOL directly. To import mail + saved on your computer (Filing Cabinet) and addresses from AOL, + you must use third-party utilities to + export your data in formats Mozilla can import. You may try + the utilities listed in:</p> + + <blockquote><p><tt><a href="http://www.emailman.com/conversion/">http://www.emailman.com/conversion/</a></tt></p></blockquote> + + <p>(mozilla.org does not recommend or support any software listed + on the Web page.)</p> + + <p>For general instructions on importing mail and addresses, + read <q><a href="#migrate-other-mail">Migrating from another + mail client</a>.</q></p> + </div> + + <h3><a name="migrate-msie">Migrating from Microsoft Internet Explorer</a></h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>Migrating from Microsoft Internet Explorer is easy. Mozilla + automatically imports your Internet Explorer Favorites. To access them, + open the Bookmarks menu and select Imported IE Favorites.</p> + </div> + + <h4>Synchronizing your favorites and bookmarks manually</h4> + <div class="sect"> + + <p>Mozilla automatically imports your favorites only once. If you + have changed your favorites, you can re-import your favorites + manually.</p> + + <p>First, you need to export your favorites in HTML format. + On Mac OS,</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open <b>Internet Explorer</b>.</p></li> + <li><p>Open the Favorites menu and select Organize Favorites.</p></li> + <li><p>Open the File menu and select Export Favorites.</p></li> + <li><p>In the dialog that appears, save the file.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p>On Windows, to export your favorites,</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open <b>Internet Explorer</b>.</p></li> + <li><p>Open the File menu and select Import and Export.</p></li> + <li><p>Follow the instructions in the wizard that appears + to save your favorites to a file.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p>To import your favorites to Mozilla,</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open Mozilla. In Mozilla Navigator, open the + Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</p></li> + <li><p>In the Bookmarks Manager, open the Tools menu and + choose Import.</p></li> + <li><p>Open the HTML file you just saved + in the file picker.</p></li> + </ol> + </div> + + <h3><a name="migrate-outlook">Migrating from Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express</a></h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To import your old mail settings, mail, and addresses:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups: open the Window menu and choose + Mail & Newsgroups.</p></li> + <li><p>In Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups, open the Tools menu and choose Import.</p></li> + <li><p>Following the instruction of the Import dialog.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> importing settings, mail, and addresses + from Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express requires that the program + is still installed on your computer. + You may uninstall Outlook or Outlook Express afterwards.</p> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> Mozilla does not support special characters + (e.g. / and #) in mail folders. If you receive the following error: + <q>Unable to import mailboxes, cannot create proxy object for destination mailboxes</q>, + then open Outlook (or Outlook Express) and rename your folders. + Then try importing again.</p> + + </div> + + <h4>Hotmail</h4> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>Mozilla is not integrated with Hotmail, but you can access your Hotmail + account via the Web: + <tt><a href="http://www.hotmail.com">http://www.hotmail.com</a></tt></p> + </div> + + <h3><a name="migrate-eudora">Migrating from Eudora</a></h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To import your old mail settings, mail, and addresses:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups: open the Window menu and choose + Mail & Newsgroups.</p></li> + <li><p>In Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups, open the Tools menu and choose Import.</p></li> + <li><p>Following the instruction of the Import dialog.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> Mozilla does not support special character + (e.g. / and #) in mail folders. If you receive + <q>Unable to import mailboxes, cannot create proxy object for destination mailboxes</q> + error, open Eudora and rename your folders. Then try importing again.</p> + + </div> + + <h3><a name="migrate-other-browser">Migrating from another browser</a></h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To import saved Internet links to Mozilla from a browser other than + those mentioned above:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>From your old browser, export the links as an <tt>HTML</tt> file</p></li> + <li><p>In Mozilla Navigator, open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</p></li> + <li><p>In the Bookmarks Manager, open the Tools menu and choose Import.</p></li> + <li><p>Open the HTML file you just saved in the file picker.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p>You can now access the links from the Bookmarks menu.</p> + </div> + + <h3><a name="migrate-other-mail">Migrating from another mail client</a></h3> + + <div class="sect"> + <p>To import mail from a mail client other than those mentioned above:</p> + + <ol> + <li><p>From your old mail client, export your mail in standard Unix + mail box (<tt>.mbx</tt>) format. After the file is saved, + remove the file extension if there is any; for example, if + the filename is <tt>oldmail.mbx</tt>, change it to <tt>oldmail</tt> .</p> + + <p>The filename of the exported file must not have any special + character such as / or #.</p> + </li> + <li><p>Close Mozilla if you have it running.</p></li> + <li><p>Copy the mail box file to the <tt>mail/Local Folders</tt> + directory in your profile directory (see XXX).</p></li> + </ol> + <p>Your old mail should now be accessible from your + Local Folders account in Mozilla Mail & Newsgroups.</p> + + <p>To import mail addresses:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>From your old mail client, export your address in <tt>LDIF</tt> + format.</p> + <li><p>Open Mozilla.</p> + <p>Open the Windows menu and choose Address Book</p></li> + <li><p>In Mozilla Address Book, open the Tools menu and choose Import... .</p></li> + <li><p>In the Import dialog, select Address Books and click Next.</p></li> + <li><p>Select <tt>Text file (LDIF, .tab, .csv, .txt)</tt> and click Next.</p></li> + <li><p>In the file picker dialog, choose the LDIF file you just exported.</p></li> + <li><p>You should now see the <q>Address successfully imported from Text file</q> + message.</p></li> + </ol> + </div> + +<h2><a name="installation-troubleshooting">Installation troubleshooting</a></h2> + + <div class="sect"> + + <p>This section provides troubleshooting tips to frequently encountered + problems during installation. Not all known problems are listed here. + For additional help please read the release notes for your Mozilla + version.</p> + + <dl> + <dt>I cannot install Mozilla on Mac OS X</dt> + <dd> + <p>Make sure that extensions are not turned off. The + QuickTime extension must be on.</p> + </dd> + + <dt>I cannot uncheck optional components during installation</dt> + <dd> + <p>If you are installing to a directory where another version + of Mozilla was already installed, then every component you + have installed becomes a required component. To remove optional + component such as Chatzilla, uninstall first and then install + again.</p> + </dd> + + <dt>I receive error + <q>Unable to import mailboxes, cannot create proxy object for destination mailboxes</q> + when importing mail</dt> + <dd> + <p>Mozilla does not support special character (e.g. / and #) in + mail folders. If you receive the error, open your mail client + and rename your folders. Then try importing again.</p> + </dd> + + <dt>Address Book Palm Sync not installed correctly</dt> + <dd> + <ol> + <li><p>Download the following registry file to your hard drive:</p> + <small><tt><a href="http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mozilla/contrib/palm/AddPalmABSyncRegistryKey.reg"> + http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mozilla/contrib/palm/AddPalmABSyncRegistryKey.reg</a></tt></small> + + <li><p>If your Palm software is not installed in <tt>C:\Palm</tt>, then + open the file with a text editor to set the proper path. Note that + the path you specify is within " " and for each directory separator + use two \\ for each \.</p></li> + + <li><p>Now go to Windows explorer and double click on this file. This + should display a message saying <q>Information in this file has been + successfully entered into the registry.</q></p></li> + + <li><p>Redo the Address Book Palm Sync Install to enable Mozilla Address + Book Palm Sync.</p></li> + </ol> + </dl> + </div> + +</body> +</html> diff --git a/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/index.en.html b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/index.en.html new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/index.en.html @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +[%- mypath = "${template.name}"|replace('[^\/]*$','') -%] +[%- PROCESS "${mypath}/relnote.var" -%] +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> +<html lang="en"> +<head> + +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> + +<link rel="maintainer" title="Robert Kaiser" href="mailto:kairo@kairo.at"> +<link rel="top" href="../../" title="SeaMonkey Project"> +<link rel="up" href="../" title="SeaMonkey Releases"> + +<title>[% rnote.name %]</title> +</head> +<body> +<h1>[% rnote.name %]</h1> + +<p> +These release notes describe system requirements, installation instructions, +and known issues for [% rnote.name %]. +These notes are updated when we receive feedback, so please check back +for new information. Consult our <a href="..">releases</a> page to download the +source and the latest version of SeaMonkey for your platform. +</p> + +<h2>Contents</h2> + +<ul class="toc"> +<li><a href="README"><strong>[% rnote.name %] README</strong></a> + <ul> + <li><a href="README#new">What's New</a></li> + <li><a href="README#new-issues">New Issues</a></li> + </ul> +</li> +<li><a href="installation"><strong>Installation Instructions</strong></a> + <ul> + <li><a href="installation#before-installing">Before you install</a> + <ul> + <li><a href="installation#previous-seamonkey">If another SeaMonkey is installed</a></li> + <li><a href="installation#previous-mozilla">If Mozilla suite, or Netscape 6/7 is installed</a></li> + </ul> + </li> + <li><a href="installation#linux">Linux Installation</a></li> + <li><a href="installation#mac">Macintosh Installation</a></li> + <li><a href="installation#win">Windows Installation</a></li> + <li><a href="installation#files">Files Created or Used</a></li> + <li><a href="installation#files_profiles">Profile Locations</a></li> + <li><a href="installation#migration">Migrating from other Internet client software</a></li> + </ul> +</li> +<li><strong>Ports Installation Instructions</strong> + <ul> + <li>No ports are currently available</li> + </ul> +</li> +<li><a href="installation-extras"><strong>Java, Plug-ins, and Other Extras</strong></a></li> +<li><a href="known-issues"><strong>Known Issues</strong></a> + <ul> + <li><a href="known-issues#general">General</a></li> + <li><a href="known-issues#browser">Navigator (Web browser)</a></li> + <li><a href="known-issues#mail">Mail & Newsgroups</a></li> + <li><a href="known-issues#composer">Composer (HTML authoring tool)</a></li> + <li><a href="known-issues#venkman">JavaScript Debugger</a></li> + </ul> +</li> +</ul> + +</body> +</html> diff --git a/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/installation-extras.en.html b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/installation-extras.en.html new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/installation-extras.en.html @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +[%- mypath = "${template.name}"|replace('[^\/]*$','') -%] +[%- PROCESS "${mypath}/relnote.var" -%] +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> +<html lang="en"> +<head> + +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> + +<link rel="maintainer" title="Robert Kaiser" href="mailto:kairo@kairo.at"> +<link rel="top" href="../../" title="SeaMonkey Project"> +<link rel="up" href="./" title="[% rnote.name %]"> + +<title>Installation Extras</title> +</head> +<body> +<h1>Java, Plug-ins and Other Extras</h1> + +<p>This document describes installation and configuration of Java, plug-ins and +other SeaMonkey extras. Additional user help documentation can be found at the +<a href="http://www.mozilla.org/catalog/end-user/">End User</a> documentation pages.</p> + +<p class="important">For more information on plug-ins, see the + <a href="http://plugindoc.mozdev.org">plugin doc</a> at mozdev.org.</p> + +<ul> + <li><a href="#extras_java">Java</a></li> + <li><a href="#extras_palm">Palm Support (Windows)</a></li> + <li><a href="#extras_fonts">Linux Fonts</a></li> + <li><a href="#extras_addons">Other Add-ons</a></li> + <li><a href="#extras_talkback">Talkback</a></li> +</ul> + +<h3><a name="extras_java">Java</a></h3> + +<p><strong>Windows and Linux:</strong> To run Java applets, you must install the + <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/downloads.html"> Java Run Time Environment + (JRE)</a> plug-in.<br> +<p><strong>Windows:</strong> If you're using the Installer build and you already + have a compatible JRE on your system SeaMonkey should recognize it. If you've manually + set the preference to disable automatic plugin searches then you can do the + following to get Java working: After the JRE is installed on your machine, copy + <tt>NPOJI610.dll</tt> from the install directory (something like <tt>C:\Program + Files\JavaSoft\JRE\<version>\bin</tt>) to your SeaMonkey plugins directory (something + like <tt>C:\Program Files\mozilla.org\SeaMonkey\plugins</tt>).</p> +<p><strong>Linux</strong> Put a symlink to + <tt>/usr/java/jre<version>/plugin/i386/ns610<strong>-gcc32</strong>/libjavaplugin_oji.so</tt> + in your <tt>plugins/</tt> directory. In case of Java 1.5/5.0 or higher, use + <tt>/usr/java/jre<version>/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so</tt> <strong>rather than</strong> + <tt>/usr/java/jre<version>/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29/libjavaplugin_oji.so</tt>. + (Note copying the file instead of making the symlink will cause Java to crash.) +</p> +<p>With Linux RPM builds, you must install Java as the root user.</p> +<p><strong>Mac OS X</strong> To take advantage of the newest Java VM +available (1.5.0 as of this writing) and to avoid some bugs of the outdated +Java 1.3.1 plugin, you have to install +<a href="http://javaplugin.sourceforge.net">Java Embedding Plugin for Mac OS X</a> (Bug 274312) +</p> +<h3><a name="extras_palm" id="extras_palm">Installing Address Book Palm Sync on + Windows</a></h3> + +<p>To be able to sync between SeaMonkey's address book and your Palm, + choose <i>Address Book Palm Sync Install</i> in the SeaMonkey group in + the Start Programs menu. Note that if you set up your Palm to sync its + address book with SeaMonkey, the address book will no longer sync with the + Palm Desktop.</p> +<p>Once you have done this you can connect your Palm device and hit the HotSync + button on your Palm cradle. This should bring up the HotSync Manager dialog on + your desktop and should start SeaMonkey. Once sync is complete, close SeaMonkey and + then restart it and open SeaMonkey Address Book to verify the sync.</p> +<p>Some Palm users may need to add an extra step to this process + and add a registry key by hand. + <ol> + <li>Download this + <a href="http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/contrib/palm/AddPalmABSyncRegistryKey.reg">registry key</a> + and save to your hard drive. <em>Note: this link no longer seems to work.</em> + </li> + <li>If your Palm software is not installed in C:\Palm then edit the registry + key file and set the proper path. Please make sure that the path you specify is + within " " and for each directory separator use two ( use \\ for each \ ). + </li> + <li>Now go to Windows explorer and double click on this file. This should display a + message saying "Information in this file has been successfully entered into the + registry". + </li> + <li>Redo the Address Book Palm Sync Install to enable SeaMonkey Address Book + Palm Sync. + </li> + </ol><h3><a name="extras_fonts">Fonts</a></h3> +<p>Many Linux systems (in particular, Red Hat Linux systems) have bad Arial + fonts. (Bug <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46415" title="Bug 46415 - Arial looks much smaller than Helvetica at same size, and is">46415</a>) + If many Web pages, especially those using the Arial font, look unclear, small, + or hard to read, the following links explain two ways you can change your font + server to get better Arial fonts:</p> +<p><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/docs/end-user/dark-mozilla-fonts.html#ttf"> http://home.online.no/~rut-aane/linux.html#ttf</a><br> + <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/docs/end-user/dark-mozilla-fonts.html#fuzzy"> http://home.online.no/~rut-aane/linux.html#fuzzy</a></p> +<p>If that doesn't work, you may be able to fix the problem by renaming or removing + <tt>/usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2</tt>. For instance, enter the following command:<br> + <kbd>mv /usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2 /usr/share/fonts.ISO8859-2 </kbd> + </p> +<p>and then log out of Linux and log back in again. You can always undo this, + if necessary, by entering the following command:<br> + <kbd>mv /usr/share/fonts.ISO8859-2 /usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2</kbd> + </p> + +<h3><a name="extras_addons">Add-ons</a></h3> + +<p>A variety of extensions to SeaMonkey are available from the <a href="http://www.mozdev.org">mozdev.org</a> + including <a href="http://mycroft.mozdev.org/">additional search engine plugins</a>, + <a href="http://protozilla.mozdev.org/">support for telnet:// URLs</a> on Linux + (and other UNIX systems), + <a href="http://multizilla.mozdev.org">tabbed browser enhancements</a>, + and other add-ons for SeaMonkey. These extensions are + not officially supported by mozilla.org, but may be of interest to users seeking + to expand the capabilities of their SeaMonkey installation. A large number of + addons are also available at <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/">Mozilla Update</a>.</p> + +<h3><a name="extras_talkback" id="extras_talkback">Quality Feedback Agent</a></h3> +<p><em>Note: the Quality Feedback Agent does not currently work with SeaMonkey</em></p> +<p><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/quality/qfa.html">Quality Feedback Agent</a> collects data +about SeaMonkey in the event of a crash. Such information helps SeaMonkey +developers to quickly isolate the cause of a crash and then correct it. +The software does not collect any sensitive information such as Web +sites visited and passwords. +Reporting crash data is one of <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/quality/">many ways</a> +in which users can help improve the quality of the software. +Participation is not required but highly recommended.</p> + +<p>On Windows, if you are using automatic proxy configuration, you need +to <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/quality/qfa.html#proxy">edit</a> your <tt>talkback.ini</tt> +file for Quality Feedback Agent to work.</p> + +</body> +</html> diff --git a/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/installation.en.html b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/installation.en.html new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/installation.en.html @@ -0,0 +1,911 @@ +[%- mypath = "${template.name}"|replace('[^\/]*$','') -%] +[%- PROCESS "${mypath}/relnote.var" -%] +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> +<html lang="en"> +<head> + +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> + +<link rel="maintainer" title="Robert Kaiser" href="mailto:kairo@kairo.at"> +<link rel="top" href="../../" title="SeaMonkey Project"> +<link rel="up" href="./" title="[% rnote.name %]"> + +<title>Installation Instructions for [% rnote.name %]</title> +</head> +<body> +<h1>Installation Instructions for [% rnote.name %]</h1> + +<div class="important"> +<p><strong>To avoid incompatibility problem with previous versions, the +SeaMonkey installer will prompt you to delete the install directory if it is not +empty. Answer NO if you put your profile or other personal files in the install +directory, otherwise the files will be deleted. Users who put profiles in the +default location are not affected.</strong></p> +<p><strong>See the <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/start/1.5/faq/profile.html">profile FAQ</a> for +help on backing up your profiles.</strong></p> +</div> + +<p>This document outlines the system requirements, compatibility information and + installation instructions for [% rnote.name %]</p> +<ul class="toc"> + <li><strong><a href="#before-installing">Before you install</strong></a> + <ul> + <li><a href="#previous-seamonkey">If another SeaMonkey is installed</a></li> + <li><a href="#previous-mozilla">If Mozilla suite, or Netscape 6/7 is installed</a></li> + </ul> + </li> + <li><strong><a href="#linux">Linux</a></strong> + <ul> + <li><a href="#linux_require">Requirements</a></li> + <li><a href="#linux_install">Installation Instructions</a> + <ul> + <li><a href="#linux_install_installer">Using the SeaMonkey Installer</a></li> + <li><a href="#linux_install_manual">Using the .tar.gz archive</a></li> + <li><a href="#linux_install_multiuser">Multi-User Installation</a></li> + <li><a href="#linux_install_gnome">Adding SeaMonkey to the GNOME Panel</a></li> + <li><a href="#linux_install_rpm">Installing RPM Binaries</a></li> + </ul> + </li> + <li><a href="#linux_uninstall">Uninstallation</a></li> + </ul> + </li> + <li><strong><a href="#mac">Macintosh</a></strong> (Mac OS X) + <ul> + <li><a href="#mac_requirements">Requirements</a></li> + <li><a href="#mac_install">Installation Instructions</a></li> + <li><a href="#mac_uninstall">Uninstallation</a></li> + </ul> + </li> + <li><strong><a href="#win">Windows</a></strong> + <ul> + <li><a href="#win_requirements">Requirements</a></li> + <li><a href="#win_install">Installation Instructions</a> + <ul> + <li><a href="#win_install_installer">Using the SeaMonkey Installer</a></li> + <li><a href="#win_install_manually">Manually with the .zip file</a></li> + </ul> + </li> + <li><a href="#win_uninstall">Uninstallation</a></li> + </ul> + </li> + <li><strong>Ports (Other Operating Systems)</strong> + <ul> + <li>No ports are available at this time.</li> + </ul> + </li> + <li><a href="#files"><strong>Files Created or Used</strong></a> + <ul> + <li><a href="#files_profiles">Profile Locations</a></li> + </ul> + </li> + <li><a href="#migration"><strong>Migrating from other Internet client software</strong></a> + <ul> + <li><a href="#migrate-communicator">Migrating from Netscape Communicator</a></li> + <li><a href="#migrate-mozilla">Migrating from Mozilla suite, Netscape 6 or 7</a></li> + <li><a href="#migrate-aol">Importing user data from AOL</a></li> + <li><a href="#migrate-msie">Migrating from Microsoft Internet Explorer</a></li> + <li><a href="#migrate-outlook">Migrating from Microsoft Outlook or Outlook + Express</a></li> + <li><a href="#migrate-other-browser">Migrating from another browser</a></li> + <li><a href="#migrate-other-mail">Migrating from another mail client</a></li> + </ul> + </li> + <li><a href="installation-extras">Installation of Java, Plug-ins, and Extras</a></li> +</ul> + +<h2><a name="before-installing">Before you install</a></h2> + +<div class="section"> + <p>You can safely install SeaMonkey with other Internet client + software, such as Mozilla suite, Firefox, Google Chrome, Netscape, Firefox, + Microsoft Internet Explorer, Safari, Microsoft Outlook or OutLook Express, + Eudora, and Opera. SeaMonkey can <strong>import</strong> user data from many + other Internet clients; however, import may not work if you uninstalled the + client first. + + If you wish to migrate from another Internet client to SeaMonkey, we + recommend that you uninstall the client <em>after</em> you have both + installed SeaMonkey and have migrated your user data. For more details, read + <q><a href="#migration">Migrating from another Internet client</a></q>.</p> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> + To avoid incompatibility problem with previous versions, the SeaMonkey + installer will prompt you to delete the install directory if it is not empty. + Answer NO if you put your profile or other personal files in the install + directory, otherwise the files will be deleted. Users who put profiles in the + default location are not affected.</p> +</div> + +<h3><a name="previous-seamonkey">If you have a previous version of SeaMonkey + installed</a></h3> + +<div class="section"> + <p>Before installing a new version of SeaMonkey, you should uninstall + your previous version first. If you have a third-party extension + installed, particularly the <strong>spell checker</strong>, you + should also completely delete your SeaMonkey install directory before + making a new install. + <strong>Do not install over an old SeaMonkey version</strong>.</p> + + <p>Following the uninstall instructions in this document should not + affect your profile data (unless your profile files are in a custom + location).</p> +</div> + +<h3><a name="previous-mozilla">If you have Mozilla suite, Netscape 6 or 7 + installed</a></h3> + +<div class="section"> + <p><strong>Do NOT share profiles between SeaMonkey and Mozilla suite, + Netscape 6 or 7</strong>. + SeaMonkey, Mozilla and Netscape 6 or 7 share the same profile registry and + directory. However, a profile created by one may be incompatible with another. + + Mozilla automatically uses your Mozilla, Netscape 6 or 7 profile unless you + have multiple profiles, in which case SeaMonkey prompts you to choose a + profile.</p> + + <p>To avoid accidentally opening SeaMonkey with your Mozuilla or Netscape + profile, create a new, extra profile using your Mozilla’s or + Netscape’s Profile Manager before installing SeaMonkey.</p> +</div> + +<h2><a name="linux"><span class="very-strong">Linux</span></a></h2> + +<h3><a name="linux_require" id="linux_require">System Requirements</a></h3> +<ul> + <li> The following library versions (or compatible) are required for the GTK1 + build: glibc 2.<b>2.5</b>, XFree86 3.3.x, GTK 1.2.x, Glib 1.2.x. + Red Hat Linux <b>7</b>.0, Debian 3.0, and SuSE 7.3 (or later) + installations should work. The recommended build (GTK2) requires glibc 2.3.2, + XFree86 4.3.x, GTK 2.x, glib 2.x, libstdc++-3.3. + </li> + <li>Intel pentium class processor (233 MHz or faster recommended)</li> + <li>64 MB of RAM</li> + <li>100 MB of free hard disk space (significantly less space is required if you reduce the cache size)</li> +</ul> + +<h3><a name="linux_install"></a>Installation Instructions</h3> +<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> It is recommended that + you uninstall previous versions of SeaMonkey before installing [% rnote.name %]. + This will not delete your bookmarks, history, cookies and other + information which is stored in your profile directory. </p> +<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> You must run SeaMonkey at least + once to complete autoregistration and for the <tt>compreg.dat</tt> file to + be written to the installation directory. If a different user (other than the + person who installed the product) runs the program first, a core dump will + occur. (Bug <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49345" title="Bug 49345 - Document that admins must run product once after installation">49345</a>) +</p> +<p><strong>Note:</strong> These instructions use the bash shell. If you're not + using bash, either use the bash shell or adjust the commands accordingly.</p> + +<h4><a name="linux_install_installer"></a>Installation with the SeaMonkey Installer</h4> +<p>To install SeaMonkey by downloading the SeaMonkey installer, follow these steps:</p> +<ol> + <li>Create a directory named seamonkey[% rnote.version %] (<kbd>mkdir seamonkey[% rnote.version %]</kbd>) and + change to that directory (<kbd>cd seamonkey[% rnote.version %]</kbd>).</li> + <li>Click the link to download the installer file (called <tt>seamonkey-[% rnote.version %].en-US.linux-i686.installer.tar.gz</tt>).</li> + <li>Change to the SeaMonkey directory (<kbd>cd seamonkey[% rnote.version %]</kbd>) and decompress + the archive with the following command:<br> + <kbd>gunzip -dc sea*.tar.gz | tar -xvf -</kbd><br> + (This places the installer in a subdirectory of SeaMonkey named <tt>seamonkey-installer</tt>.) + </li> + <li>Change to the <tt>seamonkey-installer</tt> directory (<kbd>cd seamonkey-installer</kbd>) and run + the installer with the <kbd>./seamonkey-installer</kbd> command.</li> + <li>Follow the instructions in the install wizard for installing SeaMonkey.</li> + <li>To start SeaMonkey, change to the directory where you installed it and run + the <kbd>./seamonkey</kbd> command.</li> +</ol> + +<h4><a name="linux_install_manual"></a>Manual Installation With the tar.gz Archive</h4> +<p>To install SeaMonkey by downloading the .tar.gz archive file:</p> +<ol> + <li>Create a directory named "seamonkey[% rnote.version %]" (<kbd>mkdir seamonkey[% rnote.version %]</kbd>) and + change to that directory (<kbd>cd seamonkey[% rnote.version %]</kbd>).</li> + <li>Click the link to download the non-installer seamonkey*.tar.gz file into the + <tt>seamonkey[% rnote.version %]</tt> directory.</li> + <li>Change to the seamonkey directory (<kbd>cd seamonkey[% rnote.version %]</kbd>) and decompress + the file with the following command:<br> + <kbd> gunzip -dc sea*.tar.gz | tar -xvf - </kbd> (This creates a "seamonkey" + subdirectory under your seamonkey[% rnote.version %] directory.)</li> + <li>Change to the seamonkey directory (<kbd>cd seamonkey</kbd>).</li> + <li>Run SeaMonkey with the ./seamonkey run script.</li> +</ol> + +<h4> <strong><a name="linux_install_multiuser"></a>Multi-User Linux Installations</strong></h4> +<p>To install SeaMonkey for multiple users on Unix, install as normal, then create + the following script in your SeaMonkey directory, make it executable + (<tt>chmod u+x <scriptname></tt>), and run it as a user with write + privileges to the mozilla directory (e.g. root). <b>Do not run this program + as su[do] root.</b> (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52653" + title="Bug 52653 - regxpcom creates .mozilla in Real User's home">52653</a>) + +</p> +<pre> +#!/bin/sh +dist_bin=`dirname $0` +MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=$dist_bin +LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$dist_bin +export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME LD_LIBRARY_PATH +$dist_bin/regxpcom +$dist_bin/regchrome +touch $dist_bin/chrome/user-skins.rdf $dist_bin/chrome/user-locales.rdf +</pre> + +<p>You should then be able to run that installation of SeaMonkey as any user who has +permissions to access it. </p> + +<h4><a name="linux_install_gnome"></a>Adding SeaMonkey to the GNOME Panel</h4> +<ol> + <li>Click the GNOME Main Menu button, open the Panel menu, and then open the + Add to Panel sub-menu and choose Launcher.</li> + <li>Right click the icon for SeaMonkey on the Panel and enter the following command:<br> + <br> + <tt><em>directory_name</em>/seamonkey</tt><br> + <br> + where <em>directory_name</em> is the name of the directory you downloaded + SeaMonkey to.For example, the default directory that SeaMonkey suggests is <tt>/usr/local/seamonkey</tt>.<br> + </li> + <li>Type in a name for the icon, and type in a comment if you wish.</li> + <li>Click the icon button and type in the following as the icon's location:<br> + <br> + <!-- mozicon50.xpm was shipped in n7pr1. + So this note appears to apply to netscape too, + at least for the time being. --> + <tt><em>directory_name</em>/icons/mozicon50.xpm</tt><br> + <br> + where <em>directory_name</em> is the directory where you installed SeaMonkey. For + example, the default directory is <tt>/usr/local/seamonkey/icons/mozicon50.xpm</tt>.</li> +</ol> + +<h4><strong><a name="linux_install_rpm"></a>Installing RPM Builds</strong></h4> +<p><em>This may not apply to SeaMonkey yet.</em></p> +<p>The Red Hat RPM builds are created to work with the default Red Hat 7.x and + Red Hat 8.x installations. Using these RPMs on SuSE requires installation of + the <a href="http://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=gdk-pixbuf"> + gdk-pixbuf</a> package. (Bug <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85218" + title="Bug 85218 - mozilla-0.9.1-rpm libgdk_pixbuf.so.2 missing">85218</a>) +</p> + +<h3><a name="linux_uninstall"></a>Uninstallation</h3> +<ul> + <li> Remove the <tt>seamonkey[% rnote.version %]</tt> directory where you installed SeaMonkey</li> + <li> Remove the <tt>~/.mozilla</tt> directory, which contains <a href="#files_profiles">profile information</a></li> +</ul> + +<h2><a name="mac" id="mac">Macintosh</a></h2> +<h3><a name="mac_requirements"></a>System Requirements</h3> +<ul> + <li>Mac OS X 10.2 or later</li> + <li>PowerPC processor (266 MHz or faster recommended)</li> + <li>64 MB RAM (256 MB recommended)</li> + <li>100 MB of free hard disk space (significantly less space is required if you reduce the cache size)</li> +</ul> + +<h3><a name="mac_install"></a>Installation Instructions (Mac OS X)</h3> +<p>To install SeaMonkey by downloading the SeaMonkey disk image, follow these steps:</p> +<ol> + <li>Click the <tt>seamonkey-[% rnote.version %].en-US.mac.dmg</tt> link to download it to your + machine. By default, the file is downloaded to your desktop. </li> + <li>Double-click on the .dmg file, and drag the SeaMonkey icon onto your + hard disk.</li> + <li>We recommend that you copy it to the Applications folder. </li> + <li>Now eject the disk image. </li> + <li>If you like, you can drag SeaMonkey to your dock to have it easily accessible + at all times.</li> +</ol> + +<h3><a name="mac_uninstall"></a>Uninstallation Instructions</h3> +<ol> + <li>Remove the application files in + <tt class="filename">/Users/<var><yourusername></var>/Library/Mozilla</tt> + (but leave the <tt class="filename">Profiles</tt> sub-folder).</li> + <li>Remove the file "<tt class="filename">Mozilla Registry</tt>" from + <tt class="filename">/Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences</tt>.</li> + <li>Remove <tt class="filename">SeaMonkey</tt> from the installed location. (i.e. + <tt class="filename">/Applications</tt>).</li> +</ol> + +<h2><a name="win"></a>Windows</h2> +<h3><a name="win_requirements" id="win_requirements">System Requirements</a></h3> +<ul> + <li>Windows 95*, 98, 98SE, Windows Me, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0, + Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 2003<br> + <em>*with <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/com/default.mspx">DCOM for Windows 95</a></em></li> + <li>Intel pentium class processor (233 MHz or faster recommended)</li> + <li>64 MB RAM</li> + <li>100 MB of free hard disk space (significantly less space is required if you reduce the cache size)</li> +</ul> +<p class="important">Certain ATI video drivers are not compatible with + SeaMonkey and may lead to crashes. If you are experiencing crashes try + <a href="http://mirror.ati.com/support/driver.html">upgrading</a> + to the latest ATI driver. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101055" + title="Bug 101055 - Scrolling vertically crashes system - ATI Video Driver Problem">101055</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="win_install" id="win_install">Installation Instructions</a></h3> +<p class="important"><strong>Note:</strong> It is strongly recommended that you + exit all programs before running the setup program. Also, you should temporarily + disable virus detection software.</p> + +<h4><a name="win_install_installer"></a>Installation with the + SeaMonkey Installer</h4> +<p>To install SeaMonkey by downloading the SeaMonkey installer, follow + these steps:</p> +<ol> + <li>Click the <tt>seamonkey-[% rnote.version %].en-US.win32.installer.exe</tt> link to download the file + to your machine.</li> + <li>Navigate to where you downloaded the file and double click the SeaMonkey program + icon on your machine to begin the Setup program.</li> + <li>Follow the on-screen instructions in the setup program. The program starts + automatically the first time.</li> +</ol> + +<h4><a name="win_install_manually">Manual Installation With the .zip File</a></h4> +<p>To install SeaMonkey by downloading the .zip file and installing manually, follow + these steps:</p> +<ol> + <li>Click the <tt>seamonkey-[% rnote.version %].en-US.win32.zip</tt> link + to download the .zip file to your machine.</li> + <li>Navigate to where you downloaded the file and double click the compressed + file. Note: This step assumes you already have a recent version of WinZip + installed, and that you know how to use it. If not, you can get WinZip and + information about the program at <a href="http://www.winzip.com">www.winzip.com.</a></li> + <li>Extract the .zip file to a directory such as <tt>C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey[% rnote.version %]</tt> .</li> + <li>To start SeaMonkey, navigate to the directory you extracted SeaMonkey to and + double click the SeaMonkey.exe icon.</li> +</ol> + +<h4><a name="win_uninstall"></a>Uninstallation Instructions</h4> +<ul> + <li>If the SeaMonkey installer was used, simply go to Settings/Control Panel/Add + Remove Programs and choose [% rnote.name %].</li> + <li>If the zip build was used then simply remove the SeaMonkey[% rnote.version %] directory + where you installed SeaMonkey and remove the <a href="#files_profiles">profile directory</a></li> +</ul> + +<h2><a name="files">Files Created or Used</a></h2> +<p> SeaMonkey stores data associated with you in a place called a <a href="#profiles">profile</a>. + Profiles contain your preferences, mail folders, history, cookies, address books + and other important data. Here is a list of these files. </p> +<table cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" style="width:80%;"> + <tr> + <td></td> + <td class="deftable-head">Directories + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>Cache</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"> Cache files (temporary internet files). Enter <tt>about:cache</tt> + in the URL bar for more information. </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>chrome</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"> User defined styles and installed themes and applications + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>ImapMail</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">IMAP mail </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>Mail</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Local Folders and POP3 mail </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>News</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Usenet Newsgroups </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td></td> + <td class="deftable-head">Files </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt><i>somenumber</i>.s</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Tools -> Password Manager -> Manage Stored Passwords"> + Password data</a> </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt><i>somenumber</i>.w</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Tools -> Form Manager -> Edit Form Info">Fill Form + data</a> </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"> <div><tt>.autoreg</tt></div></td> + <td class="deftable-def">XPCOM Auto Registration clue. Tells SeaMonkey to check + for newly installed components the next time it launches. </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"> <div><tt>appreg</tt></div> + <div><tt>registry.dat</tt></div> + <div><tt>registry</tt></div></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Application Registry. Files where SeaMonkey keeps track + of your profiles. </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>abook.mab</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Window -> Address Book"> + Personal addressbook</a> </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>bookmarks.html</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Bookmarks -> Manage Bookmarks">Bookmarks</a> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>cert7.db</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Certificates -> Manage Certificates"> + Client Certificate database</a> </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"> <div><tt>compreg.dat</tt></div></td> + <td class="deftable-def">SeaMonkey XPCOM registry. Files where SeaMonkey keeps + track of its components. </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>cookies.txt</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Tools -> Cookie Manager -> Manage Stored Cookies"> + Cookies</a> </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>hostperm.1</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Tools -> Cookie Manager -> Manage Stored Cookies -> Cookie Sites"> + Cookie</a>, <a title="Tools -> Image Manager -> Manage Image Permissions"> + Image</a> and <a title="Tools -> Popup Manager -> Manage Popups">Popup</a> + permissions. Information stored in cookperm.txt in earlier versions.</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>history.dat</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Go -> History">URL history</a> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>history.mab</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Window -> Address Book -> Collected Addresses">Collected + Address book</a> </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>key3.db</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Certificates -> Manage Certificates"> + Key database</a> </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>localstore.rdf</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Defines default windows settings. Saved persistent + values. Info about toolbars, sizes, positions, etc </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>downloads.rdf</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Download history</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>training.dat</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a href="http://www.mozilla.org/mailnews/spam.html">Junk Mail filter</a> training data</td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>mimeTypes.rdf</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Defines recognized file mime types for the <a title="Edit -> Preferences -> Navigator -> Helper Applications"> + Helper App</a> </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>panacea.dat</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Mail folder cache. Summary of certain fields in all + the mail/news databases, mostly used to display the folder pane </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>panels.rdf</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Information about which panels that will be displayed + in the sidebar </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>prefs.js</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">All your settings. Enter <tt>about:config</tt> in + the URL bar for more information. </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>pluginreg.dat</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">All your registered plugins. Enter <tt>about:plugins</tt> + in the URL bar for more information. </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>search.rdf</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Information about your search plugins in the sidebar + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>secmod.db</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Edit -> Preferences -> Privacy & Security -> Certificates -> Manage Security Devices"> + Security module database</a> </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>URL.tbl</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def"><a title="Tools -> Form Manager -> Manage Sites -> Forms Never Saved"> + Excluded Fill Form data sites</a> </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>user.js</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">User settings which will be written into prefs.js + after SeaMonkey is started </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>xpti.dat</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">XPCOM typelib information catalog </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"> <div><tt>XUL.mfl</tt></div> + <div><tt>XUL FastLoad File</tt></div> + <div><tt>XUL.mfasl</tt></div></td> + <td class="deftable-def">XUL fast load file. Contains precompiled chrome and + JavaScript. </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"> <div><tt>Invalid.mfasl</tt></div> + <div><tt>Aborted.mfasl</tt></div></td> + <td class="deftable-def">At some time SeaMonkey invalidated your XUL fast load + file. These are the previous files. You can just delete them if you don't want to + debug them. </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"> <div><tt>mozver.dat</tt></div></td> + <td class="deftable-def">(Windows) Stores component version </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"> <div><tt>SeaMonkeyUninstall.exe</tt></div></td> + <td class="deftable-def">(Windows) Uninstaller executable file </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td></td> + <td class="deftable-head">Other Files </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt><i>*</i>.msf</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Mail Summary Files. Contains summary of the mail + folder. Located in the ImapMail and Mail directories. </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>msgFilterRules.dat</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Contains the <a title="Edit -> Message Filters">Mail + Filters for the current server</a>. Located in the ImapMail and Mail directories. + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt><i>*</i>.rc</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Contains subscribe newsgroups for the current server. + Located in the News directory. </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td class="deftable-item"><tt>hostinfo.dat</tt></td> + <td class="deftable-def">Contains all the newsgroups available for the current + server. Located in the News directory. </td> + </tr> +</table> + +<h3><a name="files_profiles" id="files_profiles">Profile Locations</a></h3> +<p>The following lists <em>typical</em> profile locations:</p> + +<dl> +<dt>Windows</dt> +<dd> +<p>On Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows ME (without log-in), the profile directory is typically<br> + <tt class="filename">C:\Windows\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\<var>[Profile Name]</var>\<var>[random string]</var>.slt\</tt> +</p> + +<p>On Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows ME with log-in, the profile directory is typically<br> + <tt class="filename">C:\Windows\Profiles\<var>[Log-in Name]</var>\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\<var>[Profile Name]</var>\<var>[random string]</var>.slt\</tt></p> + +<p>On Windows 2000 or Windows XP, the profile directory is typically<br> + <tt class="filename">C:\Documents and Settings\<var>[Log-in Name]</var>\Application Data\Mozilla\Profiles\<var>[Profile Name]</var>\<var>[random string]</var>.slt\</tt></p> + +<p>Note: on Windows 2000 or Windows XP, the <tt>Document and Settings</tt> +directory is hidden twice. To access the directory, enable Windows Explorer +to view System and Hidden directories and files.</p> +</dd> + +<dt>Mac OS X</dt> +<dd> + +<p>The profile location is typically:<br> + <tt class="filename">~/Library/Mozilla/Profiles/<var>[Profile Name]</var>/<var>[random string]</var>.slt/</tt></p> +</dd> + +<dt>Linux</dt> +<dd> +<p>The profile location is typically:<br> + <tt class="filename">~/.mozilla/<var>[Profile Name]</var>/<var>[random string]</var>.slt/</tt></p> +</dd> +</dl> + +<h2><a name="migration">Migrating from other Internet client software</a></h2> + +<div class="section"> + <p>SeaMonkey can import data directly from other popular Internet + clients such as Netscape Communicator, Microsoft Internet + Explorer, Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, and Eudora. + SeaMonkey can also import data in several standard file formats, + so migrating from other client software is also possible.</p> + + <p>SeaMonkey co-exists well with other Internet programs, + so uninstalling them is unnecessary.</p> +</div> + +<h3><a name="migrate-communicator">Migrating from Netscape Communicator</a></h3> + +<div class="section"> + <p>If you have Netscape Communicator 4.5 or later installed, + SeaMonkey automatically converts the default profile + (but except for address books) for use with SeaMonkey.</p> + <p><strong>Note:</strong> converting Communicator profiles requires + that Communicator is still installed on your computer. If you + have already uninstalled Communicator, reinstall it again so + you can convert your old profiles. After you have converted your + old profiles, you can uninstall Communicator.</p> +</div> + +<h4>Importing address book</h4> + +<div class="section"> + <p>To import your address book from your Communicator profile, first + export it in the LDIF format. To do this:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open Address Book in Communicator.</p></li> + <li><p>In Address Book, open the File menu and choose Export.</p></li> + <li><p>In the Export dialog, choose type <tt>LDIF (*.ldif)</tt> .</p> + <p>Type in an identifiable filename that will be used as + the address book’s name upon import.</p> + <p>Save the file.</p></li> + <li><p>Close Netscape Communicator.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p>To import the LDIF file to SeaMonkey, follow these steps:</p> + + <ol> + <li><p>In SeaMonkey, open the Windows menu and choose Address Book</p></li> + <li><p>In Address Book, open the Tools menu and choose Import... .</p></li> + <li><p>In the Import dialog, select Address Books and click Next.</p></li> + <li><p>Select <tt>Text file (LDIF, .tab, .csv, .txt)</tt> and click Next.</p></li> + <li><p>In the file picker dialog, choose the LDIF file you just exported.</p></li> + <li><p>You should now see the <q>Address successfully imported from Text file</q> + message.</p></li> + </ol> +</div> + +<h4>Converting additional profiles</h4> + +<div class="section"> + <p>To convert an additional Communicator profile for use with + SeaMonkey, first open the Profile Manager. If SeaMonkey is already + running, open the Tools menu and choose Switch Profiles...; + otherwise:</p> + <ul> + <li>On Windows, open the Start Menu, select Programs, + select SeaMonkey, and choose Profile Manager.</li> + <li>On Mac OS, hold down the Option key and open + SeaMonkey from the Finder or the Dock.</li> + <li>On Linux, run the <kbd>./seamonkey -profilemanager</kbd> command.</li> + </ul> + + <p>In the Profile Manager dialog, select the profile you want to + convert and click Use Profile. A dialog will walk you through the + conversion process.</p> + + <p>To convert your address books, follow the instructions described + in the previous section.</p> +</div> + +<h4>Deleting old profiles</h4> + +<div class="section"> + <p>Netscape Communicator’s uninstaller does not remove your + old profiles. On Windows and Linux, to remove your old profiles, + delete the <tt>users</tt> sub-directory in Communicator’s + original install directory.</p> +</div> + +<h3><a name="migrate-mozilla">Migrating from Mozilla suite, Netscape 6 or 7</a></h3> + +<div class="section"> + <p>Your Mozilla suite, Netscape 6 or 7 profiles will be available to + SeaMonkey. However, sharing profiles between Mozilla suite, Netscape 6 or 7 + and SeaMonkey can cause problems.</p> + + <p>SeaMonkey automatically uses your Mozilla or Netscape profile unless you + have multiple profiles, in which case SeaMonkey prompts you to choose a + profile. To avoid accidentally opening SeaMonkey with your Mozilla or + Netscape profile, create a new, extra profile using your Mozilla’s or + Netscape’s Profile Manager before installing SeaMonkey.</p> + + <p>It is worth repeating that + <strong>you should not share profiles between SeaMonkey and + Mozilla suite or Netscape 6 or 7</strong>.</p> +</div> + +<h4>AOL Mail and Netscape WebMail</h4> + +<div class="section"> + <p>You can use SeaMonkey's mail client to access AOL Mail. To set + up your AOL account on SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups, create a + IMAP mail account, set the incoming server to <kbd>imap.aol.com</kbd>, + and set the outgoing server to <kbd>smtp.aol.com</kbd>. For accounts with + AOL outside of U.S. and CompuServe 2000, see + <small><tt><a href="http://members.aol.com/adamkb/aol/mailfaq/imap/#foreign" + >http://members.aol.com/adamkb/aol/mailfaq/imap/#foreign</a></tt></small> + for server addresses. For instructions on how to set up an IMAP account, + consult SeaMonkey's on-screen Help.</p> + + <p>Netscape 6 and 7 has Netscape WebMail integrated + into its mail client. SeaMonkey does not have such integration, but + you can access Netscape WebMail via the Web at + <tt><a href="http://webmail.netscape.com/">http://webmail.netscape.com</a></tt>.</p> +</div> + +<h3><a name="migrate-aol">Importing user data from AOL</a></h3> + +<div class="section"> + <p>SeaMonkey cannot import data from AOL directly. To import mail + saved on your computer (Filing Cabinet) and addresses from AOL, + you must use third-party utilities to + export your data in formats SeaMonkey can import. You may try + the utilities listed in:</p> + + <blockquote><p><tt><a href="http://www.emailman.com/conversion/">http://www.emailman.com/conversion/</a></tt></p></blockquote> + + <p>(The SeaMonkey Project does not recommend or support any software listed + on the Web page.)</p> + + <p>For general instructions on importing mail and addresses, + read <q><a href="#migrate-other-mail">Migrating from another + mail client</a>.</q></p> +</div> + +<h3><a name="migrate-msie">Migrating from Microsoft Internet Explorer</a></h3> + +<div class="section"> + <p>Migrating from Microsoft Internet Explorer is easy. SeaMonkey + automatically imports your Internet Explorer Favorites. To access them, + open the Bookmarks menu and select Imported IE Favorites.</p> +</div> + +<h4>Synchronizing your favorites and bookmarks manually</h4> + +<div class="section"> + <p>SeaMonkey automatically imports your favorites only once. If you + have changed your favorites, you can re-import your favorites + manually.</p> + + <p>First, you need to export your favorites in HTML format. + On Mac OS,</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open <b>Internet Explorer</b>.</p></li> + <li><p>Open the Favorites menu and select Organize Favorites.</p></li> + <li><p>Open the File menu and select Export Favorites.</p></li> + <li><p>In the dialog that appears, save the file.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p>On Windows, to export your favorites,</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open <b>Internet Explorer</b>.</p></li> + <li><p>Open the File menu and select Import and Export.</p></li> + <li><p>Follow the instructions in the wizard that appears + to save your favorites to a file.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p>To import your favorites to SeaMonkey,</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open SeaMonkey. In SeaMonkey Navigator, open the + Bookmarks menu and choose Manage Bookmarks.</p></li> + <li><p>In the Bookmarks Manager, open the Tools menu and + choose Import.</p></li> + <li><p>Open the HTML file you just saved + in the file picker.</p></li> + </ol> +</div> + +<h3><a name="migrate-outlook">Migrating from Microsoft Outlook or Outlook + Express</a></h3> + +<div class="section"> + <p>To import your old mail settings, mail, and addresses:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups: open the Window menu and + choose Mail & Newsgroups.</p></li> + <li><p>In SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups, open the Tools menu and choose + Import.</p></li> + <li><p>Following the instruction of the Import dialog.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> importing settings, mail, and addresses + from Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express requires that the program + is still installed on your computer. + You may uninstall Outlook or Outlook Express afterwards.</p> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> SeaMonkey does not support special characters + (e.g. / and #) in mail folders. If you receive the following error: + <q>Unable to import mailboxes, cannot create proxy object for destination + mailboxes</q>, then open Outlook (or Outlook Express) and rename your + folders. Then try importing again.</p> +</div> + +<h4>Hotmail</h4> + +<div class="section"> + <p>SeaMonkey is not integrated with Hotmail, but you can access your Hotmail + account via the Web: + <tt><a href="http://www.hotmail.com">http://www.hotmail.com</a></tt></p> +</div> + +<h3><a name="migrate-eudora">Migrating from Eudora</a></h3> + +<div class="section"> + <p>To import your old mail settings, mail, and addresses:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>Open SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups: open the Window menu and + choose Mail & Newsgroups.</p></li> + <li><p>In SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups, open the Tools menu and choose + Import.</p></li> + <li><p>Following the instruction of the Import dialog.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p><strong>Note:</strong> SeaMonkey does not support special character + (e.g. / and #) in mail folders. If you receive + <q>Unable to import mailboxes, cannot create proxy object for destination + mailboxes</q> error, open Eudora and rename your folders. Then try importing + again.</p> +</div> + +<h3><a name="migrate-other-browser">Migrating from another browser</a></h3> + +<div class="section"> + <p>To import saved Internet links to SeaMonkey from a browser other than + those mentioned above:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>From your old browser, export the links as an <tt>HTML</tt> + file</p></li> + <li><p>In SeaMonkey Navigator, open the Bookmarks menu and choose Manage + Bookmarks.</p></li> + <li><p>In the Bookmarks Manager, open the Tools menu and choose + Import.</p></li> + <li><p>Open the HTML file you just saved in the file picker.</p></li> + </ol> + + <p>You can now access the links from the Bookmarks menu.</p> +</div> + +<h3><a name="migrate-other-mail">Migrating from another mail client</a></h3> + +<div class="section"> + <p>To import mail from a mail client other than those mentioned above:</p> + + <ol> + <li><p>From your old mail client, export your mail in standard Unix + mail box (<tt>.mbx</tt>) format. After the file is saved, + remove the file extension if there is any; for example, if + the filename is <tt>oldmail.mbx</tt>, change it to <tt>oldmail</tt>.</p> + + <p>The filename of the exported file must not have any special + character such as / or #.</p> + </li> + <li><p>Close SeaMonkey if you have it running.</p></li> + <li><p>Copy the mail box file to the <tt>mail/Local Folders</tt> + directory in your profile directory (see XXX).</p></li> + </ol> + <p>Your old mail should now be accessible from your + Local Folders account in SeaMonkey Mail & Newsgroups.</p> + + <p>To import mail addresses:</p> + <ol> + <li><p>From your old mail client, export your address in <tt>LDIF</tt> + format.</p> + <li><p>Open SeaMonkey.</p> + <p>Open the Windows menu and choose Address Book</p></li> + <li><p>In SeaMonkey Address Book, open the Tools menu and choose Import... + .</p></li> + <li><p>In the Import dialog, select Address Books and click Next.</p></li> + <li><p>Select <tt>Text file (LDIF, .tab, .csv, .txt)</tt> and click Next.</p></li> + <li><p>In the file picker dialog, choose the LDIF file you just exported.</p></li> + <li><p>You should now see the <q>Address successfully imported from Text + file</q> message.</p></li> + </ol> +</div> + +</body> +</html> diff --git a/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/known-issues.en.html b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/known-issues.en.html new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/known-issues.en.html @@ -0,0 +1,497 @@ +[%- mypath = "${template.name}"|replace('[^\/]*$','') -%] +[%- PROCESS "${mypath}/relnote.var" -%] +<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> +<html lang="en"> +<head> + +<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> +<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> + +<link rel="maintainer" title="Robert Kaiser" href="mailto:kairo@kairo.at"> +<link rel="top" href="../../" title="SeaMonkey Project"> +<link rel="up" href="./" title="[% rnote.name %]"> + +<title>Known Issues for [% rnote.name %]</title> +</head> +<body> +<h1>Known Issues for [% rnote.name %]</h1> + +<p>Use + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=SeaMonkey">Bugzilla</a> + to report bugs. Avoid submitting a duplicate bug report by checking to see if + your problem is already listed here or one of our + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/duplicates.cgi?sortby=delta&maxrows=100&changedsince=7"> + most frequently reported bugs</a>. The <a href="http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Bug_writing_guidelines"> + bug reporting guidelines</a> explain how to write a useful bug report that + results in your problem being fixed.</p> + +<dl> + <dt><a href="#general">General</a></dt> + <dd><a href="#chatzilla">ChatZilla</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#focus">Dialog Boxes and Windows</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#java">Java</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#flash">Flash</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#scrollwheel">Mouse wheel scrolling</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#plugins">Plugins</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#prefs">Preferences</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#printing">Printing</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#profiles">Profiles</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#proxies">Proxies</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#psm">Security</a></dd> + <dt><a href="#browser">Navigator (web browser)</a></dt> + <dd><a href="#pages">Accessing and Displaying Web Pages</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#download">Downloading Files</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#view-source">View Source</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#owa">Outlook Web Access (OWA)</a></dd> + <dt><a href="#mail">Mail & Newsgroups</a></dt> + <dd><a href="#mail-general">General Mail and News Issues</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#aolmail">AOL Mail and Netscape WebMail Accounts</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#attachments">Attachments</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#address">Address Book</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#PostOfficeProtocol">POP and IMAP</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#news">News</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#ldap">LDAP</a></dd> + <dd><a href="#offline-mail">Offline Mail</a></dd> + <dt><a href="#composer">Composer (html authoring tool)</a></dt> + <dt><a href="#venkman">JavaScript Debugger</a></dt> +</dl> + +<!-- +<h2><a name="new">New Issues</a></h2> +<ul> +<bang dash dash comment start + <li></li> +dash dash> +</ul> +--> + +<h2><a name="general">General SeaMonkey (cross-application issues)</a></h2> + +<h3><a name="chatzilla">ChatZilla</a></h3> +<p>[% rnote.name %] may not contain the latest version of ChatZilla. The most + recent release can be found + <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/seamonkey/16">here</a></p> + +<h3><a name="focus">Dialog Boxes and Windows</a></h3> +<p>If SeaMonkey is not responding, make sure there + are no dialog boxes still open. Close each window on your desktop one at a + time and if you uncover a dialog window, dismiss it. If you have multiple + desktops, repeat these steps for each desktop.</p> + +<p>This problem may affect Linux users downloading plugins. Follow these steps + to resolve the problem:</p> + <ol> + <li>Minimize the plugin download window.</li> + <li>Choose "Cancel" to dismiss the dialog box.</li> + <li>Reopen the download window and continue downloading the plugin.</li> + </ol> + +<h3><a name="java">Java</a></h3> +<p>A <em>significant</em> number of SeaMonkey crashes are actually caused by + Java. Please make sure you are using the latest available version of Java.</p> + +<p>The Linux binaries we distribute are now compiled with GCC 3.3 or GCC 3.4. + If you're using these binaries then you will need at least the 3.2 version of + the Java Plugin from + <a href="http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html">Sun J2SE v 1.4.2</a> + (or the Blackdown JDK 1.4.1 compiled with GCC 3.2 or higher.) The Sun Java + Plugin is compatible with modern Linux versions like Red Hat 8 or later and + SuSE 8.1 or later (the plugin depends on a newer version of libgcc_s.so, + installing the GCC supplements for Red Hat 7.3 -GCC 3.1 Compiler Suite for + Red Hat Linux 7.3 - may allow for some older Red Hat Linux to run the plugin) + Users of older Linux versions should wait for a SeaMonkey version compiled + specifically for their Linux distro, or compile it themselves. + Other than potential plugin issues, however, SeaMonkey continues to support + very old distros.</p> + +<p>Java J2SE releases previous to 1.3.0_01 will not work with SeaMonkey. + Problems have been reported with JRE 1.3.1 and 1.4.1. For best results JRE + 1.4.2 or newer is recommended.</p> + +<p>Running J2SE in 256 color mode may cause a flickering problem.</p> + +<p>Sun's JRE will crash at startup if your useragent does not begin with + Mozilla/5. It might print <code>Expected a version > 5! Version = 4</code> + The workaround is to not forge a useragent whose version is less than 5 if you + have the Sun JRE plugin in your plugin directory. This preference would appear + in pref.js as something like: <code>user_pref("general.useragent.override", + "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98;)");</code> (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83376" + title="Bug 83376 - Crash when loading Java Plugin if UserAgent string as MSIE">83376</a>) + +<h3><a name="flash">Flash</a></h3> +<p>Some SeaMonkey crashes are actually caused by Flash. Please make sure you are + using the latest available Flash plugin (Bug + <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=211213">211213</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="scrollwheel">Mouse wheel scrolling</a></h3> +<p>On Linux, you must have your X server properly configured to enable + mousewheel scrolling. For XFree86, add a line to the Pointer section of your + <tt>XF86Config</tt> files such as "<tt>ZAxisMapping 4 5</tt>". + Also be sure that the Protocol line is set up correctly for your mouse.</p> + +<p>On Windows, mousewheel scrolling does not work with all drivers. If you have + problems, try updating your driver or disabling any "helper" + programs that your mouse uses. If you have a Logitech mouse, you can either + upgrade the driver (to at least v9.60) or enable the "Microsoft Office + compatible scrolling" option in the Mouse/Buttons control panel.</p> + +<p>On Windows, old drivers of Synaptics touchpad may not have scrolling + enabled for SeaMonkey. You can get a new driver at + <a href="http://www.synaptics.com/support/downloads.cfm">http://www.synaptics.com/support/downloads.cfm</a>.</p> + +<p>On Macintosh, Mousewheel scrolling does not work with all drivers. If you + have problems, try updating your driver or disabling any "helper" + programs that your mouse uses. </p> + +<h3><a name="plugins">Plugins</a></h3> +<p>Plugins installed for Communicator 4.<em>x</em> may not be available for + SeaMonkey. Workaround: install these plugins in the SeaMonkey Plugins + folder.</p> + +<p>On Windows the Adobe SVG plugin crashes. Workaround: Don't copy it + (<tt class="filename">NPSVG3.dll</tt>, <tt class="filename">NPSVG3.zip</tt>) + into your plugins folder. If you want to view SVGs, SeaMonkey builds (except + Linux GTK1) include native SVG support. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=133567" + title="Bug 133567 - M1RC1; Crash because Adobe SVG plugin used an unfrozen inter">133567</a>)</p> + +<p>On Windows NT and 95 only, Microsoft Media Player file embedded in web pages + may not work. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66015" + title="Bug 66015 - Windows Media Player broken on NT and 95 only">66015</a>)</p> + +<p>If you're using the Linux GCC 3.3/3.4 binaries compiled by mozilla.org then + JavaScript access to Flash will only work with Flash 6.0r81 or above (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=212798" + title="Bug 212798 - Make existing linux flashplayer.xpt (for scriptability) work with gcc 3.2 builds">212798</a>)</p> + +<p>On Linux, there may be problems with ESD Audio and Flash. + (Bug <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85772" + title="Bug 85772 - [WORKAROUND] linux flash plugin can't find ESD socked (no so">85772</a>)</p> + +<p>[% rnote.name %] is not compatible with older versions of Macromedia Flash for + Macintosh (anything before version 6.0 r67.) Macintosh users should upgrade to + the latest version of Flash to avoid the possibility of crashes at some Flash + sites. A free upgrade is available at the + <a href="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash">Macromedia + Flash Player Download Center for OS X</a>.</p> + +<p>Many Flash on Linux problems can be fixed by upgrading to Flash 6.</p> + +<p>On Linux, SeaMonkey crashes at pages with Flash animations if an + <abbr title="X Input Method">XIM</abbr> server is used. See + <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla1.6/known-issues-int.html#flash">International Issues</a> as to how + to avoid the problem.</p> + +<h3><a name="prefs">Preferences</a></h3> +<p> Do not share a profile between Netscape or Mozilla and SeaMonkey. Doing + this can lead to unpredictable results, some of which may include loss of + Search settings and preferences and unchecked growth of the Bookmarks file + (large enough to freeze your system). It is best to create a new profile for + each or manually copy (and change the name) an existing profile. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137164" + title="Bug 137164 - Sharing the same profile with NS +Moz seems to cause RDF hor">137164</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="printing">Printing</a></h3> + +<p>On Windows, some users might not be able to print on Windows 98 or Windows + ME with the default spool setting. The workaround is to go into printer + properties, choose details tab, choose spool settings, and then choose print + directly to printer. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=130083" + title="Bug 130083 - unable to print on Win 98/ME with default spool setting">130083</a>)</p> + +<p>On Linux, Full print preview functionality (toolbars, printing from print + preview, page setup, etc.) is only available with the non-standard Xprint + module. (Bug <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=119491,126802,127810,129507">list</a>)</p> + +<p>In Print Preview, plugins are not shown. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=134002" + title="Bug 134002 - Plugins/applets don't render in print preview">134002</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="profiles">Profiles</a></h3> +<p>In Profile Manager, if you rename a profile to a name you previously used, + all your preferences may be lost. Workaround: If you rename a profile, use a + unique name. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113203" + title="Bug 113203 - Data loss with renaming profiles">113203</a>)</p> + +<p>If problems occur during installation and your Communicator profile was not + copied and converted, you can still use your profile. Launch SeaMonkey from + the command line, adding the "<code>-installer</code>" option (that + is, type "<code>seamonkey.exe -installer</code>" on the command + line), or reinstall SeaMonkey to see the profile manager dialog again.</p> + +<h3><a name="proxies">Proxies</a></h3> +<p>SeaMonkey only accepts hostnames for manual proxies. If you migrate a + Communicator 4 profile, you will need to change the settings manually. + Communicator 4 allowed URL's in manual configuration, but SeaMonkey does not. + If you migrate a profile configured this way, you will need to change the URL + to a hostname and port number. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30387" + title="Bug 30387 - Proxy: manual config does not support URLs (http://)">30387</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="psm">Security</a></h3> +<p>Fedora Core 5 users using SELinux in enforcing mode will experience security + permissions problems when using the GTK1 build. Use the GTK2 build instead + (recommended), or see + <a href="http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Building_on_Fedora_Core_5">this page</a> + for more information.</p> + +<p>No feedback is provided while restoring a certificate to a smart card, which + can take a long time since smart cards are relatively slow devices. As a + result, it may appear that the restoration is not happening. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52321" + title="Bug 52321 - need watch cursor when restoring certs">52321</a>)</p> + +<p>For security reasons, SeaMonkey does not allow connections to certain ports. + To override this on a per-port basis, add a comma separated list of ports to + <code>defaults/all.js</code> (in your SeaMonkey installation directory). Note + that this pref only works in the <code>all.js</code> file in the SeaMonkey + installation directory and it affects all users of the installation. It does + not work if you add it to the <code>prefs.js</code> or <code>user.js</code> + files in your personal + <a href="installation#files_profiles">profile directory</a>. + For example, to unblock ports 1, 3, and 7, use the following line: + <code>pref("network.security.ports.banned.override", "1,3,7");</code></p> + +<p>For security reasons, SeaMonkey does not allow web content to link to local + files. An error like: Security Error: Content at url may not load or link to + file:///something will appear in the javascript console. If you need to follow + links to local paths it is recommended that you drag the link to the location + bar and then drop it on the webpage. If you really don't like the security + check and are willing to risk a site having access to all files on your system + and that your system can access then you may add the site's name to a policy + (say one called "policyname") as described in the + <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/components/ConfigPolicy.html">CAPS documentation</a> + and set the "capability.policy.policyname.checkloaduri.enabled" + preference to "allAccess". </p> + +<p>On Windows, some software firewalls may block SeaMonkey from properly + accessing the Internet. If SeaMonkey is not working properly, check that your + firewall settings allows SeaMonkey to connect to the net. If your receive a + warning from ZoneAlarm that SeaMonkey attempts to set itself up as a local + server, it is due to SeaMonkey communicating with Personal Security Manager + (PSM) which is required to access secure Web and mail servers, and you should + allow SeaMonkey access.</p> + +<h2><a name="browser">Navigator (the browser)</a></h2> + +<h3><a name="pages">Accessing and Displaying Web Pages</a></h3> + +<p>Pages that appear to be rendered incorrectly may be due to standards + compliance issues. See the + <a href="http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web_Standards">Web Standards</a> + page on + <a href="http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Main_Page">Mozilla Developer Center</a> + and + <a href="http://www.mozilla.org/projects/tech-evangelism/">Mozilla Evangelism</a> site for more + details.</p> + +<p>Using Windows 98 with some ATI graphics adapters will result in occasional + corruption of inline images as rendered on web pages. This is an ATI graphics + driver bug. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=104992" + title="Bug 104992 - Rendering problems on win98 with older ATI vidcards">104992</a>)</p> + +<p>While enabling HTTP pipelining may significantly improve page load times, it + can prevent some websites from loading correctly. If you experience problems + loading a website, please verify that HTTP pipelining is disabled and try + again (see Preferences->Advanced->HTTP Networking). HTTP pipelining is + disabled by default.</p> + +<h3><a name="download">Downloading Files</a></h3> +<p>If the user is downloading a file in the background and the user exits from + the File menu, the download will abort without warning. Workaround: Only exit + after downloads finish. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28385" + title="Bug 28385 - Alert user before Mozilla exit if files are still downloadinh">28385</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="view-source">View Source</a></h3> +<p>On Macintosh, the horizontal scrollbar in the View Source window might be + missing. Resize the window to see the scrollbar. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56488" + title="Bug 56488 - Resize widget (growbox) hides bottom arrow in scrollbar">56488</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="owa">Outlook Web Access (OWA)</a></h3> +<p>The Forward, Reply, Reply All, and Reply to Folder buttons may not work. This + happens if you have some form of popup blocking enabled. A telltale sign of + this is a small explosion icon in the statusbar. An easy way to fix this is to + select Tools->Popup Manager->Allow Popups From This Site. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=102476" + title="Bug 102476 - dom.disable_open_during_load pref is incompatible with Outlook Web Access (OWA)">102476</a>)</P> + +<h2><a name="mail">Mail & Newsgroups</a></h2> + +<h3><a name="mail-general">General Mail and News Issues</a></h3> + +<p>Attempting to compose, forward, or reply to a message may result in a + non-functional compose window. To work around it, open a new compose window, + close the new window, and then close non-functional one. If you try again, it + will work. (Bug + <a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=307672" + title="Bug 307672 - Attempt to compose mail gives JS error "NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER"">307672</a> )</p> + +<p>Moving or copying a labeled message will not retain label in destination + when filing across accounts:</p> + <ol> + <li>IMAP to any other account (including Local Folders): Message labels are + lost.</li> + <li>POP to POP (including Local Folders) is OKAY.</li> + <li>POP to IMAP: Message labels are lost.</li> + <li>Copy Newsgroup messages to any account: Message labels are lost. + (Bug <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=133795" + title="Bug 133795 - Mozilla 1.0 Release Notes Tracking Bug">133795</a>)</li> + </ol> + +<p>In the Mail/News Account Settings: Server Settings dialog box, any changes + you make to local directory settings won't take effect until you exit and + restart SeaMonkey (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2654" + title="Bug 2654 - localPath does not take effect until restart">2654</a>)</p> + +<p>The Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings dialog box does not display + correctly at lower monitor resolutions such as 800 by 600 or 640 by 480. If + possible, increase your monitor's display resolution above 800 by 600. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=82122" + title="Bug 82122 - Fix Account Manager window size">82122</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="aolmail">AOL Mail and Netscape WebMail Accounts</a></h3> +<p>SeaMonkey does not integrate with AOL Mail and Netscape WebMail, as Netscape + 6/7 do. If you share your Netscape 6/7 profile with SeaMonkey, you may be able + to see headers for messages in the account's Inbox if you have previously + checked one of these accounts in Netscape 6/7, but you will be unable to + interact with the messages. To access your AOL Mail, WebMail, or Netscape + Instant Messenger, you need to use Netscape 6/7.</p> + +<h3><a name="attachments">Attachments</a></h3> +<p>Attaching RTF files to emails may result in them being sent such that most + readers will not be able to read them. If you plan to send RTF attachments, + you should go to Edit->Preferences->Navigator->Helper Applications, + select "New Type", and enter:</p> + <pre> + MIME Type: <b>application/rtf</b> + Description: <b>Rich Text Document</b> + Extension: <b>rtf</b> + </pre> +<p>and then select OK to close the dialogs.</p> + +<h3><a name="address">Address Book</a></h3> +<p>SeaMonkey does not import Communicator 4.x addressbooks. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=35509" + title="Bug 35509 - Hooking up automatic 4.x address book import in the mozilla code base">35509</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="PostOfficeProtocol">Pop</a> and IMAP</h3> +<p>You must exit and restart SeaMonkey to see the effect of a change to the + option "show only subscribed IMAP mail folders". To access this + option: choose the Advanced button in the Server section of the Account + Settings dialog box. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38943" + title="Bug 38943 - Need to restart to see result of check/uncheck 'show only su">38943</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="news">News</a></h3> +<p>The Subscribe dialog box may not work with news servers that require + authentication. If you open a password-protected newsgroup you may be prompted + more than once for the user name and password combination.</p> + +<h3><a name="ldap">LDAP</a></h3> +<p>LDAP directories with + <tt><a title="LDAP Data Interchange Format" href="http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2849.html">ldif</a></tt> + extensions may appear after migration from Communicator 4.x. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94645" + title="Bug 94645 - LDAP directory with ldif extention appeared after migration">94645</a>)</p> + +<p>SeaMonkey may temporarily hang during LDAP autocomplete if network + connectivity is broken. Specifically, if the LDAP server in question is + unreachable (network connectivity problems, including taking a laptop outside + a firewall), the entire app will hang when attempting to contact that server. + The app will begin responding again after about 10 seconds (the length of the + TCP timeout). (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79509" + title="Bug 79509 - avoid stalling out if ldap C SDK hangs during connect() (LDA">79509</a>)</p> + +<h3><a name="offline-mail">Offline Mail</a></h3> +<p>Moving/Copying a downloaded message (while offline) will result in not being + able to read the message at the new folder while you are offline. Workaround: + Go online to read it, then re-download the message to have it accessible when + you are offline. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78809" + title="Bug 78809 - Offline:Offline copy of an imap message moved offline is los">78809</a>)</p> + +<p>When starting SeaMonkey, if you only have one profile, both of the Offline + preferences for startup mode ("Ask me if I want online or offline + mode", or "Use my previous online/offline state") do not work. + SeaMonkey will always start in online mode. To go offline, from the File menu, + choose Work Offline. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=82487" + title="Bug 82487 - offline: Startup mode doesn't work - 'remember my prev mode' o">82487</a>)</p> + +<h2><a name="composer">Composer</a></h2> + +<p>When Publishing in Composer, if the Publishing URL, file name, username, or + password contain any special characters (such as "@") that need to + be escaped, then Composer creates a duplicate site entry each time you publish + the document. To work around this bug, choose the original site name from the + Site Name list in the Publish dialog box before publishing the document again. + For example, some ISP users have usernames that are also their email + addresses, e.g., "janedoe@ispname.net". After publishing to this + site, the next time you use the Publish dialog, the username from the document + URL will appear as "janedoe%40ispname.net" (the "@" was + escaped during publishing). Since Composer can't find this entry, it creates a + duplicate site name. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=141819" + title="Bug 141819 - Publish URL, filename, username, and password need to be une">141819</a>)</p> + +<p>You may not be able to simultaneously edit a document using both Composer and + another editor. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27820" + title="Bug 27820 - When the editor gets focus check for changes">27820</a>)</p> + +<p>Certain pages (such as ones that set frames) can't be edited. However, you + are still able to choose the Edit Page option in the File menu for such pages. + An editor window opens, but you are unable to edit the page.</p> + +<p>Edit->Paste As function does not exist yet. (Bugs + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73286" + title="Bug 73286 - Paste Special feature have clipboard 'flavors'">73286</a>, + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41547" + title="Bug 41547 - Paste Special submenu needed - paste cells as Rows or Column">41547</a>)</p> + +<p>You can not print HTML Source. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=82239" + title="Bug 82239 - can't print HTML source">82239</a>)</p> + +<p>Some shortcut keys do not function properly. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=48375,67142,57700,26264,48951,76925,57805,70630,70630,26269,53505">list</a>)</p> + +<p>Hourglass does not show when application is busy. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=83300" + title="Bug 83300 - show busy cursor when pasting and other slow actions">83300</a>)</p> + +<p>Some element icons do not render in Show All Tags mode. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=88036" + title="Bug 88036 - Make AllTags mode in Composer use generated content instead">88036</a>)</p> + +<p>List editing can cause nested lists to outdent to next level list. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98547" + title="Bug 98547 - sublists can get pulled up into parent list when changing li">98547</a>)</p> + +<p>Some of the editor dialogs, particularly table cell properties, are too + narrow. (Bug <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=371194" + title="Bug 371194 - table properties dialog too narrow">371194</a>)</p> + +<h2><a name="venkman">JavaScript Debugger</a></h2> +<p>Once you've floated all the views out of the main window, no drop targets + remain to bring them back. If you have "Save Default Layout On Exit" checked, + and you exit, you will appear to be stuck like this. (Bug + <a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=151785" + title="Bug 151785 - Once all the views are floated, no way to put them back">151785</a>)</p> + +<p>As a workaround, show the Interactive Session from the Show->View/Hide + menu, and type "/restore-layout factory".</p> + +</body> +</html> diff --git a/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/relnote.var b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/relnote.var new file mode 100644 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/releases/seamonkey1.1.15/relnote.var @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +[%- rnote.version = "1.1.15" -%] +[%- rnote.name = "SeaMonkey $rnote.version" -%] +[%- rnote.relativeto.version = "1.1.14" -%] +[%- rnote.relativeto.name = "SeaMonkey $rnote.relativeto.version" -%]