# HG changeset patch
# User jh@junetz.de
# Date 1312923069 0
#      Tue Aug 09 20:51:09 2011 +0000
# Node ID c591e617ec42921fc3dacfd1c48f4f49bc3a6cfe
# Parent  5f45d329e3ba91dd294e6ae71e59dc31f39dc300
Bug 665682 - Create 2.2 Release Notes
Removed bug 658060 (see bug 674445)

diff --git a/src/releases/seamonkey2.2/index.en.html b/src/releases/seamonkey2.2/index.en.html
--- a/src/releases/seamonkey2.2/index.en.html
+++ b/src/releases/seamonkey2.2/index.en.html
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
   <li>If you are using SeaMonkey with one of the following locales, Help will be broken.
     We hope to fix this for the next release. The locales are: en-GB (British English),
     es-AR (Argentine Spanish).</li>
-  <li>In some cases where an old profile has been migrated, the sound settings (Browse,
-    Play) on the Popup Windows Preferences pane do not work. Try resetting the
-    privacy.popups.sound_url pref from about:config (<a
-    href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=658060">bug 658060</a>).</li>
   <li>Drag and drop of contacts between address books is broken (<a
     href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671251">bug 671251</a>).</li>
   <li>After creating a news account through clicking a news URL, the MailNews