# HG changeset patch
# User jh@junetz.de
# Date 1317313109 0
#      Thu Sep 29 16:18:29 2011 +0000
# Node ID c8ec3d9e3287c86cc68597878cd33deca57e403f
# Parent  d8141cd19d1477014d32b1dfb6047da73a1cf849
Bug 690381 - Add documentation for Sync
Everything but the sitemap update

diff --git a/src/doc/index.en.html b/src/doc/index.en.html
--- a/src/doc/index.en.html
+++ b/src/doc/index.en.html
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
   <li><a href="profiles">Profiles</a></li>
   <li><a href="geolocation">Location-Aware Browsing</a></li>
   <li><a href="forms">Forms</a></li>
+  <li><a href="sync">Sync</a></li>
   <li><a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/FAQ">Frequently Asked Questions</a></li>
diff --git a/src/doc/sync.en.html b/src/doc/sync.en.html
new file mode 100755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/doc/sync.en.html
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
+<html lang="en">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
+<link rel="top" href="../" title="SeaMonkey Project">
+<link rel="up" href="./" title="Documentation &amp; Help">
+<title>SeaMonkey Sync</title>
+<h1>SeaMonkey Sync</h1>
+<h2 id="about">About SeaMonkey Sync</h2>
+<div class="section">
+  <p>Sync lets you synchronize your browsing data such as bookmarks, history
+    and passwords between installations of SeaMonkey or Firefox (e.g. your
+    computers at home and at work) or mobile phones that support Firefox Sync.</p>
+  <p>All data is stored securely in a way that allows only you to access it
+    (encryption happens on the client side). Mozilla provides a default Sync
+    server free of charge, but individuals can <a
+    href="http://docs.services.mozilla.com/howtos/run-sync.html">run their
+    own</a>, too.</p>
+  <p>Sync uses a set of credentials: A user name (email address), a password,
+    and a Sync Key. The user name and password are used for communication
+    between clients (browsers using a certain Sync account) and the Sync
+    server, i.e. the password protects you from others that might try to
+    take over your account. The Sync Key on the other hand is used to
+    encrypt all data before it is sent to the Sync server. Unlike the
+    user name and password, which are known to the Sync server, it is only
+    known to you.</p>
+  <p>After the initial setup, Sync operates in the background, continually
+    and automatically synchronizing your data with the Sync server (manually
+    triggering a synchronization is possible, too). Clients that run
+    simultaneously and access the same Sync account have their data merged
+    on the fly.</p>
+<h2 id="setup">Setting Up Sync</h2>
+<div class="section">
+  <ol>
+    <li>Open the "Tools" menu from a SeaMonkey browser or MailNews
+      window and select "Set Up Sync".</li>
+    <li>Click "Create a New Account".</li>
+    <li>If you haven't done so already, you will be prompted to set up
+      a Master Password. You need to choose one in order to have the
+      Sync credentials stored securely on your local machine.</li>
+    <li>On the following screen (Account Details), enter your email
+      address, create a password and confirm it. Then select "<em>I
+      agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy</em>" and
+      click "Next".</li>
+    <li>Next you will be presented with the Sync Key (Recovery Key)
+      for the Sync account you just created. Save or print a copy of
+      it and store it somewhere safe (if you lose it, the data on the
+      Sync server is irretrievably lost!). Afterwards, click "Next".</li>
+    <li>Now confirm that you are not a robot by entering the text from
+      the image. Then click "Next".</li>
+    <li>You will see a <em>Setup Complete</em> message. Click "Finish"
+      to close the setup window. Further customization can be done under
+      Preferences/Sync.</li>
+    <li>You do not need to do anything else. SeaMonkey Sync will
+      automatically synchronize your data in the background from here
+      on. If you wish, you can manually trigger a Sync run at any time using
+      either the Tools menu entry "Sync Now" that now appears instead of
+      "Set Up Sync", or a Sync button that can be added to any customizable
+      toolbar.<br>
+      Note: The first synchronization should happen quickly but may
+      take more than 30 minutes depending on how much information
+      needs to be synced.</li>
+  </ol>
+<h2 id="adddevice">Adding a Device</h2>
+<div class="section">
+  <p>The following assumes that you already set up Sync on at least one
+    device (see steps above) and have both devices at hand.</p>
+  <ol>
+    <li>On the device with Sync already set up, go to Preferences/Sync and
+      choose "Add a Device" from "Manage Account". A new window will open.</li>
+    <li>If your second device is another instance of SeaMonkey, open the
+      "Tools" menu from a SeaMonkey browser or MailNews window and select
+      "Set Up Sync", then click "Connect". Otherwise follow the steps
+      outlined in the <a
+      href="http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/find-code-to-add-device-to-firefox-sync">Where
+      can I find the code to add a device to Firefox Sync</a> article on
+      Firefox Help.</li>
+    <li>Enter the code as it is displayed on your second device. Then click
+      "Next".</li>
+    <li>When the code is accepted, you will see a <em>Device Connected</em>
+      message and your device will immediately begin syncing. Click "Finish"
+      to close the setup window and go back to the Sync panel.</li>
+  </ol>
+  <p>Alternatively, if you only have your second device at hand, you can set
+    it up using the Sync account information (email address, password and
+    Sync Key / Recovery Key). Following are the steps you need to take
+    in order to set up another instance of SeaMonkey. For devices running
+    Firefox, see the <a
+    href="http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/add-a-device-to-firefox-sync#w_how-do-i-add-a-device-when-im-not-near-my-computer">How
+    do I add a device to Firefox Sync</a> article on Firefox Help.</p>
+  <ol>
+    <li>On the second device, open the "Tools" menu from a SeaMonkey browser
+      or MailNews window and select "Set Up Sync".</li>
+    <li>Click "Connect".</li>
+    <li>Click "I don't have the device with me" below the three boxes.</li>
+    <li>Enter your Sync email address and password, then click "Next".</li>
+    <li>Enter your Sync Key (Recovery Key) and click "Next".</li>
+    <li>You will see a <em>Setup Complete</em> message. Click "Finish" to
+      close the setup window.</li>
+  </ol>
+<h2 id="accountinfo">Finding Sync Account Information</h2>
+<div class="section">
+  <p>To determine your Sync account information, follow these steps:</p>
+  <ol>
+    <li>Go to Preferences/Sync.</li>
+    <li>The account name is displayed at the top. You cannot change it.</li>
+    <li>The computer name (which is used for the "Tabs From Other Computers"
+      functionality available from the "Go" menu of browser windows)
+      is displayed at the bottom. This string can be changed.</li>
+    <li>Your password is not displayed anywhere. You can change it using
+      "Manage Account" / Change your Password", though.</li>
+    <li>The Sync Key (Recovery Key) is displayed if you choose "Manage Account"
+      / "My Sync Key" ("My Recovery Key") or "Add a Device" followed by
+      clicking "I don't have the device with me".</li>
+  </ol>